mollygos submitted a new blog post: [STABLE] Glad Giraffe is here! Continue reading the Original Blog Post
Good golly I'm giddy with gladness and glee the good glad giraffe is going to be great! Okay... I'm done now...
My heart... It beats... so quickly... Did Starbound will become the ONE game? The one game that will remove me from my boring life? Can I love a game again since Undertale? Starbound make me hope. Starbound make me dream. LET'S PLAY!!!!!!
Can't wait to play this update! The amount of content lately is amazing! Thanks to everyone involved!
I would love to see elevators/lifts that you can built into a wall. Like a door in the background where you just walk in and walk out of a connected (via wire) exit/entrance on another storey. This won't mess up your floor and you would not have to have a hole in it.
Yay, official Tiled guides! Can't wait to get a chance to read them. Only problem with the update so far is the framerate issues. I think enemy AI is taking up too much CPU (or something) because the game gets much slower around enemies now.
Meh. Optimisation gone down, my character now moves WAY slower while everything else happens at the same speed. Don't like new weapons that much yet: wanna my double uzi, golden revolver and tesla spear back. Also i need to get that awful creature for some reason called "ship pet" in the prison cage where it belongs again. No mechas yet, and Rocket Boosts tech completely useless now because of new energy bonuses from armor... Oh, and damn NPCs still are getting stuck in dem stairs and don't close doors after themselves