Hopefully this mod is easy to update for the latest version of the stable branch of Starbound, so far I only discovered that the crafting station in the recipe scripts was renamed from "wiringstation" to "craftingwiring". I really enjoy having an infinite amount of any liquid after just getting a small sample of them.
As I wasn't actively playing Starbound for the past few months, I never found out the mod stopped working until shortly after the release date was announced. As I don't have a handy changelog for the lua portions to refer to, I'm basically going to be checking every line again with the current mod system and seeing where it needs to be fixed, so far I believe crafting station and the code to get the location liquids should be spawned at are the most obvious breaks, but fixing them will probably reveal others.
I'm in no rush for the update, I also have a mod that needs an overhaul to get working again along with rebuilding my list of other mods i ran.
Cracked open the files and such, I think I need to actually start a new game of Starbound and get past the initial quests so I can have a stable area to test my mod in before I can go much further. On the brighter side, I should at least have my debug code converted to the new format so when I start testing I'll at least get usable info back. Of course having WoW in the prepatch state and Terraria having recently updated...so much to do so little time.
Do keep us updated Necrovore, I'd love to start using this in my buildings. Also perhaps consider pushing it to Steam Workshop, I can't find anything else that does what this would.
I'm planning to move this to steam workshop when I get the new version done...just need to get my character far enough into the game to unlock the wiring table and such so I can properly test everything. I don't have as much time to play games as I used to and what time I have is usually focused on WoW with the new expansion about to drop. I don't plan to forget about this however, I keep this site in my list of homepages so it is always checked every time I start my browser. As I will probably be rewriting a chunk of the code with all the changes I have to account for, I'll open the floor to suggestions from everyone interested in this mod as to which mods I should continue liquid support for, as well as any other liquid focused functions you would like me to try and add.
In that case, I'll suggest using admin mode (possibly on a spare character) to make and upgrade the crafting tables you need so you can build a wiring station. Personally I was surprised when I found out it wasn't locked behind a ship upgrade any longer.
Hey Necrovore, just writing to let you know there are more of us who would love to see this mod updated and on the Steam workshop!
WoW is still holding most of my focus with the last minute rush before the next expansion, but do not fret, I am not letting myself forget this mod. As I mentioned earlier, feel free to mention features you would like or other mods to support here and I can see what I can add as I fix things up. And I wouldn't mind hearing from those who would use the mod what tier they think is appropriate for gaining access to the spigot, and what materials might be good for going into it, or if it should stay with the placeholder materials it had.
For me, I'd say somewhere in mid-tier, probably. Tungsten at the very lowest, maybe Titanium or Durasteel. I was also trying to work out ways to have the Spigot and the Spout on different tiers, but I've no idea which one should be higher or lower, or where to fit them in.
yeah, I agree. Tungsten or durasteel. There's a bit of an issue atm where when i place down a spigot or spout, the wire nodes don't show up. is that what's being worked on atm?
I need to sit down and rework probably all of it really for the release, just have most of my time taken up by work and WoW right now Part of the issue is I still have to get a character up to the point that I could actually build my items to properly test them, and I need to find the time to do so properly as I don't really just want to spawn everything I need to speed my character to that point.
And I thought I was doing something wrong. hehe. I was trying everything to get this working because, who doesn't want water features? And about 10million other uses these things make possible. I guess Starbound updates are preventing the items from working at all? I see them, can put liquid in them, but nothing happens beyond that.
It's just that they need to be wired to a switch of some sort. but the wire node that connects to them is a bit broke atm. :/
Yeah. I was poking through the code, trying to make sense of the error it was throwing, but LUA is totally new to me.
Not just the LUA, the API of the game itself needs to be understood. Checking which nodes are wired, the contents of the item, and the spawn liquid commands all rely on the functions supplied by Starbound and have to be in a syntax they can use. Been a bit lazy so I still haven't found what they changed between now and when the mod worked that hosed my current code.