RELEASED [SMAPI 1.5] CJB Item Spawner v1.6 Beta [01-Jan-2017]

Discussion in 'Cheats' started by CJB, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. Dqrkness

    Dqrkness Space Hobo

    Same thing for me.....
    • Ludichaton

      Ludichaton Phantasmal Quasar

      I tried to launch both StardewModdingAPIs but only the one in the stardewvalley folder works (not the one in SMAPI) The one in SMAPI just puts out an error message : what.PNG .
      So, another one of your mods work (CJB Cheats Menu) at the same time. Are they incompatible ? Is there any solution ? WHAT SHOULD I DO ???
      • Red-nyan

        Red-nyan Tentacle Wrangler

        I just noticed that warp totems don't seem to be working, instead they are a placeable block. this includes craft-able warp totems, so I am honestly uncertain of whether this is how they work or if they are broken.
        • zeraxx

          zeraxx Subatomic Cosmonaut

          You can only use warp totem outside of your farm. On your farm they become decoration.
            Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
          • NotxAnonymous

            NotxAnonymous Space Hobo

            Is there any link for this for version 1.03 please?
            • Red-nyan

              Red-nyan Tentacle Wrangler

              It is placeable in any location, including off of the farm.
              • trinity-raven

                trinity-raven Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                Small thing to note. The rocks and stones that you usually mine? Instead of being able to place them, you're given the option to eat them. Just fyi...>< It might be because they're technically not an item you can get in your inventory normally but yeah.
                • ThunderLynx

                  ThunderLynx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                • CJB

                  CJB Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  FYI, a new version of the mod will be uploaded later today. The main change to the upcoming update will be a searchbar! Hopefully if I have enough time it will also contain the much requested scrolling arrows like in the options menu.
                    Glagroon, Dthrall and Samueladi like this.
                  • CJB

                    CJB Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    NEW RELEASE!!!


                    v1.3 (22-Mar-2016)

                    - NOTE: Requires at least SMAPI 0.38.3.
                    - Added: Clickable arrows for scrolling.
                    - Added: Searchbar.
                    • CJB

                      CJB Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      NEW RELEASE!!!


                      v1.4 (23-Mar-2016)

                      - Compatibility with SMAPI 0.39.1.
                        PlayfulBear and Samueladi like this.
                      • lilith1020

                        lilith1020 Void-Bound Voyager

                        can somone tell me how i remove a witcked statue
                        • lilith1020

                          lilith1020 Void-Bound Voyager

                          dont know if it send but dos somone know how to remove the wicked statue?
                          • GGBOTS

                            GGBOTS Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            So, I use the SDVMM (StarDewValleyModManager) and it's updated to latest update, so is SMAPI, it says that the mod you got here is active and working fine, yet nothing happens when I press ''i'' in-game. What should I do?
                            • LordBenneX

                              LordBenneX Intergalactic Tourist

                              It crashes my Client if I press the i Button on my Keyboard. I use SMAPI 0.39.1 and also your Cheatmenu- and Sellprice-Mod. The other both works fine but the ItemSpawner just don't works. I need it really bad to Test some Things so I hope somebody can help me to figure out what is happening there

                              Thank you very much in Advance
                              • lithophyte

                                lithophyte Void-Bound Voyager

                                So I have the updated Cheat Menu, Item Spawner, and SMAPI 0.39.1 and both the cheat panel and the item spawner keys immediately freeze my game. The cheat mod itself worked fine with the older SMAPI, but upon downloading the new versions to add the item mod neither is working despite the SMAPI start-up saying it loaded the mods just fine? Is this an active problem for other people? If so, is there a fix in the make and if not, is there a likely problem and some correlating advice to fixing it?
                                • Aryade

                                  Aryade Void-Bound Voyager

                                  SMAPI got updated to 39.2 Not sure if this has anything to do with any of my mods not working at all.
                                  • harlem2z

                                    harlem2z Intergalactic Tourist

                                    didn't work
                                    • CJB

                                      CJB Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      NEW MOD!!!

                                      CJB Automation.
                                      Machines will automatically pull and push items from adjacent chests.
                                      • ided

                                        ided Void-Bound Voyager

                                        New version of the install video to support the new smapi install method and new version of the mod

                                        I will do my best to cover your new mod tomorrow

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