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RELEASED Spawnable Item Pack - Spawn all items for free! v1.3.2.4

Spawnable Item Pack allows you to spawn thousands of items for free.

  1. [S]miley

    [S]miley Subatomic Cosmonaut

    im having issue using the search filter every time i type for example a crafting bench when i type c it does cc and so on it gets annoying either there too many item for the engine to search for it or i have a slow computer :p but anyways doesnt really bother me if i use the built in filters thanks for the mod :)
  2. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    Select a filter with not that many items (eg. food which is empty now), search, then unselect it. Tadaa! Once Starbound gets optimized further, I'm sure this issue will be resolved.
  3. seancruz

    seancruz Big Damn Hero

    I really like this mod. But...

    Is there a way that upon creating a new character, every tech, higher tier blueprints, etc are not unlocked? I've not reached tier 10 yet, but now I see all that I can build because everything is unlocked. Maybe there should be a station for blueprints and unlockable techs, so that the player can choose what he needs rather than have everything pre-loaded from the start. Plus, managing what's unlocked or learnt reduces the lag and slowness when accessing stations with lots of items in it. Not sure if this is a hard request, but I needed to get it out there.
  4. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    I'm not going to remove items from the mod or require an unlock first. If you don't have tier10 unlocked, and don't way tier10 gear, just don't open the Spinning Wheel and craft it. This mod does not interfere with the progression of your game unless you choose to skip parts.

    I'll swap the techs with blueprints in the next update though, so that these won't automatically be unlocked and stuck on your character.
  5. seancruz

    seancruz Big Damn Hero

    It's not a matter that I craft tier 10 stuff. It's just that it clutters every station I have, plus I never know now what I've unlocked for the current tier I'm in, and I never know what exactly I'm supposed to be able to craft in the next tier. For example, my new character was in gamma, and could craft durasteel bars, even though that's reserved for tier 4. If I hadn't known better, I'd thought it was part of tier 3 technology.

    BTW just want to say that you've done an awesome job with this mod, it really helps.
  6. kafuka

    kafuka Poptop Tamer

    It's a very nice mod, i love it.
    However, is it possible to craft all the objects like furniture, blocks ..etc?
    And I found that there is nothing inside the Craft object table, it's blank, is it suppose to be the craft station that we can craft all the objects? thanks!
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2013
  7. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    The recipes are unlocked by raw item name, and not by a path to the .recipe files. This means that once you have the raw item name unlocked, it'll show up anywhere (which is why you ould craft the durasteel bars outside of the spinning wheel. As with your suggestion to add blueprints to such items, that problem would be resolved but make it more annoying for people that get this mod for the intended cause to access all items. Otherwise, I'd have to manage 2 download versions with both 1000+ files on my own, it'd just get messy.

    Also. there are no blueprints in the game for items such as the tier armors/weapons, and I have no clue how to make those. Still, if you really want to progress fairly I'm sure you can find what each tier unlocks on a wiki.
    Sorry I can't really help out here, but if you have other suggestions that might work please let me know.

    As mentioned previously, the object crafter is in the current version but does not contain working filters yet and doesn't have any items added to it yet. I'll work on this when I have more time.

    Tech blueprints instead of unlocks will be up shortly.
  8. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

  9. seancruz

    seancruz Big Damn Hero

    I understand, makes sense. Well no matter what this mod is very useful. Good job on it! And thanks for that new update!
  10. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    I'll work on adding foods now, starting by seeing if I can add these to the Spinning Wheel or have to create a different crafting station for it.
    Not sure how I feel about adding 'pussplumpie', though.

    Edit: 171 consumables found.
    Added 170 recipes, nanopack is already in etc. Working on player.config now.
    Added references to player.config, testing now.
    Removed an item named 'consumable', doesn't actually exist. No other issues found, left with 169 items.
    Updating mod.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
  11. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    Errors4l updated Spawnable Items Pack - Spawn most items free! with a new update entry:

    Added 169 consumables to the Spinning Wheel!

    Read the rest of this update entry...

    Updating your mod is fun:
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
  12. Darkly

    Darkly Void-Bound Voyager

    The only thing I could suggest for this is the ability to sort the items, it's a bit laggy when you type to sort, it gives double letters and makes it impossible to sort them.
    I mean like armors in armors, ores in misc, etc.

    When I say this I also mean in Tabula Rasa.
  13. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    As suggested in the first post, select a filter that doesn't have that many recipes in it, then unselect it after searching for an item name. It won't do what you just said that way ;).
    There are already 7 filters added to the spinning wheel, but all items in these filters will also have to appear in the full list without a filter selected , I've tried that.

    Also, I won't be adding more items to the Tabula Rasa, I'm honestly thinking about removing support because of this issue, unless it gets resolved by the Starbound devs.
  14. SneakerAce

    SneakerAce Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey its me again >~< Just wondering if you could add shields to this spawner sometime too? Theres a lot a of cool ones I have yet to get my hands on ;o; Love ya, Thankyou!!
  15. PhoenixLordFyre

    PhoenixLordFyre Space Hobo

    Some ideas would to be make a side pack to this mod and make a weapon generator, that you select what type of random weapon you want gun, sword, spear, etc. Tan you select what tier: 1, 5, 10, etc. than you can select 1 handed or two handed. Than it randomly generates an item for you. This is just an idea I wouldn't mind if you on't make it since this mod is already hard enough. It would just make my life easier.
  16. Darkly

    Darkly Void-Bound Voyager

    Ah, I didn't realize that would work! Thank you.
  17. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    Shields are all randomgenerated, I have no plans to add random generated items.

    Something like -this-? Try seeing if the creator wants to update or expand that mod first <3.

    I know it's a bit sketchy, but at least it works for now. Glad to know it helped :)
  18. SneakerAce

    SneakerAce Void-Bound Voyager

  19. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    Huh? I just said I didn't add them and am probably not going to add them any time soon. Same counts for guns.
    SneakerAce likes this.
  20. PhoenixLordFyre

    PhoenixLordFyre Space Hobo

    the mod doesn''t work :/. I've tried everything I even got it somehow working for the crafting but it doesn't do anything when I open it :/. Thanks though

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