Thanks peeps, these suggestions are what is going to make this mod great. Lots to think about. After work today I'll look into the details.
I've found somewhat of a workaround to bring this mod to the community. Instead of "blocks" or "machines" being placed on your farm, there will be a configurable hotkey to bring up my custom blacksmithing options. Besides the craftable objects, the features will be similar to what has been discussed thus far. No new items will be added, just an easier way to do blacksmithing without adhering to Clint's hours and location. Perhaps at a later date this mod will be closer to my original vision. I just haven't been able to nail down saving custom content to the save file yet, and I assure you it hasn't been a lack of trying. Hopefully I can get a beta out later this morning. Basically just rewrote the whole thing. until then, take care.
I do believe you might need to override the serializer in order to get custom objects to be saved. (see for a mod that overrides the serializer) Although, if you extend the base class all machines are build on it should also allow for serialization (BreakableContainer if I am not mistaken), but you'd need to check how CA handled his own machines for that.
Actually, the FactoryMod mod was the first I looked at for guidance into modding SDV. When I downloaded and compiled FactoryMod it gave me the same error that I'm receiving. I'm going to give it another go to see if I missed something the first time. Thank you, I'm sure I'll get it eventually. I was mostly just trying to get something out so people could start using it. I'll have something available for download today or tomorrow and I'll update the OP on what it is and how to use it.
OP Updated with new Legit GUI-Only version download and some explanations of the versions that are/will be available.
Yeah. I got a major hang (a couple minutes, windows even asked if I wanted to close to program or wait until it responded) when I upgraded my pickax, I was peeking at the SMAPI window to see if there was any error messages and it had 6-8 lines of red at the bottom, but before I could read what it said, sudden crash to desktop with no error messages. I'll try out the 0.2b fix and let you know.
Yes 0.1b had a bug in it that was waiting for a menu to close, which could never close due to the game freeze. Should be working and good now. I played a few hours last night and upgraded a couple of tools without an issue.
Not a problem, it was embarrassing that I let a completely broken version out on the street in the first place. I played an entire day of mining, broke my geodes, smelted my ores and ate enough food to upgrade my steel pickaxe to gold.... then crash. I nearly jumped out of my chair trying to open the page to see if others had the issue. I have 17 other mods installed so, I immediately thought conflict. Luckily @Vith had already confirmed the mod was broken. It only took me a few minutes to see that I'd push a test code piece to the master branch. Anyway, long story short, was broke, now fixed. It's good to hear people are enjoying the mod. Take care all.
Just stopping by to thank your for this awesome mod! Using it on my second playthrough and haven't had the chance yet to upgrade my stuff, but it is definitely useful!
Please, don't be embarrassed, it is not a measure of how great of a developer you are in the least. It's a good thing to have an open forum so we can communicate and help each other, to help stomp out bugs. We are human and prone to mistakes.
Indeed and thanks for the support @SasuraUchiha In the beginning it's hard to decide on double resources or hard earned cash, but since I'm a grinder the choice is easily double mats. For example on my new play through once the bushes give salmon berries (half way through spring or so) I get them all and hit the mines... hard. With all that food I normally end up around level 60 in a few days and work through to 80 in a couple more. It usually works out pretty perfect so I can upgrade my axe and pick to gold around Summer 1st. Hope you enjoy it once you get the mats Oh and watch your stamina, I pushed my toon over the edge because I wasn't paying attention.
This will tie in nicely with Siv's Marriage Mod where I'm married to Clint, who has a small forge in the house but it's just aesthetic at the moment. Gotta have my perks, married to a smith.
I do not have the luxury of being married to Clint (although someone did a sprite/portait edit of him that makes me wanna rethink that), but I am using a bigger house mod that gives me a smithy in my basement, and it always irked me that I couldn't actually process geodes on the anvil there. this is perfect, will def be installing, soon as I can. thank you. Editing to update - I have installed this and I absolutely love it, thank you so much for your time and effort. Well done!