WIP soon... GreenHouse Extension. / halp?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by taintedwheat, Jul 12, 2016.

  1. taintedwheat

    taintedwheat Master Astronaut

    07/12/2016 @ 5:09 AM PST.

    Hi... I'm moving, and hopefully not too long after I get settled in, have the plans to release this as a SMAPI mod with @Jinxiewinxie and another user, who is currently inactive.

    I just want to give a huge thanks, and a surmount of credit to sweetheart @rachelvalerie98 for help delving into the SMAPI-mod making process w/ Jinx to make this work similar to our underground cellar mod. Without her gumption, this map wouldn't even have been made.Unfortunately, I haven't seen her online or been able to be in contact with her for pretty much over a month. And I'm honestly getting too impatient to forgo waiting because I just want to see the thing on the map.

    We we're pretty much finished besides the current problem faced: making the greenhouse tag work in certain maps connected to the farm.xnb rather than them reading as well as farm.xnb's. I have no real grasp of coding yet, but the general consensus is: "That's crazy hard, Faythe. Stop being annoying."

    Temporary, and Only Current Suggestion for some idea of immersion: probs use that all crops all year round mod to facilitate the idea of the greenhouse working inside where you want it, and destroy the crops outside at season's end.

    Idk, if there's like a way for someone to figure out a way to make it work with all (or some) .xnb's /except/ farm.xnb would be cool, but unsure if its possible.

    (note: Idk, is this the all year mod compatible with the MCM? Cuz, that's kind of annoying because said weed mod that's been like at slow, slow communal process. I know I'm slacking, blah...I like swiss cheesing into projects. and i have a lot of shit to deal with /besides/ moving. mostly my reason of even wanting to make this extra space is to grow weed x.x [[if anyone wants to like kick my ass and help haul that shit closer to getting done i'll make you legit artwork and ship it to you]]}​


    Ever wonder about an attachment to your greenhouse?



    • Entoarox

      Entoarox Oxygen Tank

      There, fixed :p
        juicyslew and taintedwheat like this.
      • taintedwheat

        taintedwheat Master Astronaut

        xD xD <3 <3 <3

        fair enoughhhh :3
        still, farmhand... hurry so after and eventually edits to .dll when it's released

          juicyslew and cankersaur like this.
        • eemie

          eemie Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

          I WANT IT
          --- Post updated ---
          What is farmhand exactly? I've seen it mentioned numerous times now.
            taintedwheat likes this.
          • foghorn

            foghorn Pangalactic Porcupine

            Farmhand is love, Farmhand is life...Farmhand will save us all..
            • Minakie

              Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

              Can I suggest that you guys flip that image so that the exterior extension of the greenhouse is on the right side instead?
              When this is released, I would like to be able to keep using the grandpa's shrine from Wonderful Farm Life and these two would overlap and probably look weird ingame (or even crash it).
              Also, it wouldn't be too weird since the interior expansion is actually on the right side too :p
                cankersaur, Zalkyria and taintedwheat like this.
              • taintedwheat

                taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                Thanks for having interest! Yeah, I think that will be the plan -- that the entrances will be configurable for the player's preference. Luckily I have the attachment in a stand alone image that I can make the canvas bigger and put a flipped version on there.

                Uhm... depending on how busy jinx is will be determinant of when this actually gets released n.n;
                  Minakie and Hitgirl911 like this.
                • Zalkyria

                  Zalkyria Existential Complex

                  Wait so would this be compatible with your 2Cute Greenhouse? Like do you think its possible to have both like one be the 2nd story?
                  • taintedwheat

                    taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                    Its compatible yes. But its not two floors, two rooms is more like it
                      Zalkyria likes this.
                    • Zalkyria

                      Zalkyria Existential Complex

                      Hey I'm fine with it :rofl: Can't wait for this to be released then!
                      • SHiRKiT

                        SHiRKiT Void-Bound Voyager

                        So, do you plan to unlock this as an "upgrade" at the farm or a patch? I'm tweaking on my end with a mod to allow to "upgrade" an expansion for the Greenhouse.
                        • taintedwheat

                          taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                          I'm sure we can do something were it unlocks at a certain condition.

                          I mean, @Jinxiewinxie made our cellar mod configered an option where it wont unlock unless you have the final house upgrade.

                          Hey guys, do you want something similar?
                          • SHiRKiT

                            SHiRKiT Void-Bound Voyager

                            I was actually thinking of something like this:
                            - Unlock Greenhouse somehow (either Junino or Joja)
                            - Pay 10k gold to unlock a bit more farmland (let's say greenhouse is now 15x15)
                            - Pay 50k to unlock more land (19x19)
                            - Pay 150k to unlock the trees area
                            - Pay 300k to unlock the "house" inside the greenhouse

                            Of course those values are just guesses, and by no means serves as references.

                            And as a bonus: if unlocked via Joja, use gold. If unlocked via Junimos, must submit items like the Junimo menu.

                            Of course those are ideas. I was messing around on my end to accomplish this, but have yet to made it work. Need to save some mod related information in the current savegame.
                              lannihamm likes this.
                            • taintedwheat

                              taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                              If you want to come in on this and work for a common goal of making the greenhouse extension more immersive, by all means I think we would be pretty down with that.

                              Also nice to meet you :)

                              Edit: i have made a bunch of maps "bigger" or luxurious or gaudy, what have you. If you need to look at those and try to make the vanilla map change into those via in-game, that would make it 1000x more worth it to start over and try to earn enough to buy my own maps xD
                              • SHiRKiT

                                SHiRKiT Void-Bound Voyager

                                I'll see how to accomplish this and I'll get back.

                                I was attemping to modify the map on the fly, instead of loading another asset and overriding the GameLocation, I was able to edit the Tiles at runtime and override them as I wish. That allows for "expansion on the fly", like instead of having a fixed amount of maps, having the Greenhouse growing whenever I want.

                                The downside is that you need to do the art by coding, which is, at best, pretty annoying.
                                • Entoarox

                                  Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                                  Or, you could do it the cheeky way, and put a bunch of obscuring tiles in AlwaysFront and only block the entrance to the extra rooms ;)
                                    taintedwheat likes this.
                                  • Minakie

                                    Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

                                    I'd be fine with something like that, it gives you more of a feel of making progress in the game than to just start with everything from the beginning of the game.
                                      taintedwheat likes this.
                                    • SHiRKiT

                                      SHiRKiT Void-Bound Voyager

                                      The JunimoNoteMenu class is quite something, references being passed everywhere to the Bundles, Bundles referencing the CommunityCenter to see it's state, the the menu interacting with the CommunityCenter to see other stuff.

                                      Everything is so coupled that the easiest thing to be done would probably be duplicating the code, and everything breaks if, for some reason, in future updates it stops decompiling the code. And I don't even know if the dev would complain about that, since it would be partially his code released under an open source license (although it would be for a good cause :) )

                                      I can also try to come up with a totally different way for the bundles but using the same interface. Making a class from scratch, that would be legal and would work for our purposes.

                                      Method injection through reflection in C# is not the same as in Java, I cannot override non-virtual methods in any way or shape, the only way I could do such a thing is to replace the byte code generated for a Class, which is hardly ideal to say the least. I just can't inject a method as I normally do in Java =\

                                      So, how do I store information in a save game? I mean, I'd like to have some persistent data being saved and loaded somewhere, and it would need to be savegame specific. Anyone knows how to accomplish that?


                                      EDIT: Just as an update, the idea of creating a class from scratch to handle modded Junimo deposits is working well. It will take some time to develop it, but it's good news it's working as expected, and easier than duplicating code, injecting or bad things of that genre.

                                      @taintedwheat when I have it done, I think we would be able to apply this to this Greenhouse extension. We would need to be able to encapsule it in a mod somehow to listen for events and do the correct actions when the bundle is complete etc. I'll probably create a new topic instead of hijacking yours! Sorry
                                        Last edited: Jul 21, 2016
                                        taintedwheat likes this.
                                      • taintedwheat

                                        taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                                        hahaha, dude! don't even worry about it, but that's super duper clever of you!!

                                        are you on discord? you may want to check out the dev one where all these programmer mod guys are and I just sit there and lurk (with hopes to understand some things) with making shitty jokes inbetween that. But they might help. Currently they're trying to get Farmhand to be ready for use by players.

                                        here's an invite!~ and don't hesitate to chat me up, if i'm really annoying and fun to talk to!

                                        • Sarasvatia

                                          Sarasvatia Void-Bound Voyager

                                          I really cant wait for this to be usable, it looks amazing > . <
                                            taintedwheat likes this.

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