Discussion in 'Mods' started by Platonymous, Dec 17, 2017.

  1. Platonymous

    Platonymous Big Damn Hero


    Allows the use of color profiles to apply color saturations and palettes.
    To switch between color profiles press PageUp or PageDown (Can be changed in the config file)

    Profile example (This changes nothing, it just shows all options):
    "name": "Original",
    "author": "Platonymous",
    "version": "1.2.0",
    "saturation": 100,
    "tint": [255, 255, 255, 255],
    "red": 100,
    "green": 100,
    "blue": 100,
    "light": 100,
    "palette": "none",
    "noAmbientLight": false,
    "noTransparancy": false,
    "noLightsources": false,
    "noShadow": false,
    "noColorTransparancy": false

    Palette change example:
    "name": "Gameboy",
    "author": "Platonymous",
    "version": "1.2.0",
    "palette": "gameboy.png",
    "noAmbientLight": true,
    "noTransparancy": true,
    "noLightsources": true,
    "noShadow": true,
    "noColorTransparancy": true

    The current version includes some profiles, but you can also add your own.



      Last edited: Dec 21, 2017
    • Platonymous

      Platonymous Big Damn Hero

      The last update added the "noAmbientLight" option and two new profiles:

      NES Limited:

      Black & White:
      • peachflower

        peachflower Intergalactic Tourist

        I really like this mod, but it seems I can't use it :( As soon as a profile is applied, the game begins to stutter and has noticeable frame drops. When I switch to "Original" the fps is smooth immediately. Any ideas how to avoid this?
        • Entoarox

          Entoarox Oxygen Tank

          It is a limit of how the mod works, Platonymous for whatever reason isnt using a pixel shader but manually shading the sprites during the draw itself, that has its cost :( (Namely, that Visualize is CPU-bound, rather then taking advantage of the GPU)

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