RELEASED [SMAPI] Harvest With Scythe 1.06

Harvest all crops and flowers with Scythe only

  1. ThatNorthernMonkey

    ThatNorthernMonkey Aquatic Astronaut


    I'm not sure tbh, I can't seem to replicate the problem. I've rebuilt and re-uploaded the mod that I recorded the above video with. If you're still having problems with V1.03 I'll need some more specifics I guess, is it straight up not working for any crops? Just new crops? Just parsnips?
    • Timroham

      Timroham Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      Interesting. I haven't been able to get xp from any crops at all so far. I've had the mod installed since I started fresh from a brand new file.

      I FIGURED IT OUT! If you right click, you don't get xp for harvesting crops, if you left click, xp happens. Hope that helps.
        Last edited: Mar 28, 2016
        ThatNorthernMonkey likes this.
      • ThatNorthernMonkey

        ThatNorthernMonkey Aquatic Astronaut

        lol weird, you guys right click with the Scythe? :p never occurred to me for some reason. I'll have a look to see if I can fix.
        • ThatNorthernMonkey

          ThatNorthernMonkey Aquatic Astronaut

          BlushingCreep likes this.
        • ThatNorthernMonkey

          ThatNorthernMonkey Aquatic Astronaut

          That should do it :) I had the entire thing enclosed around an if( Game1.didPlayerJustLeftClick() )... switched it to Game1.didPlayerJustClickAtAll() which now works for clicking. Wonder if using a gamepad has issues hrrmmm testing.

          Edit: doesn't work with a gamepad for this reason. Checking for a fix.
          • ThatNorthernMonkey

            ThatNorthernMonkey Aquatic Astronaut

          • ThatNorthernMonkey

            ThatNorthernMonkey Aquatic Astronaut

            All sorted. Thank you lots for working out what the problem was - it would have probably evaded me for a while :)
              zyymurgy and Timroham like this.
            • YTMStardew

              YTMStardew Space Hobo

              AWESOME mod, thanks for the post! :D
                ThatNorthernMonkey likes this.
              • Arrek

                Arrek Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                Many thanks for the fix, would have never occurred me on which click is used, as I tend to sit back and use a controller. Guessing that the control setup treats the 'A' button as right click.
                • fimbulvetr

                  fimbulvetr Space Spelunker

                  Awesome mod! Question though, would it be possible to reduce/adjust the range of the scythe? I keep accidentally harvesting things I don't want to be harvested. (Easiest solution is probably to just plant those things elsewhere, but.)
                  • mangosix0

                    mangosix0 Void-Bound Voyager

                    very useful mod! but, I can't get farming exp .... TT
                    • Timroham

                      Timroham Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      Updating to the newest version should fix you right up.
                        ThatNorthernMonkey likes this.
                      • drkfirwnds

                        drkfirwnds Void-Bound Voyager

                        Hello ThatNorthernMonkey, I'd like to say that I really enjoy this mod! It makes farming so much easier and convenient. However, even with the new update, I still cannot seem to earn exp for my farming skill and I can't seem to figure out why,
                        • ThatNorthernMonkey

                          ThatNorthernMonkey Aquatic Astronaut

                          Can you give me some more info on the current state of your save? And other things... gamepad or mouse? which button do you use to harvest on gamepad, which mouse button for mouse? which crops? where? (farm / greenhouse / modded location?) any particular crop or just all of them? 100% you're using the latest version I released? :)

                          If you know how, could you put your save folder in a zip file and attach it to a post, I can test it myself and work out the problem :)
                          • mangosix0

                            mangosix0 Void-Bound Voyager

                            I download new version, but I can't still get exp.. TT
                            Do not you fix yet?

                            I plant crops in farm
                            use new save
                            use left, right click both
                            tested crops [blueberry, pasnip, potato]
                            • ThatNorthernMonkey

                              ThatNorthernMonkey Aquatic Astronaut

                              Can you guys give me your save files if you know how please? :) hard to debug as things are working alright otherwise :)
                              • mangosix0

                                mangosix0 Void-Bound Voyager

                                ThatNorthernMonkey likes this.
                              • drkfirwnds

                                drkfirwnds Void-Bound Voyager


                                Blueberries, Tomatoes, Corn and Parsnips didn't work for me. I don't know about the others as I haven't tried it yet. I simply use left clicking on mouse to harvest.
                                  ThatNorthernMonkey likes this.
                                • ThatNorthernMonkey

                                  ThatNorthernMonkey Aquatic Astronaut

                                  You guys are right, and I can see why. Working on a fix, but for the time being anything on a trellis (like beans, hops) or any berries / plants that regrow after harvest there is no XP. Should be fixed soon :) Thanks for drawing my attention to this.
                                  • ThatNorthernMonkey

                                    ThatNorthernMonkey Aquatic Astronaut

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