Dev Blog Starbound 1.2 - Vault Update

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    Well, why? I mean, it'd probably break like, all the lights, but just fix them?
  2. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    "Just"? Aside from this basically involving a near grounds-up rewrite of the entire damned renderer, the lights likely aren't gonna come out looking so fresh.

    I can see it now. "Bwaah, it runs faster now on my old-ass computer that I refuse to upgrade for no good reason but the lights look like shit now!" "What do you mean by shit?" "They look like Terraria's now! If I wanted to play Terraria I'd do so! Refund!!!"

    Shit like that. Surely you can imagine a few other possible reactions. And then the devs quite explicitely state that the next update'll have improved lights because they simply couldn't replace the entire damned renderer and keep the lights as nice as they were in the original in such a short time (note that "one month" is too long for many here), and literally noone who ostensibly cares will bother to read or remember that.

    That shit's happened way too often before. You know it'd happen again.

    bwaaah this update broke my custom armor's glow! refund!! my character's colors are all off by a single step! ruined forever!!!
    Sylxeria and DragonsForce like this.
  3. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    Oh yeah, talking of lights...
    When are they going to fix multiplayer nova fullbright?

    Both characters are meant to be fullbright on both screens.
    Client 1:
    Client 2:
    Yes, I'm using mods. No, mods are not causing the issue. Yes, I tested it in vanilla.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2016
  4. JSG6155

    JSG6155 Void-Bound Voyager


  5. gameboytj

    gameboytj Ketchup Robot

    I know :(
    I just wish though...
  6. whereaminow51

    whereaminow51 Void-Bound Voyager

    Thiss One Requiress GoG versssion..........
  7. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    I mean, they can fix THIS without rewriting the entire lighting engine...
    Kawa and Firebird Zoom like this.
  8. Healthire

    Healthire Can't Most Program the Least

    Unavailable Vault Keys
    There will be a fix for this in the coming days. In the meantime, if you've beaten the main story on a server and want to get the keys in single player you can use this command:

    /setuniverseflag vaultsopen
    Crew Duplicates
    While this update does stop crew duplication, it does not remove existing duplicates from your ship. Killing them with lava unfortunately respawns them. Causing them to have a script error however does not. So to remove duplicates, enter the following command while hovering over your crew members to cause them to error.

    /entityeval self.behavior = "string"
    Don't worry, your original crew member copies will respawn even after erroring out. This isn't an ideal solution but you will hopefully never have to do it again.

    Rare Performance Issue
    There are a few reports of very bad performance problems this update. This is most commonly reported by people on Macbooks using a GTX 320M video card, but is also possible on other systems. There will be an update to address this problem. This will not address all performance issues, only a specific one introduced in this patch for very specific graphics cards.
  9. MithranArkanere

    MithranArkanere Space Kumquat

    Oh, gods. Finally.

    All I need now is a minimap without the need of mods, and the game will be finally playable!
  10. Jfer

    Jfer Void-Bound Voyager

    Im Running the game on a macBook pro mid 2012. Os 10.9.5 and I have no issues at all. In fact, think the game run smoother now.
    Thanks for this update!
    Kawa and Firebird Zoom like this.
  11. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Seeing a post like this warms my cold black heart.
  12. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    My large bases are still a performance nightmare, a safe performance nightmare, but it's making me consider starting in a molten sea again. Tried out the vaults in the past few days. they seem a like a good post game activity, considering it takes a few goes to get the essence needed for things, faming is actually an activity worth doing, though I did see some perilous looking exits out into space from the gnerator...
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  13. Lazla

    Lazla Phantasmal Quasar

    Is ship customization yet in game, can we get bigger ships tjam tier 10 or add extra rooms? If not is feature still planned i havent played in while and im totally out of progress knowledge.
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  14. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    No you can't add rooms to your ship, and I doubt this is really planned...
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  15. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    I would never be so cold as to judge you...
    whereaminow51 and Firebird Zoom like this.
  16. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    But when are they going to fix this?
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  17. VaeliusNoctu

    VaeliusNoctu Pangalactic Porcupine

    About Terraforming:

    Say we i Terraform a Tier 6 Planet in a Lush Planet is this then a Tier 6 Lush Planet?


    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  18. DraikNova

    DraikNova Spaceman Spiff

    Yes, it is.
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  19. Gurfern

    Gurfern Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yay! big dungeons to raid!

    Will there be more multiplayer support in the next update? By this I mean ship or planet protection, and calibration to make it so it's easier to have survival servers with 50+ people. I, personally, would like to see a sort of "factions" gamemode: grouping up with other players to conquer star systems and stuff.

    Great update overall chucklefish!
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  20. VaeliusNoctu

    VaeliusNoctu Pangalactic Porcupine

    Firebird Zoom likes this.

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