Modding Help Some initial lua hackery

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by matta79, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. matta79

    matta79 Orbital Explorer

    If you start a server and join, you can use the print() function to output stuff to the server console.

    In groundMonster.lua, in function init(), I put in the following code at the end of the function:

    for key,value in pairs(entity) do
    print (key,value)

    This will print a list for each ground monster initialized, which represents a table of their functions. You can use this to help determine what functions you can call on an entity in lua. There probably more than that, but this is what I found so far.

    You can also just save and exit and then re-start up your character to reload lua scripts after you modify them. It's a little faster than restarting the game each time.

    Please add if you've found any more tricks about the lua API for StarBound.

    moveRight function: 36B33438
    setActiveSkillName function: 36B27BD0
    staticRandomizeSkillParameter function: 36B350A8
    setGravityEnabled function: 36B2A988
    currentRotationAngle function: 36B344D8
    holdJump function: 36B2DE08
    onGround function: 36B36A08
    moveLeft function: 36B33630
    setFacingDirection function: 36B33080
    randomizeParameterRange function: 36B313A0
    projectileConfigParameter function: 36B2FB90
    setAggressive function: 36B34DD0
    facingDirection function: 36B35038
    heal function: 36B34270
    health function: 36B36ED8
    closestItemDrop function: 36B31F38
    baseHealth function: 36B2D778
    stateNudge function: 36B2A790
    isFiring function: 36B37140
    currentScale function: 36B34008
    setFlipped function: 36B2DF20
    isValidTarget function: 36B2E690
    setRunning function: 36B33748
    setDamageOnTouch function: 36B33710
    randomizeSkillParameter function: 36B35428
    jump function: 36B36FF0
    playSound function: 36B357E0
    velocity function: 36B341C8
    readyToFire function: 36B357A8
    animationStateProperty function: 36B2A6B0
    setDeathParticleBurst function: 36B30E28
    closestValidTarget function: 36B354D0
    moveDown function: 36B360A0
    skillConfigParameter function: 36B31170
    animationState function: 36B33AC8
    dt function: 36B31E90
    id function: 36B308E8
    setParticleEmitterActive function: 36B329F0
    setAnimationState function: 36B31758
    playImmediateSound function: 36B30878
    fly function: 36B34890
    setDeathSound function: 36B334E0
    setEffectActive function: 36B35D20
    staticRandomizeParameter function: 36B31288
    startFiring function: 36B35930
    level function: 36B30920
    rotateGroup function: 36B369D0
    burstParticleEmitter function: 36B2FD18
    setFireDirection function: 36B34BD8
    anchorPoint function: 36B2ED20
    stunned function: 36B345B8
    stopFiring function: 36B34F90
    configParameter function: 36B35380
    setPartTag function: 36B320F8
    toAbsolutePosition function: 36B34F20
    setGlobalTag function: 36B30F78
    distanceToEntity function: 36B30060
    randomizeParameter function: 36B312C0
    position function: 36B35C78
    flyTo function: 36B36688
    flySpeed function: 36B33320
    randomizeSkillParameterRange function: 36B2FDC0
    setVelocity function: 36B30808
    entityInSight function: 36B35D90
    scaleGroup function: 36B31918
    vileRaisin, Supergeek and SethKipz like this.
  2. mcmurphy

    mcmurphy Master Chief

    Good info on print(). I'm going to experiment by printing LightLevel, temperature, timeOfDay, and see what values I get from them. I'm trying to make a test tech :)
  3. matta79

    matta79 Orbital Explorer

    Here's a list of the 'world' functions.

    isMonster function: 3F82C8F0
    itemType function: 3F8287C0
    entityExists function: 3F82C538
    breathable function: 3F82CC38
    material function: 3F82CEA0
    npcLineQuery function: 3F82C768
    spawnMonster function: 3F828670
    spawnProjectile function: 3F8286E0
    debugLine function: 3F82AE08
    liquidAt function: 3F828638
    objectLineQuery function: 3F82C730
    objectQuery function: 3F82C810
    lineCollision function: 3F828590
    day function: 3F828558
    isNpc function: 3F82CB90
    distance function: 3F82CF10
    entityName function: 3F82C618
    callScriptedEntity function: 3F82C6F8
    entityHandItem function: 3F82C6C0
    spawnNpc function: 3F8286A8
    entityPosition function: 3F82AEE8
    entityHealth function: 3F82D5D8
    entitySpecies function: 3F82C650
    isVisibleToPlayer function: 3F828520
    debugPoint function: 3F82D5A0
    loungableQuery function: 3F82AE78
    time function: 3F828718
    collisionBlocksAlongLine function: 3F8287F8
    rectCollision function: 3F8284B0
    pointCollision function: 3F8285C8
    timeOfDay function: 3F828788
    monsterQuery function: 3F82ADD0
    npcQuery function: 3F82AF20
    playerQuery function: 3F82C570
    magnitude function: 3F82CF48
    underground function: 3F82CDF8
    temperature function: 3F827870
    entityLineQuery function: 3F82C7D8
    windLevel function: 3F8284E8
    mod function: 3F82CED8
    entityQuery function: 3F82AF58
    logInfo function: 3F826840
    debugText function: 3F82D530
    lightLevel function: 3F828600
    loungableOccupied function: 3F82C5A8
    SethKipz likes this.
  4. mcmurphy

    mcmurphy Master Chief

    I'm having problems viewing printed things in the server console. I have the following code in a function update(args) in a tech:

    light = world.lightLevel

    But I don't see anything being printed in the server console. I see myself joining and quitting, but nothing else. I've also tried print("test") to no avail. Any ideas?
  5. MorpH

    MorpH Subatomic Cosmonaut

  6. matta79

    matta79 Orbital Explorer

    Are you sure your script is running?
  7. mcmurphy

    mcmurphy Master Chief

    The script has to be running. I put in in humanMech, and the script causes you to fire your guns, so I know I'm inside.

    Dumb question, but the server console is the cmd window that pops up when you click Launch Starbound Server, correct?
  8. matta79

    matta79 Orbital Explorer

    Yeah that's the server console. Edit: Sorry didn't read your post very clearly. Not sure why it's not printing at the moment.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2013
  9. mcmurphy

    mcmurphy Master Chief

    Yes, mech.lua, located in assets/tech/mech.

    I inserted some random non-code words and Starbound crashed, so I know it's looking inside.

    Now I'm experimenting with making my character say something in a speech bubble.
  10. matta79

    matta79 Orbital Explorer

    If you're putting non-code in there, it could crash as the file is being interpreted, meaning that it will crash even without running. It can also give errors the syntax is correct, but you're trying to do something illegal (like trying to access a nil object property), which only happens if the code runs. So I'm not sure if that validates that the code is running. I assume it is, but it's odd that print isn't working. You can try the print command in the monster AI code, in the init function like I did and see if it prints from there. Then you'll at least know you can print.
  11. MorpH

    MorpH Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I tried lightLevel but just get this:
    Error: Exception while invoking lua method 'onInteraction'. LuaException: [string "/objects/myscripts/mybeacon.lua"]:9: OutOfRange: Out of range, index: 0      
  12. matta79

    matta79 Orbital Explorer

    Can you paste what code you put in there? Lua indexes start at 1, maybe 0 index means it couldn't find the property or function.
  13. mcmurphy

    mcmurphy Master Chief

    Success! I put in your code in groundMonster.lua and everything printed great! So I tried out light level:

    light = world.lightLevel
    print("Light = ")

    In the console it printed hexidecimal numbers (I'm assuming). On the surface in day it printed 3C3557D8. When I jumped down a black hole it read 415DAEFO. I wish the script kept iterating as I'd like more data as I jumped in.

    edit: There must be something about function update(args) in techs that disallows printing, or something...
  14. MorpH

    MorpH Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Try putting it in an init function or onInterAction, not update.
  15. matta79

    matta79 Orbital Explorer

    That appears to be the function address, not the lightLevel value. If you attach it to a monster, it'll give different values for each monster.
  16. Welcome to how Lua works.
  17. MorpH

    MorpH Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The day we get proper API documentation will be glorious. I really hope it comes soon.
    NerArth likes this.
  18. matta79

    matta79 Orbital Explorer

    Cool, so how do we get the light level? Or is it a setter?
  19. Call the function??? That should be common sense...

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