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Spawning on river bug

Discussion in 'Support' started by likoliko, Dec 10, 2018.

  1. likoliko

    likoliko Intergalactic Tourist

    Hi, I tried to search all over the internet but doesn't seems to find if anyone else is having the same problem.

    On IOS, there's 1 time where my character is trying to ride my horse at the edge of the map (entrance to another map). And my character was hopping on and off the horse, then suddenly we got transported to a river. I can't ride my horse there, but my character was able to run on the river somewhat, but can't find a way to get back on shore. Had to restart my app and load the day from 6am again.

    It's a little tricky on IOS with the horse. Sometimes it unmount you randomly and you had to get back on multiple times. :zzz:

    *edit to include a screenshot
      Last edited: Dec 11, 2018

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