RELEASED [SMAPI] Ento's home of Abandoned Mods

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Entoarox, Oct 3, 2016.

  1. MJPZero

    MJPZero Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If you are still taking requests, I would love to see the Social Editor Menu with NPC Locations updated for 1.11:

    This mod allows shows affection levels, NPC locations, and has a mode where affection levels can be edited. I love being able to see the actual value of the affection level and seeing the location of the NPC easily from this list. I find this mod a lot quicker and more useful than the NPC Map Locations Mod which displays NPC locations on the map.
    • Entoarox

      Entoarox Oxygen Tank

      • fatcookie

        fatcookie Void-Bound Voyager

        Wow, I wasn't aware the CJB cheats menu could edit relationships in the same way I was asking about. I had seen screen shots (must have been an older version?) where the only option was something like "pause relationship decay". I watched a full video review on YouTube of the CJB cheats menu. It looks like it will do exactly what I was looking for. Still thanks so SO much for the updates you've done. You are a true hero in a sea of trolls that is the internet.
        • MaliciousPanders

          MaliciousPanders Orbital Explorer

          Hi I have Tried Pressing P for the Cheats code but nothing happened is there another button?
          • irrimn

            irrimn Pangalactic Porcupine

            Hey Ento,

            I was just wondering if you ever had a chance to look at SmartMod:

            Particularly the quickstack (TAB ) function (store same items into chest).

            The author still hasn't been seen (since Aug 29, 2016 which means it's past the 2 months finally) and I would still really, really like this mod to be made compatible. Please let me know one way or the other if you are considering / able to fix this mod or if you're simply unable (and then I can stop getting my hopes up).

            Thanks for your time.
            • Entoarox

              Entoarox Oxygen Tank

              I've been getting plenty of reports that while the in-game config UI is broken, the mod itself still functions otherwise.
              • margotbean

                margotbean Existential Complex

                I wouldn't mind seeing the actual relationship # from the Social Editor Menu added to CJB's Cheats Menu. CJB's mod does everything but that, I think.
                • Entoarox

                  Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                  I will see if it is within my ability to do so, unfortunately I am not at all familiar with how CJB handles most of its UI, so it will take a long time to figure that one out :p
                  • NEEONx

                    NEEONx Space Hobo

                    Thank you :nurunaughty:
                    • iceball411

                      iceball411 Space Hobo

                      where is the download link for the patched version of this
                      • FieryChaos

                        FieryChaos Cosmic Narwhal

                        They are all in the attached files section of the OP (1st post).
                        • ArtificialIdiot

                          ArtificialIdiot Space Hobo

                          Ummm,I can't increase my move speed with the cheat menu..
                          • Entoarox

                            Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                            Do you have EntoaroxFramework installed? That overrides speed cheats with its own mechanic due to them by default not being compatible with eachother or vanilla speed boosts, if you want a speed boost that does work with EntoaroxFramework, I recommend installing FasterPaths, it has config options to increase the walk and run speed in general, on top of the path-based boosts, but you can disable those if you want.
                            • irrimn

                              irrimn Pangalactic Porcupine

                              If by works you mean, 'hard-crashes your game to desktop whenever you try to open up the inventory menu' then yes, it works. I think it actually DOES 'work' as in the hotkey (TA:cool: still works (to quick-stack items) as long as you DO NOT open the menu -- which is why I don't understand why it couldn't just be made to be a standalone mod that doesn't crash the game when the menu is opened? If I knew ANYTHING about modding it doesn't seem like it'd be a hard fix but I'm going to have to leave that to your far more capable and experienced hands.
                              • Entoarox

                                Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                                Because stardew inventories are nowhere near as simple as you would think, I would effectively have to rewrite most of the mod to fix it, especially since some of the potential problems had already started showing up before the 1.1 update

                                TL;DR I do not have the time to do the massive rewrite that would be needed.
                                • Zebrin

                                  Zebrin Space Spelunker

                                  Thank you for keeping these updated.
                                  • ebony71

                                    ebony71 Void-Bound Voyager

                                    I was wondering if you looked into updating CJB Show Sell Item Price It hasn't been updated since March 2016. I've seen others say it works as is but if it does, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have the latest SMAPI for 1.1 and it still doesn't work. I find this mod so useful in determining what to drop during mine runs or judging crop prices and animal products. Thank you for any answers.
                                    • ebony71

                                      ebony71 Void-Bound Voyager

                                      I just put in the new SMAPI from 3 days ago and it seems to be working now. :D
                                      • Ungreen

                                        Ungreen Space Hobo

                                        <3 Thank UUU Thank UUU ;) That was so easy, I did it without the kids help! :) Happy Farmer Dance!!! :)
                                        • vigantzky

                                          vigantzky Big Damn Hero

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