Pixel space pirates Christmas party

Discussion in 'Winter Holiday Contest' started by creepwolf, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. creepwolf

    creepwolf Giant Laser Beams

    ..i tried to make a wallpaper for my clan..and it just so happened this competition was on...sooo, i hope i can get away with entering it:X
    kirby64, Torang12, Sham and 5 others like this.
  2. Tails7712

    Tails7712 Spaceman Spiff

    Why is everyone naked D:
    Bolt likes this.
  3. creepwolf

    creepwolf Giant Laser Beams

    go to clan page
    scroll down OP a little
    find out
  4. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    Me and Galactic are having a staring contest.
    ((I miss him so much:cry:))
  5. creepwolf

    creepwolf Giant Laser Beams

    ((...wait whut happened to him))
  6. banned_stamp_v2_by_schaefdogg-d4atjjf.png
  7. creepwolf

    creepwolf Giant Laser Beams

  8. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    Him and Epic got banned.
  9. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    What's happening on the basement? :rofl:
  10. creepwolf

    creepwolf Giant Laser Beams

    please refer to rule 52 of the pirate code:X
    Straw Hat likes this.
  11. Torang12

    Torang12 Phantasmal Quasar

    For what?
  12. Kingofstarryskies

    Kingofstarryskies Pangalactic Porcupine

    hm. i see no robot pirates. i am disappointed. However, it is still impressive. good day.
    creepwolf likes this.
  13. creepwolf

    creepwolf Giant Laser Beams

    ..we have half robot pirates ._.
  14. Kingofstarryskies

    Kingofstarryskies Pangalactic Porcupine

    BUT ONLY THE PUREST COUNT! that, and the leader of them is signified by a tophat. can you guess what im wearing on my head?
  15. creepwolf

    creepwolf Giant Laser Beams

    santa hat:lod: we already has a top hat wearer :rofl:
    WoxandWarf and zooey like this.
  16. Kingofstarryskies

    Kingofstarryskies Pangalactic Porcupine

    Thats just my cat ._.
    im wearing a top hat.
    (im so happy im not joking about that.)
  17. creepwolf

    creepwolf Giant Laser Beams

    you need a monocle too, because:p
  18. Kingofstarryskies

    Kingofstarryskies Pangalactic Porcupine

    still working on that one. i asked that in a jewlery store once. I left disappointed. :cry:
    creepwolf likes this.
  19. Active Link

    Active Link Master Astronaut

    For admitting to being under 13.

    OT: That's a pretty awesome wallpaper.
    creepwolf likes this.
  20. Spire

    Spire Phantasmal Quasar


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