RELEASED [SMAPI] New machines (flour, sugar, vinegar, rice?)

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Igorious, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. krakau

    krakau Big Damn Hero

    try this version:!11443&authkey=!AMybjT9tSnzmxew
    its the stable 1.1 version uploaded by igoirous. i think he didnt update the first post of this thread yet (i dont know if the first post is updated by now. but when i downloaded it, it wasnt, so i used that link given by igoirous some posts above our posts)
      ress_1819 likes this.
    • ress_1819

      ress_1819 Void-Bound Voyager

      Oboromusha likes this.
    • Oboromusha

      Oboromusha Pangalactic Porcupine

      Yup seems that issue is now fixed. I can also confirm that Wine works in the vinegar maker, so the only one that doesn't have multiple applications now is the sugar maker (ony beets for now).
        ress_1819 likes this.
      • krakau

        krakau Big Damn Hero

        so its:
        1. amaranth, wheat or corn into flour
        2. water + beet into sugar
        3. apple or wine into vinegar
        thats all so far, right? or is there more?
        • Igorious

          Igorious Sandwich Man

          Currently yes. At the moment I'm finding way to override behaviour of in-game machines.
            Oboromusha likes this.
          • Venoshock

            Venoshock Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            awesome work on this mod!
            can i request adding rice to the vinegar recipes?
            as fermented rice or sake (why CA why can't i make sake?!) are used to make rice vinegar :)
            • Oboromusha

              Oboromusha Pangalactic Porcupine

              Oh, my.

              If @Ciriun can handle the new sprite work for new crafting outputs, that would be grand, he's doing excellent work. All that this needs now is @Killerbotto figuring out how to override existing recipes and create new ones and these two mods will CONQUER THE UNIVERSE, MUHAHAHAHAHA!

              I'm going to chill from this game for a while, on Dying Light for next week or so, but i'll check newest releases and will do my best to report on issues as I see them. Thank you!
                RoastedCoconutz and Superior_s like this.
              • Ciriun

                Ciriun Big Damn Hero

                Sorry, got caught up with other mods. What am I being summoned to sprite for this one?
                  Superior_s likes this.
                • Superior_s

                  Superior_s Sandwich Man

                  I'm assuming anything that's needed.
                  I'm not sure what's currently needed though I think you already covered it all lol
                  • Ciriun

                    Ciriun Big Damn Hero

                    Oh, okay. Well my level of busy-ness is gradually increasing, but for now at least I'm free for whatever whenever it comes up. :up:
                      Superior_s likes this.
                    • Superior_s

                      Superior_s Sandwich Man

                      What are you working on currently? Just curious.
                      • Ciriun

                        Ciriun Big Damn Hero

                        Trees, mostly. Still trying to wrangle that banana tree, and fiddling with a few of my own.
                          taintedwheat and Superior_s like this.
                        • taintedwheat

                          taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                          i hope this mod leads to my idea ;__; would you help with that spriting?
                            Ciriun and Superior_s like this.
                          • Superior_s

                            Superior_s Sandwich Man

                            I see, important work. :lickitung:
                              Ciriun and taintedwheat like this.
                            • Ciriun

                              Ciriun Big Damn Hero

                              I hope so, too. Cooking and crafting are my favorite parts of farming games. I won't be happy until I'm growing wheat to turn into flour, making my own sugar, throwing them together with any fruit or berry I please, and getting an appropriately named pie from it. And that's just to start with.
                                Snarkypie and Superior_s like this.
                              • taintedwheat

                                taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                                Its fun. Being all manageable and stuff. I want to make so many types of things! I mean, it ain't no Cooking Mama, but at least there's more than"pale broth." Like what, gross.

                                I really want to see new seasonal events. There should be dog races if there's fish competitions.
                                  RoastedCoconutz and Superior_s like this.
                                • krakau

                                  krakau Big Damn Hero

                                  not sure if anyone already reported this bug: i cant use beet sugar for cooking. beet sugar looks the same like flour and it acts like flour. i put away my flour form inventory and tried to cook in the kitchen. i could cook meals needing flour with beet sugar.

                                  - and btw: there is no recipe that needs vinegar, right?
                                  • Igorious

                                    Igorious Sandwich Man

                                    Thanks for report.
                                    It's typo in config file. You can delete default config or update mod to latest version.

                                    Vinegar is used in Coleslaw, Parsnip Soup, Radish Salad and Salad.

                                    • Superior_s

                                      Superior_s Sandwich Man

                                      I'd probably make the vodka more of a glass color, because at the current moment it sorta looks like a bottle of mercury.
                                        taintedwheat likes this.
                                      • krakau

                                        krakau Big Damn Hero

                                        so .. does it mean deleting config.json solves most of the problems, because the mod just creates a new and clean config?

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