RELEASED [SMAPI] Faster Paths 1.3.3

Walk faster while on a path!

  1. Entoarox

    Entoarox Oxygen Tank

    Entoarox submitted a new mod:

    [SMAPI] Faster Paths - Walk faster while on a path!

    Read more about this mod...
      chenjohn0329 and BlankSlater like this.
    • SKKN

      SKKN Big Damn Hero

      how about the movement speed cheat from CJB cheat menu?
      • Entoarox

        Entoarox Oxygen Tank

        That seems to be compatible, but dont quote me on it since I havent actually dug into the code to make sure :p

        Edit: Just checked the code, that isnt compatible either >_<
        Should I add a base movement speed change config so you dont need either?
        • SKKN

          SKKN Big Damn Hero

          Yeah that would be nice. I like using his mod but it kina gets a bit too cheaty. Im only using it for the base movement speed boost but you know, you kina end up using some of the stuff in it cuz you just cant resist it lol.

          Also will this be compatible with this? :

          Do let us know if you are done adding base walking speed, or were able to do so.

          Can't wait mate. Good job! :) :)

          Edit: Since you're so good at this. I just wana know if there is a way you could make a config file that increase harvest outcome from crops. Say +2 or +3 per crop (or any). It would be nice.
            Last edited: May 6, 2016
          • Entoarox

            Entoarox Oxygen Tank

            Entoarox updated [SMAPI] Faster Paths with a new update entry:

            More configuration & walk/run speed modifiers!

            Read the rest of this update entry...
              SKKN likes this.
            • SKKN

              SKKN Big Damn Hero

              Just tested it out, it works like a charm. Thank you so much for making this. :)

              Also, I think you should put a disclaimer of not to change basic walking speed and I've read it a few times in other pages that if you change base walking speed, it can break some of the events in the game like heart-events and festivals(not so sure about this but many has said so though).

              Anyway, thanks again. :D :D :D
              • Entoarox

                Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                My code checks if there is a event active and disables the speed modifier in that case, if it still has issues, it just means I need to figure out what check I am missing :p
                • SKKN

                  SKKN Big Damn Hero

                  lol nice! Well then there's nothing to worry about then. Thank a buch. Also do you think that crop might be able to work? the one that i mentioned.
                  • Entoarox

                    Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                    Not with SMAPI, most of that code is burried like you wouldnt believe >_<
                      BlankSlater likes this.
                    • taintedwheat

                      taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                      Works great n.n
                      • gobbldygook

                        gobbldygook Void-Bound Voyager

                        Just a question about the config with this mod - if I have the "runSpeedBoost" set to 2, and the "woodFloorBoost" set to 1, does the woodFloor boost add to the run speed boost and make it 3? Or do I need to make sure the path boosts are higher than the base movement boosts?

                        • Entoarox

                          Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                          Yes, they combine to 3, the path boost is a + onto the default boost.
                            gobbldygook likes this.
                          • the_grim_gamer

                            the_grim_gamer Big Damn Hero

                            So when I have the mod installed it looks like the Savage ring speed buff doesn't actually do anything but when I remove the mod it looks like it works just fine. Do these speed modifying mods just mess up speed buff items or is this not supposed to happen?
                            • Entoarox

                              Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                              I am afraid that they do indeed mess up speed modifying items, it is due to how speed modification works in stardew that causes weird behaviour if multiple speed buffs are active at once.
                              • the_grim_gamer

                                the_grim_gamer Big Damn Hero

                                Dang that's a shame. I'm still probably going to use the mod though, the speed boost on the paths is just too good to pass up. Time to find another ring.
                                • Entoarox

                                  Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                                  I am currently working on a update to EntoFramework that should hopefully not only fix the savage ring, but also allow mods that use its player API to be cross-compatible without issues.
                                  • Entoarox

                                    Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                                  • Badir

                                    Badir Big Damn Hero

                                    Does this increase the speed of horse in the paths? And the paths that are already on the city also works?
                                    • Entoarox

                                      Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                                      No idea about the horse, since I never thought to check how that one works...
                                      It will not work for paths in the town, because those arent actual *paths* as far as the game is concerned, just tiles that look like paths.
                                      Besides, the whole point is to give a benefit to putting your own paths all over the stardew world :p
                                      • SadPanda86

                                        SadPanda86 Space Hobo

                                        This mod stops working when I updated Entoarox framework to 1.6.5, it still works when I reverted Entoarox framework back to 1.6.4. This mod is useful when I built road all over the map.

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