Hello, I was wondering if someone could help me with a few questions about marriage? I married Abigail, got her up to 12 hearts. I give her at least 3-4 loved gifts a week and talk to her everyday. All of a sudden she has dropped down to 11 hearts. Are there other things that negatively impact a marriage or is there something else I need to do? I have not given a bouquet to anybody else. but I have continued to socialize and give gifts to everyone, including the other single people in town. She also asked me if I want to adopt a child and I said no. Are children required? I was not planning on having any. Will this have a negative impact on my relationship or the game in any way? I want to keep my spouse happy. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Well giving gifts to singles dose sometimes have a negative effect as in she gets jealous that much I do know. As for kids Not to sure on that.
Yeah, not sure on kids...but if you want to get the hearts of the singles up beyond 8...then you want to give them bouquets BEFORE you marry one, otherwise your spouse will get super jealous and you'll lose hearts and stuff. =x Giving gifts to the singles once you're married definitely causes you to lose hearts, cause once I stopped doing that my spouse stopped losing hearts spontaneously, heh. You only need to talk to them like once a week to maintain the 10 heart relationship, too...so...yeah. =x
Thank you. I guess I will stop giving out gifts to the single people. Too bad you can't just be good friends with them. I hope talking to them is OK.
I've never had my spouse lose hearts for TALKING to them, but giving gifts is seen as suspicious to them.
Actually you can repair the lost heart by giving youe spouse gifts back its kind of give and take and give more in theory