Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Dravenace, Mar 24, 2016.

  1. Dravenace

    Dravenace Seal Broken

    hello everyone I am hopeing i got everything right but well find out. Here's what to do.

    to get divorce type:

    Type 'divorce' before going to bed and your spouse should be gone by the next morning(Your spouse's room will disappear the next time you load your save.)
    Type 'datable' if you want to re-enable his/her (single) flag.

    'bye_child" to delete your children.
    "spawn_child (name)" to spawn a child. The baby is invisible until the next morning.
    "marry (npc)"
    "kill (npc)"

    well let me know i will continue to work on it.

    Edit: Removed "kill npc"
      Last edited: Mar 24, 2016
      Hafizfitrah likes this.
    • lhamabomb

      lhamabomb Void-Bound Voyager

      I was cool up until "kill (npc)"... how is that not going to cause conflicts in the game? "Kill Pierre" hope you're stocked up on seeds and seed makers "Kill Robin" Hope you got all your construction completed. "Kill Clint" Maxed out tools and trash geodes? Good to go!

      Anyways, i like the idea... would just want to see a bit more immersion. As this mod sits right now it's more of a cheaty mod than anything else. Should make it so you have to drop to a certain amount of hearts and give your spouse an item like the bouquet (ahem divorce papers) in order to initiate the divorce. And please whatever you do don't implement alimony and child support. :DD
      • darkvergus

        darkvergus Void-Bound Voyager

        Well the least you could do was give credits to the original author..
        • Dravenace

          Dravenace Seal Broken

          I didn't use here source files i had to make my own she didn't have them posted.
          • Watagatapitusberry

            Watagatapitusberry Space Spelunker

            Lying is bad, mkay? You just updated some references(My datemod is even still in it).

            Anyways, you didn't need to remove 'kill (npc)' as killing a NPC won't break your game.
            When you 'divorce' you remove a couple of flags and then 'kill' your spouse, but the game respawns her the next day.
              farmvillesux likes this.

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