RELEASED [SMAPI 0.40+] Chest Pooling/ GateOpener/ ToolCharging

Discussion in 'Gameplay Mechanics' started by mralbobo, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. madeyemoody

    madeyemoody Void-Bound Voyager

    This works more or less anywhere you have a chest available. I've dotted a few chests around the town and they all work. I have chests where i fish and stuff. I have a chest in the desert aswell just in case and that takes anything i throw into it. Best place is Clints when i bust open Geodes. I dont have to leave the stuff in chests anymore which is soooooooo good lol. Thanks for the mod mralbobo
      The DCG and RaulMarq like this.
    • Vith

      Vith Cosmic Narwhal

      I love the gate opener, thank you!
      • mralbobo

        mralbobo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      • clickeddaisy

        clickeddaisy Big Damn Hero

        Chest pooling does not seem to work for me, gate opener works flawlessly tough
        • Gyumaou

          Gyumaou Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          Has anyone tried to use the mod with a honey farm? I'm I have a design that uses CJB's Automation -- planner link -- and thought to use the Chest Pooling mod to collect the honey to one location.

          On the planner the design on the right uses 56 hives and 8 chests which can be accessed manually. The design on the left ups the hives to 60 and allows no manual access to chests -- which would work with the help of this mod. Both designs take a 9x9 square.

          The mod would need to move honey from several chests into one designated chest elsewhere. From what I gather IGNORED prevents both collecting and depositing items into a given chest. Following the same principle, would it be possible to designate chests to only distribute resources and not store/accept incoming resources?
          • The DCG

            The DCG Void-Bound Voyager

            Not currently. Because, as I understand it, CBJ actually -also- deletes and creates things in the chest according to events, things CBJ deposits into chests aren't detected by chest pooling. That is, because chest pooling uses the actual deposit event to move things (by deleting and creating them), and CBJ doesn't deposit things, but creates them in the chest. So you still have to have manual access to empty the automated chest. So 7 is the maximum you can currently automate, with diagonal activated; it won't interact with chest pooling except, as in pickling or brewing, depositing remotely.

            • Gyumaou

              Gyumaou Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              Fair enough, thanks for clearing that up. I'll stick to my current layout with manual access to chests.
              • mralbobo

                mralbobo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              • madeyemoody

                madeyemoody Void-Bound Voyager

                Thanks bro. I just tried building the Visual Studio solution but it failed. Any chance updating your github page with a built .dll file please.
                • mralbobo

                  mralbobo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  Heh, forgot to attach it. Too many manual edits for a release <_<

                  Should be there now (link from previous post)
                  • madeyemoody

                    madeyemoody Void-Bound Voyager

                    Yeah seems to be working just fine bro. Accessed the ACA menu using the B key. Deposited various things and they all went to the right places.
                    • Borodin

                      Borodin Oxygen Tank

                      Chest Pooling looks great. As I use SmartMod, I'll be curious how the next released build turns out. If I don't have to individually access 8 or more chests to distribute my backpack's holdings--all the better.
                      • madeyemoody

                        madeyemoody Void-Bound Voyager

                        Yeah with this mod you essentially need 1 chest and it'll deposit all your things into the right chests.
                          Borodin likes this.
                        • JLowDaMNKY

                          JLowDaMNKY Void-Bound Voyager

                          So do the chests need to be adjacent to each other or can they be anywhere?
                          • MadCatMephi

                            MadCatMephi Aquatic Astronaut

                            Well I can officially file this mod under "features I didn't know I couldn't live without until I had them."

                            Works like a charm. Thank you!
                            • Androxilogin

                              Androxilogin Giant Laser Beams

                              Wow, these are some awesome mods, somehow I missed this thread before.
                                Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
                              • Tyrindor

                                Tyrindor Space Kumquat

                                With 1.1 released and the new SMAPI, ChestPooling will sometimes cause a crash when putting items in a chest. It's super rare, I had ~4 crashes in a 20ish hour playthrough.
                                • mralbobo

                                  mralbobo Scruffy Nerf-Herder


                                  If you run across any really specific cases, let me know.
                                  Just did a really quick and dirty run around removing and adding things from chests, overflowing some stacks, doing things inside and outside, etc, etc. And didn't get anywhere.

                                  Could always be some weird conflict with another mod that didn't conflict pre-1.1 too...
                                    Last edited: Oct 4, 2016
                                  • Tyrindor

                                    Tyrindor Space Kumquat

                                    I will get you a crash report next time it happens.
                                      Last edited: Oct 4, 2016
                                    • Tyrindor

                                      Tyrindor Space Kumquat

                                      Only mods installed:
                                      ChestPooling, CalendarAnywhere, FishingMod, GateOpener, GiftTasteHelper. Instant Geode, ToolCharging

                                      It only happens when messing around in chests, so I assume it's related to ChestPooling.

                                      This one took 17 in-game days to rear it's head again, but this is my ~5th crash due to this over ~30 hours.

                                      I will report it over at the SMAPI thread too, because I'm unsure what is causing it.

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