What? WHAT? You want a 800% power Forced Reassembly? Are you kidding me? 800%? It's already CRAZY powerful, it FORCES even BOSSES to be launched into the air and stop attacking you so you can get your bearings, that's insane. The weakest part about Han-d isn't his fourth skill, its his base attack intervals one his spammable punches. With just one item or using Overclock you fix that issue completely. (The attack speed ALSO effects how fast drones fire AND how fast Forced Reassembly executes, making him one of the most versatile characters to play the game with.)
As a solid Han-D main, I can say you're really just trying to straight tailor the game to how you want to play it, instead of adapting your skills to the game and the characters within. None of these characters even have any issues. Everyone is solid, you just need to play them differently from one another. It takes a bit to learn each character and their strengths and weaknesses, but once you do all of them can complete the game at every level. Learn to adapt. This is basically a rogue-like. It's adapt or die, always has been always will be. If the game gives you 15 headstompers, gombastomp your way to victory, don't beat your head against the wall trying to do things the character you've selected can't do, or the items you have don't allow. (Like walking into a crowd of enemies without a couple repulsion armors and defensive items, thinking your two leechseeds will save you.)
I don't mean to seem harsh here, but your suggestions in particular would really just make this game way easier for no tradeoff. When I started playing the game, I couldn't get past the third teleporter either, but when I sat down and learned the characters I was playing, I ripped through the game on normal and now exclusively play hardcore, there's just no fun in playing a game like this when it's too easy for you. Instead of asking or suggestion how to change things to make it easier, ask yourself "What can I do to improve my skills in game?".
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Woah woah, chill bra. I think you misunderstood my post. I wasn't suggesting Han-D's Forced Reassembly just be made stronger, I was suggesting it have doubled damage AND cooldown. So it's basically a mere aesthetic change (doing same DOT. Just differently). I wanted it this way because the move felt weird to use. The animation is big and impressive and the hammer looks heavy and makes the screen quake and it just felt confusing to see all that fanciness and only do double the damage of a normal punch, y'know? As it is, Forced Reassembly is just a slightly different version of his normal attack. I suggested this change only to make the skill a bit more different and thus interesting.
Also, I hope you understand that this is a suggestion forum, which invites input of all varieties. Input that is entirely opinionated BY NATURE, and the moment you suggest an opinion is dumb, you are wrong.
And questioning my skill as a player based on a suggestion that you seem to have read incorrectly is a terrible idea. You shouldn't have even brought it up. It had no place here. For the record, Han-D is not difficult to play at all. I never said OR thought that. I tanked the entire game quite "handily" (see what I did there) while playing him. His drone attack is ridiculous kinds of OP, and lets him get away with just facetanking everything thrown at him (not to mention he HAS to facetank everything because he has no viable dodge or block options). I didn't beat the game, but I got all the way to the final stage. I was finally killed by that red Guilded Wurm. It didn't occur to me until the final battle that Han-D would not have access to his drones, but I don't blame that on the game. That was clearly my fault for getting caught up in being GODLY and not thinking ahead.
Last edited: Nov 17, 2013