Modding Help (Solved) Trouble placeing object on ship; Object invisible; Partial object image being scaled

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Justin O., Mar 22, 2014.

  1. Justin O.

    Justin O. Big Damn Hero

    Photoshop is showing it is the correct dimensions...

    View attachment 90985

    However when I open it through a photo viewer it is indeed 2048 x 320

    I reformatted the image and then re-saved it and now it is opening through the same photo viewer it seems to be the right size. I am re-paking it right now.
    I'm going to feel really dumb if that's what the issue was...

    While I'm waiting maybe you can help me understand what this means, or how it affects the image when it is place?
          "foregroundBlock" : false,
          "backgroundBlock" : false,

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 25, 2014
  2. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Why are you paking? You don't need to pack anything.

    A simple folder with a mod info file in your mods folder is more then enough
    No modder ever packs their file they are making. Its a waste of time.
  3. Justin O.

    Justin O. Big Damn Hero

    To be honest I haven't gone over creating my changes into mods yet. I am just trying to get the coding to work. I didn't know you could get around paking with it though...
    Not my brightest moment.
  4. Justin O.

    Justin O. Big Damn Hero

    So.... my image was 2048 x 320...
    Thanks photoshop!

    Now it's not animating though. I'm pretty sure I can trouble shoot that though.
  5. Justin O.

    Justin O. Big Damn Hero

    For dependencies I want to type in '[mod name].modinfo'?
      "name" : "shipserver",
      "version" : "Beta v. Enraged Koala"
      "path" : ".",
      "Dependencies" : []
  6. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    If you are making your own mod - you don't need any dependencies.
    Dependencies are only when your mod is using assets of another mod.

    In other words - you can leave it blank
  7. Justin O.

    Justin O. Big Damn Hero

    Thanks man, I really appreciate all of your help.

    So what I want is folder [shipserver] in the mods folder containing my .modinfo and then the full path to the actual item's folder I added in objects?
  8. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

  9. Justin O.

    Justin O. Big Damn Hero

    Got it!

    The layer that had the differences between frames wasn't visible when I saved it.
    It's animating now, and I am using the mod folder so I don't have to repak everytime.

    Thank you both so much!
  10. Vaeux

    Vaeux Big Damn Hero

    As Swat said, it's <frame>, not <frames>. In this particular example, this is what you would have to use:
    "dualImage" : "imagename.png:imagename.<frame>",
    Everything after the colon is the frame name. If you want, you could just use :<frame>, and name your frames "0", "1", etc.
    I'm sorry, but this was hilarious.

    Also, as expected. I bet you were using a non-pixel unit of measurement without noticing.
    I'm going to go ahead and guess that these determine whether the given block(s) in the ship layout image will have collision pre-set, which probably doesn't matter if you're just adding an object to an existing ship.
  11. Justin O.

    Justin O. Big Damn Hero

    Haha, yeah, needless to say making a mod for the first time was quite the experience.
    I don't know how impossibly long any of this would have taken me without you and SwatElite's help, so thank you both!

    I finally got it working and now that I don't have commas in the wrong spot, typos or my image files way out of proportion everything looks great. I suppose it's all going to be a little more down hill from my first modded object.
    You guys have been life savers!!

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