Special Charm end game

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Raskel, Aug 21, 2017.


Make Special Charm an available item!

  1. YES!

    5 vote(s)
  2. NO!

    0 vote(s)
  1. Raskel

    Raskel Tentacle Wrangler

    Hi, i put a post in general discussion, but since its a suggestion i saw this suggestion tag here, my suggestions is to make the Special Charm (an item unobtainable but that exist in the game files) an item for the end game adventures, since stardew valley have so many cool challenges, if the we do a hard quest or achieviment to obtain this item, it would be really cool for all players. This item even has on wiki, it increaces luck, so why dont we have a use for it instead of left forgotten?
    My game is pure, i dont like to eddit my save, and edditing a save to obtain this item, is kinda lame, so making a good use for this item bringing a adventure in the future, it would be great for all.

    Please give a think and cast your vote if you would like to see this item coming in the future!

    • Xamerzan

      Xamerzan Cosmic Narwhal

      This sounds like an item I suggested not too long ago, called the Luck Charm. Guess CA is on top of adding such an item if it's already in the game files. >.>
      • Raskel

        Raskel Tentacle Wrangler

        No, its not the same item, its on game since the beginning but ConcernedApe for some reason didnt put it thats why the empty space on the wallet. The Special Charm is an item that greatly increases the chance for daily Luck.
        • Xamerzan

          Xamerzan Cosmic Narwhal

          I meant that it sounded similar, not exactly the same. Sorry if it didn't come across as such.
            Raskel likes this.
          • Raskel

            Raskel Tentacle Wrangler

            It's important to say, that my suggestion it's for end game content, so that the increased daily luck don't make the early game too much easy and don't ruin it. It's for farm itens, help with your personal challenges like farming itens in the caves, skull caves challenges, drops from monters and any end game content that needs insane farming that you want to make.
            • Focean

              Focean Subatomic Cosmonaut

              Yea I'd like it if we can obtain it without tweaking the save file. Perhaps he can make it an easter egg like the jumino plush which can only be obtained at a certain day certain timing.
                Raskel likes this.

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