Dev Blog Starbound 1.2 [UNSTABLE] Patch Notes

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Dec 7, 2016.


Which feature are you most excited about?

  1. Terraforming

    46 vote(s)
  2. Ancient Vaults

    69 vote(s)
  3. Weapon upgrades

    35 vote(s)
  4. Elemental damage

    16 vote(s)
  5. Other (leave a comment!)

    9 vote(s)
  1. Iaeyan Elyuex

    Iaeyan Elyuex Cosmic Narwhal

    Do the procedural monsters do anything other than charge at you and try to goomba-stomp you yet? It would be cool if I beamed down to a planet and see a tiny, toothy lizard, but it turns out this thing belches fire! Or how about a big mutant Bulbasaur thing that spits giant poison loogies at me? The variety on these procgen monsters is interesting, but I already know what they're going to do. You could have different attacks tier-locked, so the death laser bunnies don't show up until later on.
  2. Von Marlon

    Von Marlon Pangalactic Porcupine

    It all sounds awesome. Now for 1.3 massively rework the pet system to be more useful and in depth, allow for pet duelling and this game will go down in legend.
    Ralek and Hatsya Souji like this.
  3. Waffle_Muncher

    Waffle_Muncher Void-Bound Voyager

    This sounds awesome. I just hope it doesn't make all randomly generated weapons obsolete. It would be cool if we could increase the stats of random weapons and also now that we have elemental damage I think it would be appropriate if we could change the element of a weapon or addd multiple elements to it so you could have like a fire and ice weapon.
  4. Quillon

    Quillon Subatomic Cosmonaut

  5. Tamamo89

    Tamamo89 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Curious, but how do the new hit types: weak hit and strong hit work. To be more specific, what are they for?
  6. DragonsForce

    DragonsForce Weight of the Sky

    I completley agree that randomly generated weapons should be upgradable as well. Could it be possible to keep type, sprite and special, but adjust the level to make it a T8 weapon? I don't know the code, but I'd expect that to not be that difficult.
    Jareix Cryvix and Ralek like this.
  7. Quillon

    Quillon Subatomic Cosmonaut

    PLEASE bring back the random monsters!
    I'm sick and tired of the same handful of creatures. bring back the preceduraly generated monsters, where Variety really did dominate the galaxy.
  8. Tamamo89

    Tamamo89 Pangalactic Porcupine

    What are you talking about, procedural monsters where never removed.
  9. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    They might not have been removed, but "unique" monsters are much more commonly met while you adventure, and sometimes I can't remember if a random monster I'd seen is a unique or if it is a random... I do, however, get tired of 99% of all Lush/Forest/Jungle planets having gleaps and those potato enemies, etc.

    Some of the unique enemies show up far too often, and it's like "oh, more gleaps and jumping potatoes. *yawn*"
    Jareix Cryvix likes this.
  10. Quillon

    Quillon Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hmm, yeaa, I guess they've improved random spawn rates since 1.0. just discovered 3 new creatures living on my starter planet!
  11. Iaeyan Elyuex

    Iaeyan Elyuex Cosmic Narwhal

    Bulbops (the aforementioned potatoes) are really annoying. They swarm you and do a lot of damage, plus they jump around and they're small. I want my cute little fire-breathing rabbitoads. I'm tired of having to build a sky pillar to catch actually interesting animals. I'm working on a zoo on my server. This zoo will have one of every named monster, plus a bunch of procgens that I think look cool. I had quite a collection before the monster generation rewrite in 1.1, and I can't find those anymore. I had one monster in 4 colors from one planet, and 2 colors each of two identical-looking species from two planets. I tried to open a pet store, but it seems like nobody wants pets just for show. Like I need attack animals anyway! But I digress. All non-"large bird" procgens are the same creatures, just with different appearances.
  12. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    Hey, you figured out how randomly generated content works!
    Good job, you.
    Kawa likes this.
  13. Iaeyan Elyuex

    Iaeyan Elyuex Cosmic Narwhal

    Okay, so randomly generated creatures with different appearances, features and sizes should all behave the same? So, a small reptile and a large bug should both without a doubt try to charge into you and do contact damage? That makes no sense. I've seen videos of a procgen creature spitting fireballs! I didn't expect it to do that. This was an older version where they actually had some behavioral variety. Now you have whatever named monsters can generate in a particular biome, plus the local tacklers and swoopers. I'm not looking for "Oh, hey, this thing is aggressive. It's going to try to ram me.", I'm looking for "What's this thing- Oh, crap! It shoots lasers!" or "D'aww. This thing is cute-aaaaand, it's spitting lava at me.". While your condescension is duly noted, you probably started playing after the procgens lost their variety.
  14. DraikNova

    DraikNova Spaceman Spiff

    If we're talking about creature behaviour, I'd like to see "protective" creatures that will attack hostile monsters.
    Kawa likes this.
  15. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    It'd simply be happy if 99% of everything in the game didn't Charge Charge Charge Charge Charge Charge Charge Charge Charge Charge over and over and over again.

    Seriously, it seems like "Charge" is the only AI they bothered programming anymore. A few enemies will have little zaps and the occasional spit attack, but everything else is "ram my body into yours".

    And Charge enemies are super annoying because there's no cooldown on charge and they will just keep charging over and over and over and over again, and you can't run away from the stupid things unless you can find something to jump up on, or some tunnel to duck into (and then it'll just try to charge you down there too!).

    Charge needs to be a SECONDARY attack enemies use while at a distance to close said distance. Once they're in range, they should have something like a bite attack, or other similar attacks that they will try to use. Charge should have a minimum of 5 second cooldown.
  16. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    Definitely should be less common, but... it's not like they're hard to kill or anything. Just use a parry sword / shield.
    Oh, like the player pets? ( 'cept if you put the oblivious collar on them. )
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  17. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    It isn't their difficulty that I was talking about, it's more their ridiculous frequency at which you encounter them, and their over-tuned respawn times. If you find an area with Bulbops, you WILL be attacked every few seconds because they are constantly respawning in addition to them spawning 6-12 at a time.

    And they are found on almost every stinking planet that isn't a moon, frozen or hot.

    EDIT: I somehow mistakenly thought you were quoting my other post, whoops.

    But again, it isn't about Charge being hard, it's just annoying (can't run away from a mob that's doing it) and 99% of everything in the game does it. If it doesn't charge (because it's flying), it swoops.

    It's so...... boring and unimaginative. Surely they can come up with more unique attacks? Look at Poptops. They have a unique bite animation and they don't charge. How about the big leaf things that come out with Bulbops? As much as I'm tired of seeing them, they have a unique helicopter spin attack.

    So why don't more enemies, especially uniques, have more variety of attacks?

    Especially the random gen enemies; we HAD a system where attacks were ALSO random-gen. Why did we ever get rid of that and change everything back to Charge?
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2016
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  18. Jareix Cryvix

    Jareix Cryvix The Waste of Time

    I remember there being more attacks in the 1.0 unstable... Like, I remember encountering a weird random-gen creature with an eye for a head that shot lasers and thought "Was that always there...?"
    Keep in mind that this was before I started modding all the things...
    Firebird Zoom likes this.
  19. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    animator configurations? what are those for, and do/will they exist for players too?
  20. Zaflis

    Zaflis Pangalactic Porcupine

    Having same mods on all players is not the issue. It's the seeing those mods when starting a dedicated server is a problem. That kind of server is a separate process, so the hoster doesn't need to have his game running, but still his friends can connect to it.

    Now if you start installing standalone mods on a server, it causes an issue for players. Workshop automatically syncs all mod updates, but server hoster has to do that manually. If you have 40 different mods, how do you manage file versions of every single one and know when they updated? Otherwise server and players will be having different versions of the mods. Or alternatively you would demand that nobody uses workshop and all players install the same mods manually.

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