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RELEASED Slime Race Mod (Outdated) discontinued

No longer being maintained. Please check Hieru's version.

  1. Warboss_Spriggs

    Warboss_Spriggs Pangalactic Porcupine

    Whoa, now... don't you start talkin' crazy. I need my Frackin Races. It completes my Frackin set!
  2. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    XelSlime updated Slime Race Mod with a new update entry:

    Frackin' Races-related tweak

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    XelSlime updated Slime Race Mod with a new update entry:

    Frackin' Races effects properly apply 100% again.

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. Warboss_Spriggs

    Warboss_Spriggs Pangalactic Porcupine

  5. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ah yes, I know exactly what you speak of.
    I think his "anti-brony" is showing, hehe... or maybe it's just an opinion on the anthro pony style, which I'll admit I'm not a fan of... and I'm partially confused I suppose on the Ponex story. Disliking the way the world is, and embracing MLP:FiM (which itself isn't bad, nothing wrong with the show), which somehow lead to genetically altering themselves into half-horse people and running off into space...?
  6. Warboss_Spriggs

    Warboss_Spriggs Pangalactic Porcupine

    Okay, that last bit lost me. I thought this was supposed to be a Pony race that was fleeing the Ruin, or something like that. Maybe I have it confused with another pony mod...
  7. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well there's Ponex (anthro ponies), and then there's the actual ponies. They've got their own story.
  8. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    XelSlime updated Slime Race Mod with a new update entry:

    Fueledbycancer updated the weakness script.

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  9. Warboss_Spriggs

    Warboss_Spriggs Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ah~ well then I think I'd rather have the actual ponies then. Just say'n.
  10. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    XelSlime updated Slime Race Mod with a new update entry:

    new objects, tenants, and blocks

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  11. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    XelSlime updated Slime Race Mod with a new update entry:

    Hieru's slime ship + fixes for tech and ship pet

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  12. Lanthanide

    Lanthanide Void-Bound Voyager

    Dark_K likes this.
  13. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    XelSlime updated Slime Race Mod with a new update entry:

    improved ship object art + S.A.I.L., Slime Traits adjustment, new tendril weapon and craftable doors

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  14. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  15. DukeScrewface

    DukeScrewface Phantasmal Quasar

    ai replaced for everyone or just slimes?
  16. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    XelSlime updated Slime Race Mod with a new update entry:

    biochemist table, farm critter, tendril, hairstyle, furniture

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  17. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    XelSlime updated Slime Race Mod with a new update entry:

    new furniture, teleporter, tenant adjustment, ice tendrils color fix

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  18. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    XelSlime updated Slime Race Mod with a new update entry:

    slime lamp adjustment, upgradeable tier 3 tendrils, +1 body palette

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. Lindazana

    Lindazana Cosmic Narwhal

    Loving this mod and race. Have a character made up and ready to go with a friend out into the universe. While a bit humble and cramped, we all have to start somewhere within our budgets.

    That said, while testing things since I last played, I realized the xel-colored hook/grapple and tendrils matched my character's color perfectly! I was a bit sad to see that there was only a single tier of the xel-skin for the tendril weapons though, and no impact variation. Would there be any way to change the color or use the skin without having to edit the files themselves? I could also have sworn that there used to be multiple tiers of that shade, as well as a whip of it, in past versions but I may very well be imagining things.
  20. DukeScrewface

    DukeScrewface Phantasmal Quasar

    it threw this when I tried it on my server:

    [03:26:16.905] [Error] Could not apply patch from source: ..\mods\Slime Race Mod. Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'slimenpchuman' in pathApply("/converse/slimenpchuman/slimeperson")

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