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Outdated Songs To Play 1.28

60 songs I put together, last updated February 10th by Samuelandhisdog/Axiz!

  1. kaliwirta

    kaliwirta Void-Bound Voyager

    still won't get new songs, and i don't have permission for the first link apparently. this does sound like a site problem.
  2. samuelandhisdog

    samuelandhisdog Big Damn Hero

    I'm gonna try something real quick to see if it will work, bear with me here :cool:
  3. samuelandhisdog

    samuelandhisdog Big Damn Hero

  4. kaliwirta

    kaliwirta Void-Bound Voyager

    it's fixed now, thanks!
  5. samuelandhisdog

    samuelandhisdog Big Damn Hero

    samuelandhisdog updated Songs To Play with a new update entry:

    +5 new songs!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. LaughingFugu

    LaughingFugu Void-Bound Voyager

    Please add Serbia Strong/Remove Kebab.
  7. Exsistentiam

    Exsistentiam Pangalactic Porcupine

    Rick and morty

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