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Slingshot Game Broken

Discussion in 'Support' started by Ananisapta, Mar 14, 2016.


I have had this problem

  1. Yes

  2. The Slingshot Game worked fine for me

  1. Ananisapta

    Ananisapta Space Hobo

    I tried the slingshot game at the fall festival in the village. My little guy was unable to target any of the moving objects -- he just faced away from the action and his shots didn't get out of the box.
    • Yusuke Urameshi

      Yusuke Urameshi Space Kumquat

      It's not broken. It's just the controls are really cumbersome. You have to point at the target and then pull the cursor into the opposite direction. I honestly wouldn't bother with it and just go fishing for tokens.

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