Snake-Human Hybrid: The Lampent

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Alternal, Jun 15, 2012.


Do you like the idea of the Lampent?

  1. Yeah!

    9 vote(s)
  2. No.

    1 vote(s)
  1. Alternal

    Alternal Existential Complex

    Now I know my posts don't get too many views but I like putting out my suggestions anyway.

    So my idea for a playable race is basically a human mixed with a snake, for example:
    A human, but with the lower half of a snake, snake eyes, tongue and scales around their body. They live in jungle environments, feeding off lesser creatures. (Think mermaids but.... snakes).

    (Name idea from mixing the words Lamia and Serpent).

    The Lampent are a very primitive species set in their ways. They are quick learners, however the elders warn the young never to stray from the ways of their fathers and mothers. Few Lampent have actually left the society to travel to new lands, and it is thought to bring bad luck to their home tribe. They have 1 main religion, and worship an all mighty god known as Kulkant, a winged and feathered snake which, as faith tells, rests inside the planet, slumbering and watching the tribes live their lives. The Lampent use little to no technology, simple gear structures have been reported, but no electrical devices.
    When it comes to attire, the Lampent choose very colourful cloths to cover themselves in. The elders and priests wear the same, however their garments are much longer then an average citizen, trailing behind their long tails.

    Physical abilities:
    Although the Lampent don't have legs, they can still move rather fast. Walking is simply an upright slither along the ground, but a full blown sprint for them is something to see. Due to their snake-like physiology, their ribs are very flexible. This combined with the ability to use their arms to move gives them excellent movement and also climbing skills.
    The Lampent have a multitude of defence techniques. Their main abilities are natural to them, namely venom and constriction, and of course, arms and hands that can use spears and blades strengthen them further.
    lizard455 likes this.
  2. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Subatomic Cosmonaut

    A lot of people have been suggesting naga related races but of all honesty, I'd avoid including special abilities of any kind.
  3. Xanivic

    Xanivic Void-Bound Voyager

    There should be a worm race. And you were only given the ability to eat potatoes.
  4. Alternal

    Alternal Existential Complex

    Well the special abilities thing was just an example of their overall physical abilities. And if every race had a slight ability different from others it would add both replayability, and also make multilayer more interesting.
  5. Xanivic

    Xanivic Void-Bound Voyager

    I should probably CONTRIBUTE to the thread rather than be an idiot. I agree with Alternal. Although, many say that racial abilities wouldn't be fair or would be "overpowered." Not sure how they would be considered overpowered. I personally like the idea of racial abilities, though not to the point where one race has an advantage over another of course.
  6. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I guess you're right in a way. However, none of us really understand the true mechanics of the game but I'm warning you that people here aren't to keen about special abilities and even I myself had to control myself from doing so. :(
  7. Alternal

    Alternal Existential Complex

    Yeah I know! I used to be on the "everyone is the same" side, but every species is different in reality, so this wouldn't be to bad. And besides they wouldn't do overpowered stuff, maybe the Lampent could have like 20% Climbing speed, or just the venom and constricting abilities. And who knows, maybe all of them if every race gets sweet abilities.
  8. lizard455

    lizard455 Pangalactic Porcupine

    If you can't tell by my name, I'm into reptiles, and would really like a reptilian playable race to be implemented. By the looks of similar threads' polls, about 80% of the community does too.

    Personally, I am a strong opponent of racial buffs/debuffs. They seem to get in the way of personalization.

    Excluding the mentioned climbing bonus, I think the whole thing is a really solid idea. Keep in mind that the Devs most likely will not implement the entire suggestion as is, but I believe that they could get some good ideas from the concept.

    Altogether, I think this is a good idea.:DD
  9. Alternal

    Alternal Existential Complex

    As long as the basic idea is implemented I'm happy. I won't fight you on your opinion hahah :rofl:
    And I added the buffs just a "what if" kinda thing.
    Lennon1398 likes this.
  10. lizard455

    lizard455 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yeah, I understand.
  11. Todem

    Todem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Having roleplayed as a Naga for years, i have a pretty good understanding of the strength and weaknesses of the Serpentkin, so i will add my buck 50!

    Naga's cannot jump, but they can strike out fairly quickly
    They move normally aside from striking but can climb 2, 3 blocks smoothly, as well as crawl under 1 block with a little effort.
    if there is a ledge that is 3 blocks higher, they can balance themselves upwards, with increasing difficulty to maintain balance the higher they go, and can grip ledges.
    Should a Lampent be wearing clothing that is strong enough, friends can climb up the naga to the next ledge, much like a ladder. (in order for the naga to follow upwards, they must have assistance from their companion, Ex. stand at the edge while waiting for Lampent to climb up.)
    Lampent cannot stand on one single block, must stand on 2 blocks or lose balance and fall. (lava noooooh!)
    They can swim with ease in water, and with an increased lung capacity, they can stay submerged for underwater exploration for 2x-3x longer than a default human.
    their character is 4 blocks long, and occupy the last 4 blocks unless gravity pulls an unsupported section in the air.
    Constriction is available, but against larger, or clawed creatures, they sustain damage during struggle. They also become a sort of Flesh shield from attack from teamates, so dont shoot at a creature that is restrained by a naga. (note... dont hug the explody stuff)

    how am i doing so far?
    Alternal likes this.
  12. Alternal

    Alternal Existential Complex

    That all does seem quite probable :)
    I like it!
  13. lizard455

    lizard455 Pangalactic Porcupine

    with all those abilities, nobody would play any other races! be a little more rational
  14. Todem

    Todem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    What would you take away/modify?
  15. Alternal

    Alternal Existential Complex

    The ability to fit into 1 square holes is a little cheap, and the whole ladder thing would be difficult to implement. Although they are good idea, they'de need to be little more equal with other races :)

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