Considering the number of liquids you have, you might want to add the IDs to the table on the wiki so others don't use them as well. Honestly, adding a new mod isn't too hard, just a line of code for each new liquid in a massive elseif statement. The real challenge is coming up with the update speech for the minor stuff, other mod authors adding a liquid or two each patch for a series of quick patches and here I am deciding between immediate support and writing a new speech for each one, or waiting for a block update.
I kind of picked random IDs different but close to a different mods; so I was hoping they worked. I'll look into the IDs in the table though
Question: Does this work with Grey Goo from Universal Uncrafter anymore? The front page says it does, but nothing comes out when I put it into a spigot/spout and flip the switch. Healing water worked though.
Hmm, gave a quick look over the code, the ids still match up so it should be producing the liquid... If you have any of the other mods I support try out their liquids and see if they work. If they do, then it is something with UU that is the issue. If they don't then something has changed in the latest version that I am unaware of that affects custom liquids.
I don't have the other mods at the moment, but I could download one (probably the chocolate one...mmmmm...) so I'll let you know if that works. At the moment, all I know is Grey Goo/Liquid Material doesn't work for me. I'll download one of the other mods and check, then edit this or reply, depending on whether this is still the last post in the discussion or not. EDIT: Downloaded 'Bees! ' and after looking up the admin commands (I've never cheated in starbound before >.>...) I found that honey does work. Therefore it has to be something in UU. I'll take this problem to their discussion then. If you find anything yourself, let me know. Sorry for the apparently unnecessary post .xP
Gave a look, just a minor typo in liquididcode.lua: you have " liquidmaterial" instead of "liquidmaterial". Leading whitespace, that old friend, strikes again.
I don't know how I missed that, I even have spaces shown in my editor...New patch will be up as soon as I come up with a fitting marketing announcement to continue my update theme.
Necrovore updated Spigot with a new update entry: Spigots of Mass Destruction Read the rest of this update entry...
As the owner of this mod, I feel it's only fair to show you this lovely Airlock I built using your mod. Edit: If anyone would like some help with how to build this, I'd be glad to show you, photo by photo.
I don't really play Starbound anymore, not enough time in the day. I do keep an eye on this thread though, so if the mod stops working after a patch, or a significant number of liquids are added that would be really nice to have included, let me know here and I'll give it a look when I can.
Course. I'd be glad to. Ever since I posted them photos, I've improved on the version making it slightly better. Especially since the update to Glad giraffe. I'll send you a PM guide.
The 'it' in that sentence needs to be clarified. If you are referring to one of the items in this mod, I have left it unpacked, just go into the mod and grab the item name from the object file of the item you want. If I remember right, I left the cost fairly cheap though so it wouldn't be difficult to make a number of them as needed.