I have a cold too, it sucks and I know how you feel. Stay healthy! Vitamin c does really help a lot so drink orange juice or something if you can
Well, the 1.0.0 is out, and it does work, it just has a few problems These problems are: Putting items onto AnywhereFurniture doesn't work in any good way The collision boxes for AnywhereFurniture do not work properly Rotation of the item in your hand is a bit funky (That I got completely fixed in source) For some people the serialization wont work properly (Also fixed in source) I am still working my arse off trying to fix putting items into anywhere furniture and their collision boxes, but stardew really wasnt designed to let you put furniture anywhere and it shows
Unfortunately, getting this working is turning out to be a total PITA, and I have for now taken a step away from the mod to do other things, in the hopes that when I come back to it I can look at it with fresh eyes and see a answer that I currently can not.
I also have something to add, though, HALLELUJAH PRAISE WHOEVER THE GOD IN STARDEW VALLEY IS. You can pass through objects that takes up more than one block. TV doesn't work and you can't place down the specific items that can be placed on top of tables. BUT STILL THANKS A LOT. THIS IS A TOTAL GAME CHANGER FOR ME and other people who are interested in designing the farm ^.^
The TV indeed wont work outside, unfortunately not something I can fix. Both the "place on top" and collision issues are known, but have proven difficult to fix, so I have taken some time away from this mod to hopefully be able to solve them once I look at it with fresh eyes.
I'm having the problem where my game gets stuck on saving. Could this be some mod conflict? Because I see so many people using this mod just fine but as soon as I try to put a bench outside, my game doesn't save at all.
Just looking at that and not being a modder, I would say that your issue is because of the Save Anywhere Mod but @Entoarox would know more.
According to the error log, it is trying to serialize a AnywhereFurniture object into a serializable dictionary, that should never happen... Look in all your chests and such, and see if you can find a item where the category is "AnywhereFurniture", take it into your hand, and make sure the category is "Furniture" again when you try to put it in a chest. Something caused my dynamic instance replacement to fail, and a AnywhereFurniture object somehow remained when it shouldnt, causing the issue in question.
I took that mod out and still happens unfortunately. I don't have any item that says that. I just started a new game, took a chair from the house and put it outside, went to sleep and it was stuck on save again, so in this case it can't be a item on a chest since that save was brand new and didn't have any chests/items. Here's the updated log. edit: I just tried to take all my mods out besides this one to see if it worked. No luck, damn...
Just wanted to add that this ^ happened to me as well. I figured it was something to do with my ineptitude, but perhaps not.
Entoarox updated [SMAPI] Furniture Anywhere with a new update entry: Fixing stuffs! Read the rest of this update entry...
I ran into an issue and I believe it's because of this mod. It's the 28th of summer and as soon as I go to bed, I crash. After a few errors, I concluded that placing the Junimo plush I acquired that very day caused it. Are there any more items that are buggy/we cannot place? Or was it just something specific to my placing the plush on that day? lol. (some things are in Spanish, as my system's language is Spanish and I can't seem to change it)