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SMAPI Update didn't work for me?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Samily, Dec 12, 2019.

  1. Samily

    Samily Aquatic Astronaut

    I have a problem with Smapi, that doesn't let me play the game anymore. I already did update Smapi to 3.0, but for some reason when I start it, it says SMAPI 2.10.1 and tells me to update.. I cant find any smapi data but the newest so I can't delete the 2. Version - wich was my initial thought..
    It also doesn't seem to accept the mods that I already updated(for some it says 3.0 is needed, wich I understand, but for some it still tells me to update them.. Also the 'Content Patcher' Mod is for some reason not found at all..)
    Help please ...?
    • hatmouse

      hatmouse Phantasmal Quasar

      Installing the latest version of SMAPI should automatically uninstall old versions. Check for multiple versions of the game installed, maybe there's a backup being played or installed to - the green text on the last page of the installer should tell you where it just installed to. (Since this is a modding related problem, you're better off asking in the Mods subforum, or in the modding channel of the Stardew Valley Discord server :) )
      • Samily

        Samily Aquatic Astronaut

        Oh okay, thanks!

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