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RELEASED Spawnable Item Pack - Spawn all items for free! v1.3.2.4

Spawnable Item Pack allows you to spawn thousands of items for free.

  1. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    I'm still not sure what items you're referring to. What race does this "overlord" armor belong to?
  2. PhoenixLordFyre

    PhoenixLordFyre Space Hobo

    It belongs to the Glitch. It's like the race armor. Each Race gets a different named and designed armor but it's all the same. And oops it's not overlord it's Doomlord but I scrolled down as well looking for it.

    Here's the link http://starbound.gamepedia.com/Racial_Armor
  3. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    That's alright, glad you could find it in the end.
  4. PhoenixLordFyre

    PhoenixLordFyre Space Hobo

    so can you add them? It would be alot easier. Maybe even add the racial weapons. I didn't find the armor as well if that's what you thought :/
  5. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    Oh but the armors are already in ._., are they not appearing for you?
    And yeah, I'll see about adding non randomGenerated weapons soon enough.
  6. PhoenixLordFyre

    PhoenixLordFyre Space Hobo

    Yea the Racial armors aren't appearing for me. Such as Gold, Platinum, Impervium, etc.
  7. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    I hate to ask this, and I certainly don't mean to seem like I don't take you seriously, but are you sure? Try using the search function without having a filter selected (these armors are not categorized correctly yet).
    If they really don't appear for you, you might have to try it on a new character or see if another mod may have caused this issue (even though the mod now uses the merge syntax, it may already have broken something before the update).
  8. PhoenixLordFyre

    PhoenixLordFyre Space Hobo

  9. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    Huzzah for progress! I managed to corrupt some of my files multiple times (God knows how), but am back on track with an invisible crafting station!
    The item reference files I spoke of earlier do not actual contain the raw item names of the objects that you can spawn, so I'll have to, once again, manually find all items to add.
    Whatever, progress!

    Merry Christmas everyone~~

    Edit: -Scratches head- Compiled a list of all 'Objects' in the game, looking at 1243 items. The Spinning Wheel has about 600 right now and is already on the edge of lagging your game out. I could split these items into 2 seperate crafting stations purely for objects, but I'd love to hear some suggestions. List can be viewed here: http://pastebin.com/9nBiHN8T
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2013
  10. whiskyjack

    whiskyjack Void-Bound Voyager

    check the log file, there are a few items that are broken due to typos and other things. also, if you delete the player.config to use it with the tabula rasa mod, it gives an error for the mod object itself (sipobjectcrafter).

    these errors also slow down the search capabilities substantially (i fixed most of them to confirm).
  11. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    With the new merge syntax, there's no need to remove the player.config from the mod, updated the main post on this.
    For the broken items, I'll reïnstall the game and only run this mod, then check the log and fix all issues I can find.

    Thanks for your comment.
  12. whiskyjack

    whiskyjack Void-Bound Voyager

    replacing the player.config didn't make any difference. still seeing:
    Error: Could not instantiate item '[sipobjectcrafter, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'sipobjectcrafter'
    multiple times in the error log on load.

    i'm not sure if this sipobjectcrafter is supposed to be a different spinner or replace the default one, but the default spinner has all the items for 1px as well.
  13. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    Thanks for that, I noticed the same mistake after a clean reïnstall and using the downloaded mod.
    sipobjectcrafter is a new object that reads from /objects/generic/sip/sipobjectcrafter.object, which I see I forgot to update in the Dropbox mirror (which is the only download mirror I'm using as of SIP 1.32). Since the .object is not yet in that download (still WIP), I removed the reference in the player.config. Please try re-downloading the mod and see if it works.

    I'm currently looking at bugged recipes, but it seems most have to do with capitalized letters and are errors caused by the game itself, not my mod
    Debug: Correcting path from /recipes/level31/skyrailtech-chip.recipe to /recipes/level31/skyrailTech-chip.recipe
    In this case the same would apply to my recipe, but without changing the raw item name to skyrailtech-chip, there's nothing I can do about this one, and a lot more of these).

    There's some items with a bigger problem though, eg.
    AssetException: Could not read variant asset /recipes/starter/spinningwheel/bones.recipe
    caused by: JsonParsingException: Cannot parse json file: /recipes/starter/spinningwheel/bones.recipe
    caused by: JsonParsingException: Error parsing json: bad object, should be '{' at 1:1
    I'll work on fixing these first.

    Don't expect an update shortly though, due to X-Mas.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2013
  14. whiskyjack

    whiskyjack Void-Bound Voyager

    the correcting path thing it does on it's own, that doesn't seem to be too bad.

    the only recipes i had to manually fix were as follows:

    - steeldrum and bones both had typos on the first line.
    - snowinfantrylegs had to be renamed to snowinfantrypants
    - morphballtech had the wrong item name
    - spacemarinechest is broken, you have to modify the game files and remove 'glow' and 'spiked' augments to fix it

    just search the log for Error, and you'll see them. i've circumvented the whole issue by just dumping the recipes into another folder, removing 'spinningwheel' from the groups and using tabularasa for now.
  15. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    Yes, I've gotten that far other than the morphballtech. Though I expected there to be more, so I was still looking. I'll update these 5 later today, thanks for your help!

    Edit: Guess I'll have to put longer delays on my macro for adding 1000+ recipes, as these 2 instrument typos were caused because of that :)
  16. whiskyjack

    whiskyjack Void-Bound Voyager

    haha when i saw the typos, i figured it was something like that, or a regex gone awry. are you just running a script to pull everything out of the files into individual recipes?
  17. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    If I knew how to do that, I would. I'm using jitbit Macro recorder to do the manual copy pasting for me, which still takes a while but is easy to set up and doesn't require me to do all this myself, at least 10 times slower at that.

    Testing fixed version now, will update if working.
    Fixed version is up, same download. I'll check for more log errors after dinner.
  18. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    Current progress on custom crafting stations:
    Doesn't contain any filters yet, I'll probably get an armor stand / mannequin working first and all all armors to that, probably removing most armors from the spinning wheel (excluding tier10 and vanity) to reduce lag.

    Edit: Now added an armor stand and moved over all armors from "apex", "aqua", "avian", "floran", "human", "robot" to this station instead of the Spinning Wheel, lag drastically reduced. I will add all tier10 race armors back to the Spinning Wheel though, for MP compatibility.
    On the left you can see the crafting station.

    Edit2: All armors fully ported over, tier10 re-added to Spinning Wheel and categorized everything correctly. Will release the armor stand in the next update (without other crafting stations) after some testing. And yes, that sword icon will be used for race weapons :).
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2013
  19. Errors4l

    Errors4l Spaceman Spiff

    Errors4l updated Spawnable Items Pack - Spawn most items free! with a new update entry:

    Armor stand added, craft every race armor and more!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  20. Ugff

    Ugff Void-Bound Voyager

    I love the mod, but it had a few errors while starting a server. I fixed them on my own but I'll let you know what they are: snowinfantrylegs/pants, steeldrun, and bones . Though others may skip my mind. Just letting you know.

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