General Lü BU submitted a new mod: Star Bound Galaxies (SWGPRECU) Server Pack - A Parody of a great MMORPG Read more about this mod...
Thank you Mehridian, interests will help motivate me to continue working. I will also accept any help people wish to give even in the form of ideas.
Weekly Update: Next week I will be moving back to London, that being said not a lot of work will be done on the mod unfortunately. I'll be moving into a new place as well as starting up a new business and have perhaps even a writing job for another well known Steam game. Until then I will do as much as I can! Update: 07/04/2014 -Thanks to Ramones_fan & xxswatelitexx for their insight and helping me to get past a few walls. 07/04/2014 -Removed Shipwright, Pilot, Force Sensitive User. Added Jedi, Jedi Knight, Jedi Master, Dark Jedi Knight, Dark Jedi Master. It's been so long I had almost forgot what was where, being the three main eras of SWG (PRECU, POSTCU/PRENGE, POSTCU/NGE) things can be confusing, luckily Web Archive still has for character building with the option to choose any day to month to year that the game was running. 08/04/2014 -Artisan Quests completed and nearly debugged (see above), Tables are finished and nearly debugged (see above), Items are finished. 08/04/2014 -Created skillpoints economy, profession certificates and master tokens. 08/04/2014 -Fixed a problem in the modinfo file causing a "Invalid UTF-8 sequence encountered while trying to encode UTF-32 character" error, the game cannot process characters such as "ü". 08/04/2014 -Thanks to severedskullz for his help as well as those mentioned above. 09/04/2014 -Artisan profession completed and debugged. 09/04/2014 -All items and recipes have been removed from the Vanilla and stored in the mod 10/04/2014 -Couldn't be bothered to code today, today was a day of art. New mod icon, parody logos, intro crawl, and main screen logo 11/04/2014 -Integrated the majority of art work into the game (seen below) 12/04/2014 -Was unwell, couldn't even see past my sinuses. Did some design work on progression of professions. I've decided I wont tell the player how to complete a mission; It will be a natural feeling progression depending on their habits, for the elite gamer who only wants to focus their progressions I will include a refund system of gaining back skill points that get spent. 13/04/2014 -Updated this thread, drank wine, felt pleased with myself. Video: Main Screen: Certificate to prove your mastery: Description: "I need these to become a jedi. It almost looks like the front cover of a metal album..." Mod Logo: Mod Folder Icon: This can all be seen on the mod in the mods section as well as a visual explanation of how the skill trees work.
With the new combat system coming to Starbound soon I have focused almost solely on the crafting professions for now, once the two handed knock back system etc. are released I will begin working on Brawler and the advanced professions more. I will release the first beta shortly after this (a week or two) and will begin testing phases including newly made droids!
I have had a broken laptop for nearly 3 weeks. I am now 4 weeks behind on working on this game so I need to push the dates back to 5-6 weeks after the new combat system is released the beta will be ready for testing.
Its all good, seems like the update for combat is taking a bit to come out, just glad to see you are still around!
Code: Goal Targets: | (lower case represents TODO Simple Port: (Changing the vanilla mechanics to clone the systems in SWG pre-cu). | UPPER CASE REPRESENTS COMP) Alpha Stages; | Stage 1 "The Basics"(0.0.2a): | There are no time deadlines on PROFESSION SYSTEM | this project whilst I work DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT SKILL POINT SYSTEM | alone. But, to give an idea I SKILL POINTS SYSTEM | am trying to have the server ITEM | up and hosting by the end of ART | the first year of coding this. BALANCING | "BUY & SELL" ECONOMY FOR PROFESSIONS | Basic Professions; | Artisan - CRAFTING TABLES RECIPES ITEMS XP BALANCING QUESTS PvP Balancing Brawler - Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Entertainer - Crafting Tables Recipes Items Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Marksman - Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Medic - Crafting Tables Recipes Items Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Scout - Crafting Tables Recipes Items Camping System Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing EXPERIENCE SYSTEM DESIGN XP ART ITEMS LOOT TABLE BALANCING XP GAIN RATE BALANCING New Game Changes START LOOT ON SHIP Codex' AVAILABLE "startup" RECIPES COSMETIC CHANGES INTRODUCTION CREDITS PARTIAL MAIN MENU APPARAEL OPTIONS ON CHARACTER CREATION INTRODUCTION MOVIE User Manual REFERENCE DICTIONARY User Manual Dynamically Keep The Mod Up-To-Date Alongside Vanilla Mechanics Stage 2 "Advanced Techniques"(0.0.3a): Advanced Professions Droid Engineer Droid Components Crafting Tables Recipes Items Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing LUA Files Teras Kasi Artist Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Musician Crafting Tables Recipes Items Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Pistoleer Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Combat Medic Crafting Tables Recipes Items Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Creature Handler Crafting Tables Recipes Items Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Stim/Heal Pack and Venom System Multi-Tier Healing (A-E) Multi-Tier Venoms (A-E) Creature Taming And Command System Taming And Capturing System Weakening/'Pokeball' Command System Attack Follow Stay Return Eat Drink Affection Status Musical Instruments Instruments Song Books Possibility Of Tuning Effected Player Bonuses Band Forming to Enhance Effects Unarmed Fighting System Unarmed Skills Fist Weapons Unarmed Experience Pistol Fighting System Unarmed Skills Pistol Weapons Pistoleer Experience Stage 3 "Further Progression"(0.0.4a): Advanced Professions Merchant Crafting Tables Recipes Items Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Image Designer Crafting Tables Recipes Items Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Rifleman Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Doctor Crafting Tables Recipes Items Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Ranger Crafting Tables Recipes Items Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Hybrid Professions Commando Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Stage 4 "The Crafting Finale"(0.0.5a): Advanced Professions Armorsmith Crafting Tables Recipes Items Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Weaponsmith Crafting Tables Recipes Items Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Architect Crafting Tables Recipes Items Structure Spawning System Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Chef Crafting Tables Recipes Items Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Tailor Crafting Tables Recipes Items Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Hybrid Professions Bio-Engineer Crafting Tables Recipes Items Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Bazaar System (Server Database) Pre-CU Phase Beta Stages: Stage 1 "Combat Finish"(0.1.0b): Advanced Professions Carbineer Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Fencer Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Pikeman Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Hybrid Professions Bounty Hunter Bounty Mission Terminal Vs. Jedi Bonus With With Weapons Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Smuggler Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Squad Leader Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Create And Implement SWG Item Database + Weapons/Clothing/etc. Food Drink Weapons Armor Clothing Terminology Stage 2 "Return Of The Wish Power Users"(0.2.0b): Basic Profession Jedi Crafting Tables Items Recipes Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Advanced Profession Jedi Knight Crafting Tables Items Recipes Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Jedi Master Crafting Tables Items Recipes Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Dark Jedi Knight Crafting Tables Items Recipes Xp Balancing QUests PvP Balancing Dark Jedi Master Crafting Tables Items Recipes Xp Balancing Quests PvP Balancing Holocron System Random Assigning Of Required Masteries 6 Masteries Required to Unlock the Jedi Profession Quest Dungeons Boss Battles Force Powers Techs Stage 3 "Mechanical Adventure"(0.3.0b): Main Story Line USCM Rebels Neutrals Jedi Vehicles Combat Vehicles USCM Rebels Neutrals Luxury Vehicles USCM Rebels Neutrals Final Stage Stage 1 (1.0.0): Final Graphic Touch Ups Main Menu Character Creation In Game Menus User Manual In-Game Final Implementations of Game Physics (current Beta -> Final) Full Character Reset (Server&Anti-Hack;)