Discussion in 'Mods' started by Jinxiewinxie, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. taintedwheat

    taintedwheat Master Astronaut

    Heyyyy. if ya want to use the mirror I quickly edited up, here ya go --put this in your towninterriors.png over the original and repack it.

    i have it as an xnb here, but it's gonna make your fireplace pastel pink with a muted yellow bullhead over it:
    pretty sure its still set to turn regular brick stone to pink brick stone, but if you're ok with that hahah:

    make sure you put it in the content folder~
    • Jokerine

      Jokerine Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      taintedwheat likes this.
    • taintedwheat

      taintedwheat Master Astronaut

      I'm running it that way as well

      That's how I run all my mods, before I had difficulty the otherway and switched over. is it a windows 10 thing?
      • Juliet

        Juliet Void-Bound Voyager

        It's in my mods folder, yes. STill no luck :(
        • Oboromusha

          Oboromusha Pangalactic Porcupine

          as it stands, will this work with Quantum's Farmhouse Extended (Smaller Basement + Attic ver 1.3) without overriding farmhouse xnbs with acceess to addtional maps? Or can you reach him so you can provide this feature for integration with his maps for the next version? This is exactly what I wanted out of my house now, but using that other mod, I really don't want to risk losing that for this feature.
          • Juliet

            Juliet Void-Bound Voyager

            Okay, so I literally removed everything from my house, enabled the stove configurations just in case, still no luck.
            I loaded up a game I never played (not a new game) and it did load?!
            So it looks like the mod IS working but it's confused where to put the dresser? I'm thinking my next house upgrade it'll fix itself, maybe?
            Sorry to spam your thread. Just putting it here in case someone else has the same issue.
              taintedwheat likes this.
            • taintedwheat

              taintedwheat Master Astronaut

              Yah dewd, it def works with qc's mod ;d
                Oboromusha likes this.
              • Oboromusha

                Oboromusha Pangalactic Porcupine

                OMFG IT DOES!!!

                I'm on tier 2 of the house and it spawns there, no interference with QC's at all. Probably advice to give here is that, because of conflicting access in first tier, you have to forgo installing the mod at first, but on second tier onwards, you're golden! it's a standalone mod, no tile replacements required. holy shit, this is great ;_; now I can dress up with a miner's outfit, farmers, go to town, get fancy, shave my beard, grow my hair.

                i'm SO HAPPY WITH THIS!!!
                  Advize and taintedwheat like this.
                • taintedwheat

                  taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                  damn, you know now I'm thinking there should be an edited version with just a little box in front of the mirror >.<, could put a small razor above that
                    Oboromusha likes this.
                  • Oboromusha

                    Oboromusha Pangalactic Porcupine

                    I'm thinking two versions of the mod. One of them uses the asset from Hailey's room (was repurpused by QC already for the bathrooms) and for guys you get that. As it stands though, it's an awesome addition for roleplaying purposes. having to go to the wizard's forced you to rush his social link to get the feature and you paid for it. never liked that.
                    • Jokerine

                      Jokerine Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      I'm mostly excited to dress up for festivals and stuff :)
                      • taintedwheat

                        taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                        to be honest, i made that and even i don't like it that much, idk i love pink, but i also like darker colors a lot too. I could probably try to make somethings 32x16, to be there in dif vers but that requires a new tile sheet. or maybe extend the canvas length of the png and add onto town interrior and/or farmhouse_tiles?

                        could be an option and there could be the way people can edit them themselves. rn, the dresser is part of the your kitchen layout.
                          Oboromusha likes this.
                        • Oboromusha

                          Oboromusha Pangalactic Porcupine

                          I just missed playing dress up for halloween with the skull mask and an apropriate funeral suit to go to the party. oh well, there's always next year :p

                          the things I see myself doing with this are:

                          growing/cutting hair
                          growing/shaving beard
                          tanning in summer
                          wearing sunglasses when it's sunny
                          dress up for work and events
                          dress up for dungeon crawling and mining

                          roleplaying heaven.
                            Cerius and Jokerine like this.
                          • taintedwheat

                            taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                            going to the fall fest as a bearded lady and being too OP for that strength game!

                            also, idk, being critical, i just think its much too big for the space but is nice in the qc mod for looks forfsure.
                              Oboromusha likes this.
                            • Dreamcometrue

                              Dreamcometrue Void-Bound Voyager

                              You know what,you're the best...thanks for the update Jinx :DD:DD
                                Superior_s and Jinxiewinxie like this.
                              • Jinxiewinxie

                                Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                                Thank you ^_^ Glad I was able to find a good solution ^_^
                                  Superior_s likes this.
                                • Nivea

                                  Nivea Starship Captain

                                  Thank you for the updates!
                                    Jinxiewinxie likes this.
                                  • Zalkyria

                                    Zalkyria Existential Complex

                                    My issue atm is that I couldn't see any of the additional accessories.
                                    • Jinxiewinxie

                                      Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                                      The accessories.xnb included in the download needs to be in the same folder as the mod. You won't see the additional accessories in the normal new character maker screen, but you should see them in the dresser's menu.
                                        Superior_s likes this.
                                      • Zalkyria

                                        Zalkyria Existential Complex

                                        Okay I see it now, question the lipstick, is it supposed to be where my neck is? I don't have the round face mod on so Idk if the lipstick is supposed to be with the round face only and isn't compatible with the flat face in the default? I did blue so its easier to see, and side view -> side view it looks fine but front view it blends in with the neck x.x

                                        Update - Yeah it works with round face mod, are you gonna make it compatible for the flat face?
                                          Last edited: Apr 21, 2016

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