Then you shouldn't make the assumption that other survivors can handle the situation better than the sniper if you don't understand their game mechanics.
(Oh, btw, I edited the post previous to my previous post because it did seem a bit too harsh without making the main point obvious.)
But yes, there are other survivors who can't deal with the Jar of Ants situation similarly to sniper.
One is the Bandit.
Two is the Enforcer. (Can only protect the front, and there are MANY situations where he can not block an enemy's' attack, especially in a Jar of Ants situation.)
Three is HAN-D. (Relies on knocking back ALL enemies at once, if its unable to do so, it must sacrifice a healing drone.)
Including the sniper there are FOUR survivors out of EIGHT which can't handle Jar of Ants well.
Should we make threads for those characters too?
(I say eight because Acrid and Engineer can just walk away from the Jar of Ants situation.)
The main reason why I used the bandit is because:
What type of combat is the bandit tailored to?
Single target combat.
Is he good at it?
He is terrible compared to the sniper, but he is rewarded with a cooldown removal if he kills an enemy.
What about the sniper, who is also a single target combat class?
Even if the sniper doesn't kill the enemy, they aren't hindered because their cooldowns are so short!
Instead of being rewarded upon killing enemies, the sniper's spotter is forced into cooldown, but he STILL outperforms the bandit even without the 100% crit chance!
Click to expand...
I can't agree with the Enforcer and Han-D at least. I've played Enforcer and Han-D and at least for ME, they Handle a Jar of Ants SWIMMINGLY. The Enforcer USED to have nasty hitbox errors with his shield he couldn't deal with, but I believe most of those got fixed, and now he can crawl slowly back and forth which eliminates the possibility of not hunkering down at the very edge or right up against the wall, since you can just back up into the optimal position.
So to sum it up...
1. Protect and Serve can now back up to the optimal position for defense.
2. Shield Bash can toss away enemies that are somehow biting through your shield, if any.
3. Shotgun does incredible AOE damage.
4. His explosive-tossy-thingy stuns. Combine that with shield and I don't see the problem, sir.
Han-D... I've said it before. He was BUILT for tanking. I really have no idea why you guys have so much trouble in a Jar of Ants with this guy.
Last edited: Jan 24, 2014