RELEASED [SMAPI] Ento's home of Abandoned Mods

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Entoarox, Oct 3, 2016.

  1. hyzerone

    hyzerone Aquatic Astronaut

    Tyrindor and ekffie like this.
  2. Entoarox

    Entoarox Oxygen Tank

    Could you try adding the patched cheat menu to your mods and see if that causes the money values to show up?
    • Entoarox

      Entoarox Oxygen Tank

    • Cider

      Cider Ketchup Robot

      I would definitely love the automation mod updated, it's just quality of life at this point for me.
        ekffie likes this.
      • SpringsSong

        SpringsSong Cosmic Narwhal

        Echoing interest for the farm automation mods.

        The patched cheat menu mod is currently in my load order, as is the patched item spawner. Prices show in the item spawner menu, but not outside of the item spawner menu.

        EDIT: Also, after testing the patch for the Configurable Sprinklers mod, the highlighting feature for scarecrows and sprinklers seems to not be there? I tried checking the config, but the keybindings are set up differently than what I'm used to ("75" for the config key, which is K in-game, and "114" for the highlight key, which I'm not sure what that is). However, from what OrSpeeder said in the mod page, the highlight should be on by default, and it's not.
          Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
          vryw likes this.
        • hurrshire

          hurrshire Void-Bound Voyager

        • Entoarox

          Entoarox Oxygen Tank

          I am honestly stumped on this one :S If someone else provides proof of the mod somehow not working, I will see about patching it...

          - Farm Automation on the `todo` list, but it is not going to be right this instance :p
          • Keezie

            Keezie Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          • Ladysarajane

            Ladysarajane Existential Complex

          • SpringsSong

            SpringsSong Cosmic Narwhal

            Jokerine and vryw like this.
          • Akyesein

            Akyesein Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            Also voting for the NPC Location Mod and CJB's automation mod.
            • homerlaw

              homerlaw Void-Bound Voyager

              I was thinking about some essential mods
              1. CJB Automation, obviously
              2. Loved Labels
              3. SMAPI Harvest with Scythe
              4. No Friendship Decay

              I think those are some of the essential mods to convert, so I think those need to definitely be considered
              (also if some of those people are still active WHOOOOOPS)
                Jokerine, bi-chan and vryw like this.
              • eemie

                eemie Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

                I vote for the NPC Location mod and the Loved Labels. But I think the latter one still works?
                • Peyelle

                  Peyelle Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  Just wanted to thank you so much for doing this!
                    Moschet likes this.
                  • brenduh

                    brenduh Seal Broken

                    Help please. I'm not good at this sort of thing. I installed the latest SMAPI and the cheat menu mod that is in the thread and whenever I try to load the game, the console goes through it's thing and then crashes before loading the game. Can someone point me in the right direction please? I used the earlier version before the game updated and it worked fine.
                    • hurrshire

                      hurrshire Void-Bound Voyager

                      Not sure on the threads, but there are a couple mods I grabbed off of the Stardew Nexus that I enjoyed. Namely: Access Chest Anywhere and Simple Crop Label.
                      • Keezie

                        Keezie Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                        Yeah, now that I think about it.. there's a few I really can't play without:
                        1. CJB Automation = Will give you my first child for this. No, seriously, you can have it.
                        2. Loved Label
                        3. SMAPI Harvest with Scythe
                        4. NPC Location Mod
                        5. Simple Crop Label
                          vryw likes this.
                        • OmTsTM

                          OmTsTM Void-Bound Voyager

                          Thank you so much for the patch. I love u <3
                          • MizuBlizzard

                            MizuBlizzard Void-Bound Voyager

                            This is awesome! But my game don't start and always close. I don't know what to do. I mean, some mods are okay, but the mods you put are not working for me. Please, help? I think the problem is with the StardewModdingAPI, but i can be wrong lol. Please, help? ♥

                            Oh, forget, now is working lol
                            i forgot to get smap :rofl:DD
                            • brenduh

                              brenduh Seal Broken

                              I just got a second update and now my game isn't crashing. Hope this helps someone else.

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