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[Solved] Crash-to-Desktop/Black screen on Linux

Discussion in 'Mac / Linux Bug Reports' started by Gangsir, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. liamdawe

    liamdawe Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Seems fixed for me now on Ubuntu 16.04 :)
    • QoAaD

      QoAaD Void-Bound Voyager

      Only slightly improved for me on Cinnamon Mint. I get what should be a welcome screen (black), chirping birds, but nothing else.
      • MysticTempest

        MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

        Hey @liamdawe, would you be willing to try this for me now that you got it working?

        Run the game, grab the pid; and output this while the game is running to a text file.
        "lsof -P -T -p Application_PID"

        I got it working yesterday for a short time, & made my own output: here
        But, then I borked my desktop temporarily testing out graphics. My desktop is fixed, but I'm back to where I originally started; same error as everyone else.
        So, I've been comparing my notes from when the game was working to the broken ones I've generated today. Slight differences here & there; like all the broken ones show it loading the Wave Bank.xwb file.

        I'm kind of just grasping at straws though. I'll include some of my broken game outputs for anyone to peruse.

          Attached Files:

        • dellis1972

          dellis1972 Space Hobo

          I suspect that the mcs.bin.x86 (or mcs.bin.x86_64) is not working on the machines reporting a black screen.
          You can confirm this my just trying to run it manually. Its located in the steam install dir
          ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Startdew\ Valley\

          just try

          ./mcs.bin.x86 (or x86_64 if you are 64 bit).

          I suspect you will see a native crash. I have repo'd this on Mint 17.03 and I got a native crash.

          in the meantime there is something you can try. If you have mono installed (the latest 4.4.x if possible, but try it with what ever your distro has.).
          1 ) backup the existing mcs.bin.x86/x86_64 file
          2) symlink mcs.bin.x86/x86_64 to point to /usr/bin/mcs e.g
          ln -s /usr/bin/mcs ./mcs.bin.x86_64
          ln -s /usr/bin/mcs ./mcs.bin.x86

          Run up the game and see if it works.
          • Gangsir

            Gangsir Space Spelunker

            Correct, got a crash. Log is:

            * Assertion at domain.c:718, condition `mono_defaults.runtimetype_class != 0' not met
            Native stacktrace:
               ./mcs.bin.x86_64() [0x44392d]
               /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0x10330) [0x7fc853314330]
               /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(gsignal+0x37) [0x7fc852d5fc37]
               /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(abort+0x148) [0x7fc852d63028]
               ./mcs.bin.x86_64() [0x58d9f9]
               ./mcs.bin.x86_64() [0x58dc07]
               ./mcs.bin.x86_64() [0x58dd56]
               ./mcs.bin.x86_64() [0x491e5c]
               ./mcs.bin.x86_64() [0x4527fe]
               ./mcs.bin.x86_64() [0x414aaa]
               ./mcs.bin.x86_64() [0x413831]
               /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf5) [0x7fc852d4af45]
               ./mcs.bin.x86_64() [0x413435]
            Debug info from gdb:
            Could not attach to process.  If your uid matches the uid of the target
            process, check the setting of /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope, or try
            again as the root user.  For more details, see /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf
            ptrace: Operation not permitted.
            No threads.
            Got a SIGABRT while executing native code. This usually indicates
            a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
            used by your application.
            Aborted (core dumped)

            I'd rather not set up a symlink, but thanks for the idea. It'd be better for CF to fix the mcs that's bundled with the game.
            • dellis1972

              dellis1972 Space Hobo

              Its just a work around. but I totally understand :)
              • ShneekeyTheLost

                ShneekeyTheLost Master Astronaut


                * Assertion at domain.c:718, condition `mono_defaults.runtimetype_class != 0' not met
                Native stacktrace:
                   ./mcs.bin.x86() [0x806257f]
                   ./mcs.bin.x86() [0x806ac5c]
                   /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(gsignal+0x47) [0xf7536687]
                   /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(abort+0x143) [0xf7539ab3]
                   ./mcs.bin.x86() [0x81e5f91]
                   ./mcs.bin.x86() [0x81e6118]
                   ./mcs.bin.x86() [0x81e61a3]
                   ./mcs.bin.x86() [0x80d10e1]
                   ./mcs.bin.x86() [0x807259c]
                   ./mcs.bin.x86() [0x805be21]
                   ./mcs.bin.x86() [0x805aa30]
                   /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf3) [0xf7521af3]
                   ./mcs.bin.x86() [0x805a6c1]
                Debug info from gdb:
                Could not attach to process.  If your uid matches the uid of the target
                process, check the setting of /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope, or try
                again as the root user.  For more details, see /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf
                ptrace: Operation not permitted.
                No threads.
                Got a SIGABRT while executing native code. This usually indicates
                a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
                used by your application.
                and for 64 bit...

                * Assertion at domain.c:718, condition `mono_defaults.runtimetype_class != 0' not met
                Native stacktrace:
                   ./mcs.bin.x86_64() [0x44392d]
                   /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0x10330) [0x7fcc7f5a8330]
                   /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(gsignal+0x37) [0x7fcc7efeec37]
                   /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(abort+0x148) [0x7fcc7eff2028]
                   ./mcs.bin.x86_64() [0x58d9f9]
                   ./mcs.bin.x86_64() [0x58dc07]
                   ./mcs.bin.x86_64() [0x58dd56]
                   ./mcs.bin.x86_64() [0x491e5c]
                   ./mcs.bin.x86_64() [0x4527fe]
                   ./mcs.bin.x86_64() [0x414aaa]
                   ./mcs.bin.x86_64() [0x413831]
                   /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf5) [0x7fcc7efd9f45]
                   ./mcs.bin.x86_64() [0x413435]
                Debug info from gdb:
                Could not attach to process.  If your uid matches the uid of the target
                process, check the setting of /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope, or try
                again as the root user.  For more details, see /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf
                ptrace: Operation not permitted.
                No threads.
                Got a SIGABRT while executing native code. This usually indicates
                a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
                used by your application.

                When I made the symlinks, it did NOT fix the problem. Same issue, blank screen with birds chirping in the background.
                --- Post updated ---
                One other thing. When verifying the integrity of the files, it said that one file needed to be reacquired, but it never was. Deleted local files and reinstalled completely, same thing.
                • Gangsir

                  Gangsir Space Spelunker

                  I too experienced this. This is likely just steam being weird, though.
                  • MysticTempest

                    MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

                    Hey guys, can y'all try something for me if you're able to?
                    If you have "Amnesia: The Dark Descent" installed; can you grab the "libSDL2-2.0.so.0" files from both lib directories, and overwrite the ones in the Stardew folder.

                    I did that, and I no longer get the black screen. It seems to run fine, but intermittently crashes at the title screen. Error logs seemed to state something about a save/load issue.
                    After the first 6 or so crashes, it stopped breaking & I can play normally. Seemingly without issue so far, but I'm testing further.

                    Adding a couple of the error logs from save/load issue.

                      Attached Files:

                    • ShneekeyTheLost

                      ShneekeyTheLost Master Astronaut

                      If you don't have libsdl2-2.0 installed already, it's available on the Debian repos for both Ubuntu and Mint and you should be able to make a symlink to it and see if that doesn't fix the issue. If it does, we know what they need to fix.
                      • Ketchup Girl

                        Ketchup Girl Space Hobo

                        Hey! I was having the black screen issue, but then I updated Mono, now it's working perfectly.
                        Mono was running the version Mono 3.12.1, now I've updated it to Mono 4.4.1.

                        You can check your current version with:
                        mono --version
                        And get the latest version here, just select your OS and follow the steps:

                        I hope I can help some people facing the same issue =P
                          ShneekeyTheLost likes this.
                        • ShneekeyTheLost

                          ShneekeyTheLost Master Astronaut

                          This worked for me!

                          Mint comes with about the same version by default. Had to manually add the repo, but it's working just fine now!
                          • TomSpilman

                            TomSpilman Intergalactic Tourist

                            This should be fixed in the latest beta build. Give it a try.
                            • Gangsir

                              Gangsir Space Spelunker

                              Good news and bad news.


                              It launches fine with working graphics when I manually execute StardewValley.bin.x86_64. The titlescreen and opening starts, and sound works. Looks like that executable is fixed, and I can play. I'll play for a bit and see if I notice anything broken.


                              Launching via steam crashes immediately without creating a window. Basically the old behaviour. However, it does not create a crash log, at least not where it used to. The problem is likely steam executing the wrong file.

                              Ps. @TomSpilman Are you a dev? You reply like one, but you don't have a "Chucklefish" or similar tag on your name. Just curious.
                              • paragordius

                                paragordius Lucky Number 13

                                Same behavior here on Linux Mint 17.3. Upgrading to a newer version of mono-runtime (4.something) didn't help, so I downgraded back to 3.2.8.

                                Running either StardewValley, StardewValley.bin.x86 or StardewValley.bin.x86_64 directly all seem to work now. No clue what Steam is trying to launch.

                                Edit: Saving and loading seems to work too.
                                  Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
                                • TomSpilman

                                  TomSpilman Intergalactic Tourist

                                  Reboot your Steam clients and try again. This seems like some weird Steam bug and we found a workaround in the backend.

                                  Yes. I'm working with ConcernedApe and Chucklefish on the PC and console ports.
                                    Gangsir likes this.
                                  • paragordius

                                    paragordius Lucky Number 13

                                    It worked!
                                      Gangsir likes this.
                                    • TomSpilman

                                      TomSpilman Intergalactic Tourist

                                      Thanks letting us know... hopefully that is the last of the weird Linux stuff for now. :)
                                      • Gangsir

                                        Gangsir Space Spelunker

                                        Yep. Working :D. Thanks for the help and fixes, Devs and random forum members.
                                        • MysticTempest

                                          MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

                                          I just wanted to add my thanks as well! :DD I reinstalled the beta from scratch, and the black screen issue is gone!
                                          I did have a bit of screen tearing while playing. But, I fixed that by turning VSync on; under my graphic driver settings. Been playing great ever since. :)

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