Entoarox submitted a new mod: Entoarox Framework - Makes stardew modding easier! Read more about this mod...
I hate for the first comment to be a complaint, but there are no install instructions and it is not at all obvious where the dll should go. I haven't been able to get this to work. I'm sure it'll be the bee's knees when I'm using it properly, but I can't if I don't know what to do with the file.
You install it the same you do with any other SMAPI mod, but unless you have ALL or someone has already released their own mod using EntoFramework there isnt much use in installing just this, since none of its functionality has any purpose without other mods to make use of it.
Entoarox updated Entoarox Framework with a new update entry: New stuffs! Read the rest of this update entry...
Hey, I tried to use your Framework since ALL wanted it, but it throws a Null Reference Exception while trying to load a config file (which does not exist) if I give him a config file, it changes the keys to DebugMode and GamePatcher but utters about an value "o" which is not allowed to be NULL. (It tries to use StardewModdingAPI.Config.UpdateConfig[T]() and ends up with an ArgumentNullException)
Entoarox updated Entoarox Framework with a new update entry: Fixing a derp on my part Read the rest of this update entry...
Entoarox updated Entoarox Framework with a new update entry: Attempt to fix the greenhouse and logging changes Read the rest of this update entry...
I updated to the newest version of this mod and my game won't load. Using updated versions (reinstalled) of ALL, EF and the patched Tego. Once i rolled back to the last version of EF it loads fine. Code: [04:08:48.004 PM] SDV Version: 1.11 [04:08:48.007 PM] Starting SDV... [04:08:48.007 PM] Injecting New SDV Version... [04:08:48.006 PM] Initializing SDV Assembly... [04:08:48.004 PM] Validating api paths... [04:08:48.004 PM] SMAPI Version: 0.40.0 1.1 [04:08:48.044 PM] Patching SDV Graphics Profile... [04:08:48.046 PM] LOADING MODS [04:08:48.046 PM] Found Manifest: C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\!EntoaroxFramework\manifest.json [04:08:48.173 PM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\!EntoaroxFramework\psconfigs [04:08:48.174 PM] Loading Mod DLL... [04:08:48.174 PM] LOADED MOD: Entoarox Framework by Entoarox - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: A framework to make stardew modding easier! (@ C:\Users\XX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\!EntoaroxFramework\EntoaroxFramework.dll) [04:08:48.184 PM] Found Manifest: C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\AdvancedLocationLoader\manifest.json [04:08:48.191 PM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\AdvancedLocationLoader\psconfigs [04:08:48.192 PM] Loading Mod DLL... [04:08:48.192 PM] LOADED MOD: Advanced Location Loader by Entoarox - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Get your content into stardew without replacing any xnb files. (@ C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\AdvancedLocationLoader\AdvancedLocationLoader.dll) [04:08:48.199 PM] Registered command: notify_ALLFinished [04:08:48.415 PM] Found Manifest: C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\Billboard_Anywhere\manifest.json [04:08:48.422 PM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\Billboard_Anywhere\psconfigs [04:08:48.423 PM] Loading Mod DLL... [04:08:48.423 PM] LOADED MOD: Billboard Anywhere by Omegasis - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Allows the user to open up the Billboard menu from anywhere. (@ C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\Billboard_Anywhere\Billboard_Anywhere.dll) [04:08:48.423 PM] Found Manifest: C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\CalendarAnywhere\manifest.json [04:08:48.430 PM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\CalendarAnywhere\psconfigs [04:08:48.431 PM] Loading Mod DLL... [04:08:48.431 PM] LOADED MOD: Calendar Anywhere by Zoryn - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Lets you open the calendar from anywhere. (@ C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\CalendarAnywhere\CalendarAnywhere.dll) [04:08:48.432 PM] [INFO] CalendarAnywhere by Zoryn => Initialized (Press F5 To Reload Config) [04:08:48.432 PM] Found Manifest: C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\CJBCheatsMenu\manifest.json [04:08:48.449 PM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\CJBCheatsMenu\psconfigs [04:08:48.450 PM] Loading Mod DLL... [04:08:48.450 PM] LOADED MOD: CJB Cheats Menu by CJ Bok - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Simple in-game cheats menu! (@ C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\CJBCheatsMenu\CJBCheatsMenu.dll) [04:08:48.478 PM] Found Manifest: C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\DailyFriendshipIncreaser\manifest.json [04:08:48.487 PM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\DailyFriendshipIncreaser\psconfigs [04:08:48.487 PM] Loading Mod DLL... [04:08:48.487 PM] LOADED MOD: DailyFriendshipIncreaser by - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Allows player to customize friendship increases daily (@ C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\DailyFriendshipIncreaser\DailyFriendshipIncreaser.dll) [04:08:48.498 PM] Found Manifest: C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\Fall28 Snow Day-Back to Basics\manifest.json [04:08:48.505 PM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\Fall28 Snow Day-Back to Basics\psconfigs [04:08:48.505 PM] Loading Mod DLL... [04:08:48.505 PM] LOADED MOD: Fall28 Snow Day by Omegasis - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Makes it snow on Fall 28 which makes a good explanation for all the snow. (@ C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\Fall28 Snow Day-Back to Basics\Fall28 Snow Day.dll) [04:08:48.505 PM] Found Manifest: C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\GateOpener\manifest.json [04:08:48.514 PM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\GateOpener\psconfigs [04:08:48.515 PM] Loading Mod DLL... [04:08:48.515 PM] Found Manifest: C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\NPCMapLocations\manifest.json [04:08:48.515 PM] LOADED MOD: Gate Opener by mralbobo - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Opens and closes and gates based on proximity. (@ C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\GateOpener\GateOpener.dll) [04:08:48.525 PM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\NPCMapLocations\psconfigs [04:08:48.526 PM] Loading Mod DLL... [04:08:48.527 PM] LOADED MOD: NPC Map Locations Mod by Bouhm - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Shows NPC locations on the map (@ C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\NPCMapLocations\NPCMapLocations.dll) [04:08:48.554 PM] Found Manifest: C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\SMAPISprinklerMod\manifest.json [04:08:48.561 PM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\SMAPISprinklerMod\psconfigs [04:08:48.562 PM] Loading Mod DLL... [04:08:48.562 PM] LOADED MOD: Configurable Improved Sprinklers Mod by Maurício Gomes (Speeder) - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Make the Sprinklers work better. (@ C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\SMAPISprinklerMod\SMAPISprinklerMod.dll) [04:08:48.586 PM] Found Manifest: D:\Program Files\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\TrainerMod\manifest.json [04:08:48.592 PM] Created psconfigs directory @D:\Program Files\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\TrainerMod\psconfigs [04:08:48.593 PM] Loading Mod DLL... [04:08:48.593 PM] LOADED MOD: Trainer Mod by Zoryn - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Registers several commands to use. Most commands are trainer-like in that they offer forms of cheating. (@ D:\Program Files\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\TrainerMod\TrainerMod.dll) [04:08:48.594 PM] Registered command: types [04:08:48.605 PM] Registered command: player_setmoney [04:08:48.605 PM] Registered command: player_setmaxstamina [04:08:48.606 PM] Registered command: player_sethealth [04:08:48.606 PM] Registered command: player_setmaxhealth [04:08:48.606 PM] Registered command: player_setimmunity [04:08:48.607 PM] Registered command: player_setlevel [04:08:48.607 PM] Registered command: player_setspeed [04:08:48.607 PM] Registered command: player_changecolour [04:08:48.607 PM] Registered command: player_changestyle [04:08:48.608 PM] Registered command: player_additem [04:08:48.608 PM] Registered command: player_addmelee [04:08:48.608 PM] Registered command: player_addring [04:08:48.609 PM] Registered command: out_items [04:08:48.609 PM] Registered command: out_melee [04:08:48.609 PM] Registered command: out_rings [04:08:48.610 PM] Registered command: newitem [04:08:48.610 PM] Registered command: world_settime [04:08:48.610 PM] Registered command: world_freezetime [04:08:48.611 PM] Registered command: world_setday [04:08:48.611 PM] Registered command: world_setseason [04:08:48.611 PM] Registered command: world_downminelevel [04:08:48.611 PM] Registered command: world_setminelevel [04:08:48.612 PM] LOADED 11 MODS [04:08:48.612 PM] SDV Loaded Into Memory [04:08:48.612 PM] Initializing Console Input Thread... [04:08:48.613 PM] Registered command: help [04:08:48.613 PM] Applying Final SDV Tweaks... [04:08:48.594 PM] Registered command: stop [04:08:48.594 PM] Registered command: show [04:08:48.605 PM] Registered command: player_setstamina [04:08:48.594 PM] Registered command: load [04:08:48.594 PM] Registered command: save [04:08:48.594 PM] Registered command: hide [04:08:48.594 PM] Registered command: player_setname [04:08:48.594 PM] Registered command: exit [04:08:48.656 PM] XNA Initialize [04:08:48.658 PM] XNA LoadContent [04:08:48.806 PM] Initializing Debug Assets... [04:08:51.707 PM] Game Loaded [04:08:51.707 PM] Type 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usage [04:09:17.173 PM] An error occured in the base update loop: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentLoadException: Error loading "C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\AdvancedLocationLoader\locations\TegosStardewExpansion\path_object_all_sheet\zcustom01_spring". Cannot open file. ---> System.ArgumentException: Invalid filename. TitleContainer.OpenStream requires a relative URI. at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.OpenStream(String name) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager.OpenStream(String assetName) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager.OpenStream(String assetName) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager.ReadAsset[T](String assetName, Action`1 recordDisposableObject) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager.Load[T](String assetName) at StardewValley.LocalizedContentManager.Load[T](String assetName) at xTile.Display.XnaDisplayDevice.LoadTileSheet(TileSheet tileSheet) at xTile.Map.LoadTileSheets(IDisplayDevice displayDevice) at StardewValley.Game1.setGraphicsForSeason() at StardewValley.SaveGame.<getLoadEnumerator>d__51.MoveNext() at StardewValley.Game1.UpdateTitleScreen(GameTime time) at StardewValley.Game1.Update(GameTime gameTime) at StardewModdingAPI.Inheritance.SGame.Update(GameTime gameTime)
Entoarox updated Entoarox Framework with a new update entry: Fix for a issue with the ReflectionHelper that prevented static methods from working Read the rest of this update entry...
Yes, I'm sure I was using 1.1.2, I deleted the mod and placed the new one in the mod folder then deleted it and redownloaded 1.1.1 to see if it worked fine with that one and it did. I tried out 1.1.3 and there is a new error(Made error red and bold) . [12:15:22.761 AM] SMAPI Version: 0.40.0 1.1 [12:15:22.764 AM] Injecting New SDV Version... [12:15:22.764 AM] Starting SDV... [12:15:22.763 AM] Initializing SDV Assembly... [12:15:22.761 AM] SDV Version: 1.11 [12:15:22.761 AM] Validating api paths... [12:15:22.802 AM] Patching SDV Graphics Profile... [12:15:22.803 AM] LOADING MODS [12:15:22.803 AM] Found Manifest: C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\!EntoaroxFramework\manifest.json [12:15:22.927 AM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\!EntoaroxFramework\psconfigs [12:15:22.928 AM] Loading Mod DLL... [12:15:22.928 AM] LOADED MO Entoarox Framework by Entoarox - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: A framework to make stardew modding easier! (@ C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\!EntoaroxFramework\EntoaroxFramework.dll) [00:15:22.9326][EntoaroxFramework/INFO] Created by and copyright of Entoarox, do not redistribute without permission [12:15:22.937 AM] Found Manifest: C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\AdvancedLocationLoader\manifest.json [12:15:22.945 AM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\AdvancedLocationLoader\psconfigs [12:15:22.946 AM] Loading Mod DLL... [12:15:22.946 AM] LOADED MO Advanced Location Loader by Entoarox - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Get your content into stardew without replacing any xnb files. (@ C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\AdvancedLocationLoader\AdvancedLocationLoader.dll) [12:15:22.949 AM] Failed to load mod 'C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\AdvancedLocationLoader\AdvancedLocationLoader.dll'. Exception details: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void Entoarox.Framework.DataLogger.Info(System.String)'. at Entoarox.AdvancedLocationLoader.AdvancedLocationLoader.Entry(Object[] objects) at StardewModdingAPI.Program.LoadMods() [12:15:22.949 AM] Found Manifest: C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\Billboard_Anywhere\manifest.json [12:15:22.956 AM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\Billboard_Anywhere\psconfigs [12:15:22.957 AM] Loading Mod DLL... [12:15:22.957 AM] LOADED MO Billboard Anywhere by Omegasis - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Allows the user to open up the Billboard menu from anywhere. (@ C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\Billboard_Anywhere\Billboard_Anywhere.dll) [12:15:22.957 AM] Found Manifest: C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\CalendarAnywhere\manifest.json [12:15:22.966 AM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\CalendarAnywhere\psconfigs [12:15:22.966 AM] Loading Mod DLL... [12:15:22.967 AM] LOADED MO Calendar Anywhere by Zoryn - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Lets you open the calendar from anywhere. (@ C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\CalendarAnywhere\CalendarAnywhere.dll) [12:15:22.967 AM] [INFO] CalendarAnywhere by Zoryn => Initialized (Press F5 To Reload Config) [12:15:22.968 AM] Found Manifest: C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\CJBCheatsMenu\manifest.json [12:15:22.975 AM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\CJBCheatsMenu\psconfigs [12:15:22.976 AM] Loading Mod DLL... [12:15:22.976 AM] LOADED MO CJB Cheats Menu by CJ Bok - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Simple in-game cheats menu! (@ C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\CJBCheatsMenu\CJBCheatsMenu.dll) [12:15:23.000 AM] Found Manifest: C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\DailyFriendshipIncreaser\manifest.json [12:15:23.007 AM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\DailyFriendshipIncreaser\psconfigs [12:15:23.007 AM] LOADED MO DailyFriendshipIncreaser by - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Allows player to customize friendship increases daily (@ C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\DailyFriendshipIncreaser\DailyFriendshipIncreaser.dll) [12:15:23.007 AM] Loading Mod DLL... [12:15:23.018 AM] Found Manifest: C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\Fall28 Snow Day-Back to Basics\manifest.json [12:15:23.025 AM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\Fall28 Snow Day-Back to Basics\psconfigs [12:15:23.026 AM] Found Manifest: C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\GateOpener\manifest.json [12:15:23.026 AM] LOADED MO Fall28 Snow Day by Omegasis - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Makes it snow on Fall 28 which makes a good explanation for all the snow. (@ C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\Fall28 Snow Day-Back to Basics\Fall28 Snow Day.dll) [12:15:23.026 AM] Loading Mod DLL... [12:15:23.033 AM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\GateOpener\psconfigs [12:15:23.034 AM] Loading Mod DLL... [12:15:23.034 AM] Found Manifest: C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\NPCMapLocations\manifest.json [12:15:23.034 AM] LOADED MO Gate Opener by mralbobo - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Opens and closes and gates based on proximity. (@ C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\GateOpener\GateOpener.dll) [12:15:23.043 AM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\NPCMapLocations\psconfigs [12:15:23.044 AM] LOADED MO NPC Map Locations Mod by Bouhm - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Shows NPC locations on the map (@ C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\NPCMapLocations\NPCMapLocations.dll) [12:15:23.044 AM] Loading Mod DLL... [12:15:23.064 AM] Found Manifest: C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\SMAPISprinklerMod\manifest.json [12:15:23.071 AM] Created psconfigs directory @C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\SMAPISprinklerMod\psconfigs [12:15:23.072 AM] Loading Mod DLL... [12:15:23.072 AM] LOADED MO Configurable Improved Sprinklers Mod by Maurício Gomes (Speeder) - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Make the Sprinklers work better. (@ C:\Users\Chad\AppData\Roaming\StardewValley\Mods\SMAPISprinklerMod\SMAPISprinklerMod.dll) [12:15:23.095 AM] Found Manifest: \Program Files\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\TrainerMod\manifest.json [12:15:23.102 AM] Created psconfigs directory @\Program Files\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\TrainerMod\psconfigs [12:15:23.102 AM] Loading Mod DLL... [12:15:23.102 AM] LOADED MO Trainer Mod by Zoryn - Version StardewModdingAPI.Version | Description: Registers several commands to use. Most commands are trainer-like in that they offer forms of cheating. (@ \Program Files\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\TrainerMod\TrainerMod.dll) [12:15:23.104 AM] Registered command: types [12:15:23.105 AM] Registered command: player_setname [12:15:23.106 AM] Registered command: player_setmoney [12:15:23.106 AM] Registered command: player_setstamina [12:15:23.106 AM] Registered command: player_setmaxstamina [12:15:23.106 AM] Registered command: player_sethealth [12:15:23.107 AM] Registered command: player_setmaxhealth [12:15:23.107 AM] Registered command: player_setimmunity [12:15:23.107 AM] Registered command: player_setspeed [12:15:23.107 AM] Registered command: player_changecolour [12:15:23.108 AM] Registered command: player_changestyle [12:15:23.108 AM] Registered command: player_additem [12:15:23.108 AM] Registered command: player_addmelee [12:15:23.108 AM] Registered command: player_addring [12:15:23.109 AM] Registered command: out_items [12:15:23.109 AM] Registered command: out_melee [12:15:23.104 AM] Registered command: show [12:15:23.109 AM] Registered command: world_settime [12:15:23.110 AM] Registered command: world_freezetime [12:15:23.110 AM] Registered command: world_setday [12:15:23.110 AM] Registered command: world_setseason [12:15:23.110 AM] Registered command: world_downminelevel [12:15:23.111 AM] Registered command: world_setminelevel [12:15:23.111 AM] LOADED 11 MODS [12:15:23.111 AM] SDV Loaded Into Memory [12:15:23.111 AM] Initializing Console Input Thread... [12:15:23.112 AM] Registered command: help [12:15:23.112 AM] Applying Final SDV Tweaks... [12:15:23.109 AM] Registered command: newitem [12:15:23.107 AM] Registered command: player_setlevel [12:15:23.104 AM] Registered command: stop [12:15:23.104 AM] Registered command: hide [12:15:23.109 AM] Registered command: out_rings [12:15:23.104 AM] Registered command: save [12:15:23.104 AM] Registered command: exit [12:15:23.104 AM] Registered command: load [12:15:23.161 AM] XNA Initialize [12:15:23.163 AM] XNA LoadContent [12:15:23.295 AM] Initializing Debug Assets... [12:15:26.170 AM] Game Loaded [12:15:26.170 AM] Type 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usage [12:43:08.119 AM] Game Execution Finished [12:43:08.119 AM] Shutting Down...
Yeah, the IL doesn't like me adding optional arguments to places that didn't have them before, just need to recompile ALL to get the IL to update.
Entoarox updated Entoarox Framework with a new update entry: Fix ContentRegistry issue Read the rest of this update entry...
Entoarox updated Entoarox Framework with a new update entry: Bug fixes and features! Read the rest of this update entry...
Entoarox I'm not sure if it is your Framework mod, or the ALL Mod but since I updated both my game crashes after clicking on the save I want to play. Unfortunately the config window for Smapi also closes before I can see if there is anything in it to tell me why it did crash.
Entoarox updated Entoarox Framework with a new update entry: Fix ContentRegistry issue Read the rest of this update entry...
Entoarox updated Entoarox Framework with a new update entry: Fix in PlayerHelper Read the rest of this update entry...
I guess I will need to take a look at the hooks I've setup for those then... Tomorrow though, it is late here.