RELEASED [SMAPI] Ento's home of Abandoned Mods

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Entoarox, Oct 3, 2016.

  1. secularist1337

    secularist1337 Space Hobo

    I have the latest version of SMAPI and CJB cheats menu but it still crashes as soon as i hit P for some reason.

      Attached Files:

    • Lord Gorchnik

      Lord Gorchnik Space Spelunker

      Apologies are all of these updated ones still ran with SMAPI .40 or is there a new version?
        Ladysarajane likes this.
      • Ladysarajane

        Ladysarajane Existential Complex

        You need to update to smapi version 40.1.1-3 to run these patches. And you need Stardew Valley 1.11.

        @secularist1337 - You are not running the lastest patch on CJB cheats menu. Check the first post on this topic and the patch will be there.
          Last edited: Oct 21, 2016
        • secularist1337

          secularist1337 Space Hobo

          @secularist1337 - You are not running the lastest patch on CJB cheats menu. Check the first post on this topic and the patch will be there.[/QUOTE]

          that is where i downloaded it from earlier tonight. it still crashes when i hit P
          • SpringsSong

            SpringsSong Cosmic Narwhal


            You must have downloaded them from the original topics, and not the ones that are attached to the first post of this topic. If it were the patched one, this is what it would look like in your log:

            [09:38:12.228 PM] Found Manifest: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\CJBCheatsMenu\manifest.json
            [09:38:12.246 PM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\CJBCheatsMenu\psconfigs
            [09:38:12.247 PM] Loading Mod DLL...
            [09:38:12.247 PM] LOADED MOD: CJB Cheats Menu by CJ Bok - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Simple in-game cheats menu! (@ C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\CJBCheatsMenu\CJBCheatsMenu.dll)
            [09:38:12.298 PM] [EntoPatch] CJB Cheats Menu, Patch 7: Updated for 1.1 by entoarox, ownership remains with author
            • Thecheesepolice

              Thecheesepolice Orbital Explorer

              Has anyone requested the mod where a path is added from the bus stop to the beach? It doesn't seem to have been worked on since April or so.
              • idontgetbored

                idontgetbored Space Hobo

                this mod its made by the same autor of item collector mod "automatic barn and coop doors" will be great to have it back
                • scaledwolf

                  scaledwolf Master Chief

                  Alright, I tried out the No Soil decay with everyone saying its working, it is and it isn't. Yeah the soil does not decay but you cant instagrow things on it. it wont let you, I don't know if that is purposeful or not but I had to get rid of it because of that.
                  • Entoarox

                    Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                    That is not a bug, but simply a consequence of how the mod prevents soil decay, if you are insta-growing your crops anyhow, what is the point of disabling soil decay? With both, you might as well just spawn in the money and items directly.
                    • spiritslive99

                      spiritslive99 Void-Bound Voyager

                      Would you consider patching Harvest With Scythe? The creator hasn't been on since May, and the mod has a few glitches with 1.1- most notably, it lets you get infinite sunflower seeds, for some reason. I'm still using the mod, but it would be nice if the glitchy behavior could be fixed, because I know several people have stopped using it for that reason. (Also, I wanted to thank you for going out of your way to do things like this for the community- it's really awesome of you!)
                      • Hyper445

                        Hyper445 Big Damn Hero

                        I have SMAPI installed, the latest versions available on the Nexus for CJB Item Spawner and CJB Cheat Menu, and have researched in many places, all with the same answers as this thread. I am not using the beta version of Stardew Valley, I don't even know how to do that. Even after following all these steps and updating everything, once I press the keys to open the menus in those mods, the game crashes. What am I doing wrong? I have attached the log for the crash.

                        Edit: Oh shoot, sorry; I totally didn't see those files attached at the bottom of the first post!

                        Edit 2: Works great!! Thank you so much for patching them!

                          Attached Files:

                        • jkkr

                          jkkr Void-Bound Voyager

                          So i have SMAPI 40.1.1 installed the lastest versions available, went over to nexus and grabbed CJB cheat meanu and CJB Item spawner. I try running the mod with pressing the p button to not working ( the game doesn't crash just showing happens)
                          I then grabbed them from the forms here and tried again with no luck I was tryingto find where my promgram log would show up to show you what results i am getting but not having much luck to find those.
                          • Ladysarajane

                            Ladysarajane Existential Complex

                            The latest Smapi is Getting the mods from Nexus is useless as those have not been updated to Stardew Valley 1.1. The updated mods are listed on the first post of this topic. Those patches will solve your problem.
                              jkkr likes this.
                            • jkkr

                              jkkr Void-Bound Voyager

                              Many thanks i did that before to no avail so i retried it and now it works ^_^
                              • ThatWeirdEmo

                                ThatWeirdEmo Intergalactic Tourist

                                THANK YOU SO MUCH! My game has been crashing everytime i tried I used the mod since the 1.1 update- BUT YOU JUST SAVED MY NONEXISTENT SOUL FOR THE CULTIMATE (spl?) OF MY BEING
                                • MageTabby

                                  MageTabby Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  thanks so so much!!! you're really helping me out today!! <3333 keep it up!!
                                  • Grenian

                                    Grenian Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    Glad this has been worked on, would love to see a downloadable fix for this though as I don't have visual studio. I'll be keeping an eye out though. This is one my favorite mods for things like seeds or mayo since they're minor things I don't see a reason to stand around waiting on.
                                    • Eurion

                                      Eurion Master Chief

                                      If you're talking about CJBAutomation, I've released an edited version in the original topic. But I will upload it here too just as a precaution.
                                      Besides huancz's modifications, I've modified it to include the new shed and enabled mushroom boxes in the farm cave.

                                        Attached Files:

                                        laz2727 likes this.
                                      • Khaosius

                                        Khaosius Cosmic Narwhal

                                        Hey mate, killer work with the CJB Cheat Menu; however I've discovered a small issue. If you turn on harvest with sickle, you won't gain the experience for it, and you can't level up farming. Is it possible to get a fix for that? Thanks again for all your awesome help. :D

                                        Per your Do's and Don'ts;
                                        There's nothing in the error logs, so I won't bother uploading it.
                                        I figured out it's the "harvest with sickle" by opening a new vanilla game, and harvesting 40 parsnips. Got a level up.
                                        Loaded a 15 day modded game, added a thousand gold, and harvested 50 parsnips with the sickle. No level up. Disabled harvest with sickle, planted and harvested another 50, and leveled up.

                                        I am positive I have your latest versions installed.
                                          Last edited: Oct 24, 2016
                                        • KingMasoon

                                          KingMasoon Space Hobo

                                          You are on My GREAT LIST! :3

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