RELEASED [SMAPI] Entoarox Framework 2.4.0

Makes stardew modding easier!

  1. Entoarox

    Entoarox Oxygen Tank

    I need to gather some time to do a proper round of beta testing & bug fixing, but then EF 2.0 and all its related mods can be released, unfortunately my work and a favor asked of me by family are somewhat more important to deal with, so it might be a while....
    • verogames

      verogames Space Hobo

      I completely understand!! no rush at all <3 thank you for all the nice things you do in your free time! I hope everything is okay with family.

      I just wanted to check-in :D
      • mazzon

        mazzon Void-Bound Voyager

        so, i m using AdvancedLocationLoader mod and always i use this, they don't work well, and gave this log, i'm using SMAPI 2.1

        [SMAPI] Entoarox Framework seems to change the save serialiser. It may change your saves in such a way that they won't work without this mod in the future.

        [Entoarox Framework] Interceptor: The `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\AdvancedLocationLoader\locations\ExtendedCellar\all_sheet_paths_objects\bathroom_tiles\bathroom_tiles` file is already being managed and can't be intercepted again. Some mods may not work correctly.
        [Entoarox Framework] Interceptor: The `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\AdvancedLocationLoader\locations\ExtendedCellar\all_sheet_paths_objects\CellarTiles\cellar_tiles` file is already being managed and can't be intercepted again. Some mods may not work correctly.
        [Entoarox Framework] Interceptor: The `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\AdvancedLocationLoader\locations\ExtendedCellar\all_sheet_paths_objects\CellarTiles\cellar_tiles` file is already being managed and can't be intercepted again. Some mods may not work correctly.
        [Entoarox Framework] Interceptor: The `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\AdvancedLocationLoader\locations\ExtendedCellar\all_sheet_paths_objects\CellarTiles\cellar_tiles` file is already being managed and can't be intercepted again. Some mods may not work correctly.
        [Entoarox Framework] Interceptor: The `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\AdvancedLocationLoader\locations\ExtendedCellar\all_sheet_paths_objects\CellarTiles\cellar_tiles` file is already being managed and can't be intercepted again. Some mods may not work correctly.
        • Entoarox

          Entoarox Oxygen Tank

          Just warnings, not issues, can be ignored....
            kijikun likes this.
          • Crimson FireCat

            Crimson FireCat Big Damn Hero

            Probably a dumb question, but how exactly do I use the 'console' to type stuff in?
            • Allayna

              Allayna Ketchup Robot

              in the SMAPI window, click at the bottom, and start typing
              • Entoarox

                Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                Entoarox updated [SMAPI] Entoarox Framework with a new update entry:

                Major update!

                Read the rest of this update entry...
                • Acerbicon

                  Acerbicon Pangalactic Porcupine

                  Not sure what's going on here, probably my error :oops:. Removed all of my mods other than the recently updated EF 2.0 compatible mods for easier readability.
                  • demonhunter352

                    demonhunter352 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                    Left some logs for you in the ECTD discord, Ento. Hopefully they help you narrow down the problem.
                    • Entoarox

                      Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                    • Allayna

                      Allayna Ketchup Robot

                    • Entoarox

                      Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                    • Allayna

                      Allayna Ketchup Robot

                      Getting this error for several items in xnb loader -
                      [15:01:37 TRACE Xnb Loader] Requested cache invalidation for 'TileSheets\Craftables'.
                      [15:01:37 ERROR SMAPI] Entoarox Framework crashed when loading asset 'TileSheets\Craftables'. SMAPI will use the default asset instead. Error details:
                      StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Exceptions.SContentLoadException: Xnb Loader failed loading content asset 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\XnbLoader\ModContent\TileSheets\Craftables' from ModFolder. ---> System.ArgumentException: The asset key must not be an absolute path.
                      at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModHelpers.ContentHelper.AssertValidAssetKeyFormat(String key) in C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModHelpers\ContentHelper.cs:line 201
                      at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModHelpers.ContentHelper.Load[T](String key, ContentSource source) in C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModHelpers\ContentHelper.cs:line 92
                      --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
                      at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModHelpers.ContentHelper.Load[T](String key, ContentSource source) in C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ModHelpers\ContentHelper.cs:line 137
                      at Entoarox.Framework.Core.AssetHandlers.XnbLoader.Load[T](IAssetInfo asset)
                      at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SContentManager.ApplyLoader[T](IAssetInfo info) in C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\SContentManager.cs:line 604
                      [15:01:37 TRACE SMAPI] Invalidated 1 asset names: TileSheets\Craftables. Reloaded 1 core assets.

                      Entire log -
                      • TínkerbeII

                        TínkerbeII Yeah, You!

                        When i wanted to start stardew valley it showed me the same error as allayna, tried downloading the bug fix but it still doesnt work none of the xnb loader files are working.
                        • Entoarox

                          Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                        • Entoarox

                          Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                        • Entoarox

                          Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                        • Allayna

                          Allayna Ketchup Robot

                          Well, now my xnbloader is working, but now the CBJ cheat menu movement speed doesn't work... weird
                          • Entoarox

                            Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                            EF implements its own movement API, and due to how movement speed works in SDV anything that affects movement speed is incompatible with anything else that does.
                            Install FasterPaths if you want movement speed changes that work with EF.
                            • Entoarox

                              Entoarox Oxygen Tank

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