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Bug/Issue /Solution - Partner Thinks it's messy

Discussion in 'Support' started by Kit Ballard, Mar 7, 2016.

  1. Kit Ballard

    Kit Ballard Tentacle Wrangler

    Brought up in another topic I posted on but I wanted to pull away from it and point out some finer details of this issue.

    While we've been given free reign over how our furniture is arranged (besides the bed), there's something else that's coming up. Your spouse will randomly complain that it's too messy, even if it looks som'in like this:

    So what is the problem? Well, when the game calls for the spouse to go "look" at one of the items, say the TV, the game will pick a side and they'll goto it... if they can. If they can't, instead of trying a different spot, they will pull up the "Messy" script and freeze. So, a simple solution for the moment is either empty the house or space everything nice. But there's another hangup. The game tried to have them "look" at the stuff on the wall. They can't actually get anywhere near it! So, after goofing with my layout, here's what I got:

    So, ripping everything off the walls and giving all items a 1 block gap (the TV is fine), she hasn't complained about not being able to stare at som'in..

    I hope this issue is an easy one to fix, as it's pretty annoying to not beable to have the house as I'd like it.. specially without windows.
    • Afterscore

      Afterscore Weight of the Sky

      Yeah this one has been driving people crazy, I think I can suffer through it until a proper fix is pushed out.
      • Kit Ballard

        Kit Ballard Tentacle Wrangler

        Yeah. After rearranging the house, I can live with it for the moment too, since she'll go about her day of staring at stuff for no reason. When the fix lands, I'm so redecorating lol Hoping this helps someone for the time being though.
          Last edited: Mar 7, 2016

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