Some Sprites

Discussion in 'Fan Works' started by TrueStardewFan, Dec 31, 2014.

  1. TrueStardewFan

    TrueStardewFan Space Hobo

    Hello, tell me if you like my free styling. This is only a, ehhh, I would say 2 minuit freestyle. But this StardewInterp.png is roughly my style of Pixel Art. If you want MOAR plz tell me.[DOUBLEPOST=1420045701][/DOUBLEPOST]The head is a lirrle, mis-shapen. But thats what you get when you try to draw pixel art in a car on the way to get fitted for a tux. LIKE A BAWS XP.
    • oath2order

      oath2order Parsec Taste Tester

      hm. it's ok.

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