MasterSaturday submitted a new mod: Split Skirts - Make a skirt, feel pretty. Read more about this mod...
There's a missing apostrophe at the end of the description tag in the .modinfo that makes the game crash when trying to load it
MasterSaturday updated Split Skirts with a new update entry: Different file Read the rest of this update entry...
I uploaded a new one - try it now. Remember that it goes in the assets folder - putting it in the mod folder will make the game crash.
MasterSaturday updated Split Skirts with a new update entry: Split Skirts 1.2 - updated to fit the new modding system Read the rest of this update entry...
MasterSaturday updated Split Skirts with a new update entry: Furious Koala Read the rest of this update entry...
MasterSaturday updated Split Skirts with a new update entry: Furious Koala (again) Read the rest of this update entry...
MasterSaturday updated Split Skirts with a new update entry: Update 14-12-13 (Nightly) Read the rest of this update entry...
MasterSaturday updated Split Skirts (Nightly Mod) with a new update entry: Update 14-12-13 Read the rest of this update entry...
MasterSaturday updated Split Skirts with a new update entry: .zip to modpack update Read the rest of this update entry...
MasterSaturday updated Split Skirts with a new update entry: Updated for 1.0+ Read the rest of this update entry...