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RELEASED Slime Race Mod (Outdated) discontinued

No longer being maintained. Please check Hieru's version.

  1. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sorry people, it was one of those little mistakes...
  2. Chofranc

    Chofranc Pangalactic Porcupine

    I find some bugs and compatibility problems:

    1.- In /Items/, those files that says: back.frames, bsleeve.frames, bsleevef.frames to pantsm.frames, you don't need those because you aren't editing those files, those files are from the core of the game and shouldn't be changed.
    2.- The end of your grappling hook replace the vanilla end of the grappling hook so it's have a compatibility issue, i fixed it like this.
    In /projectiles/activeitems/ rename the "climbingropehook" to "slimeclimbingropehook" inside of this file change it to " "projectileName" : "slimeclimbingropehook",".
    in the same folder change "grapplehook.lua" to "slimegrapplehook.lua" and change it too inside of the files "slimegrapplehook.projectile" and the "slimeclimbingropehook.projectile" , like this "scripts" : [ "slimegrapplehook.lua" ].
    3.- The whip has a bug that triggers an error in the starbound.log, when you maintain the click over some objects like plants or the trees it triggers an error.

    I know about this since i'm creating a custom race too.

    Here is the compatibility bug that i describe in the 2:


    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
  3. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The files are edited from DrPvtSkittles' template race mod. I'm not aware of what is and isn't needed, though if you say they aren't, I'll give it a go.

    Hm. Thanks, I wasn't sure how to go about that. I know nothing about json and LUA work, unfortunately.

    Wasn't aware of that. Maybe I never noticed because I'm using this mod with various others in a Steam collection, though I'm pretty positive I'm not relying on any other mod's resources.


    Okay! I screwed up the first attempt but I read things properly and got it right the next time, and the .frames are removed and I see I'm not crashing, so alright, didn't need those, thank you.

    No idea what's causing the issue with whips. For all I know, that's a regular problem... but it could very well because of my own work. Maybe try other whips with and without this mod in place.

    I'll wait 'til I add a new item before updating this time, however.


    I've tested whipping various plants, and it's not screwing up, so... hopefully whatever was going on is cleared up.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
  4. Chofranc

    Chofranc Pangalactic Porcupine

    The .frames you can check that in almost every custom race(including the populars) doesn't use them, you can check other custom races too to use them as a guide so don't trust blindly in just a template, those .frames files don't crash your game because they aren't exclusive of your custom race, if you changed something inside of those .frames files it will applied the changes to other races too.

    I'm glad to help, i tried your race because the appearance looks good, keep it up with the good work.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
  5. Chofranc

    Chofranc Pangalactic Porcupine

    Here you have the bouncy effect+the fall damage nullified that you were asking, the damage weakness is more complicated, i was thinking on adding damage weakness/resistance to my custom race too:

    1.-Create a folder in /stats/effects/slimebounce
    2.-Inside of the slimebounce folder create 2 files: slimebounce.LUA and slimebounce.STATUSEFFECTS

      "name" : "slimebounce",
      "effectConfig" : {},
      "defaultDuration" : 1.0,
      "scripts" : [

    function init()
      effect.addStatModifierGroup({{stat = "fallDamageMultiplier", effectiveMultiplier = 0}}) -- the multipliers goes from 0 to 1, 1 means that you receive 100% of fall damage, 0.5 means half damage, 0 mean that you don't receive fall damage
    function update(dt)
          bounceFactor = 0.65 --This value controls the bounce, higher values increase the bounce, 0.95 is the vanilla bouncy effect and it bounce a lot and can be a little annoying, i recommend you to try values of 0.95 or lower
    function uninit()

    3.- You need to modify your slimetraits.lua too with this:

    function init()
      {stat = "healthRegen", amount = 1},
      {stat = "slimeImmunity", amount = 1},
      {stat = "breathProtection", amount = 1},
      {stat = "poisonStatusImmunity", amount = 1},
      {stat = "electricStatusImmunity", amount = 1}
      script.setUpdateDelta(1) -- this need to be setted to 1 or more so it can add the status effects that require delta, 1 is good
      EffectsAdded = 0 -- this var is used for adding the effects once
    function update(dt)
        if EffectsAdded = 0 then
            status.setPersistentEffects("allSlimeStatusEffects", {"slimebounce"}) -- you can add more existing status effects like this {"slimebounce", "glow", "lowgrav", "effectX"}
            EffectsAdded = 1
    function uninit()
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
  6. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well the bounciness idea.... it's neat, but I wasn't thinking much more about it now. Other bounciness I was thinking about is something that's just part of Frackin' Universe, the "sticky slime" effect, but sayter may be handling that with Frackin' Races.

    The thought of this is amusing me though. I might have to try it, thanks. Bouncing instead of going splat might be neat.


    I could be missing something, but it doesn't seem like this is working. I made the folder, created slimebounce.statuseffect for the first bit of code, slimebounce.lua for the second bit, and put the new data into the slimetraits.lua file.

    Damage does not appear to be negated, and there's no bouncing. Maybe I'm a moron, hold on a sec...


    Alright I don't know what I'm doing. LUA is not my strong point, definitely not.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
  7. Chofranc

    Chofranc Pangalactic Porcupine

    Delete your /stats/ folder and replace it with the one that i attached below.

    Maybe yours doesn't work because the .lua and .STATUSEFFECTS files aren't of those type(you must use the "Save as..." option inside of your txteditor).
  8. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Just to be safe, I'll make a copy of what I have and set that aside, then use what you've got, 'cause... it didn't seem to take effect last time, but I'll give this a shot, yes. You've tested it, have you?


    I'm going to try and put in lines for every object and material in the regular game, for when slimes examine them. I need ideas of what they might say.


    HAHA!! You did it! It's like they're made of rubber!

    I kinda wonder if this might get on people's nerves a little though. I mean it's basically exactly like the "Sticky Slime" effect in Frackin' Universe, bouncing off of floors and walls no matter how slow or fast one is moving, though it's permanent... but making it so you bounce only when you fall from a height that'd regularly cause fall damage might be a bit too troublesome to pull off.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
    Jareix Cryvix likes this.
  9. Chofranc

    Chofranc Pangalactic Porcupine

    I find an error and i fix it in this one.

    The error it was in slimetraits.lua

    In this line: if EffectsAdded = 0 then

    It should be: if EffectsAdded == 0 then

    If you don't like the bounce effect and you only want the fall damage nullified change this line in slimetraits.lua:

    Add this line in your effect.addStatModifierGroup() in the function init

    {stat = "fallDamageMultiplier", effectiveMultiplier = 0}

    And in function update():
    status.setPersistentEffects("allSlimeStatusEffects", {}) -- you can add more existing status effects like this {"slimebounce", "glow", "lowgrav", "effectX"} if you want an status effect from franking universe you will need to check if is inside of the /stat/ folder of that mod and copy it to your own folder and rename it so you will not have compatibility issues.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
  10. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Honestly I think the bounce is fun, and I could live with it (even though I didn't like "Sticky Slime", which makes it silly to say this now), but I think it'd annoy some people. I'm gonna.... see if I can find somewhere to make a poll on it here, though I'm tempted to keep it in. Slimes being immune to fall damage, on its own, doesn't really fit to me. I mean they're not exactly graceful like avians could be.
  11. Chofranc

    Chofranc Pangalactic Porcupine

    You can reduce the fall damage instead of making it immune and you can reduce the bounce too.

    Those lines are in slimebounce.lua

    This one if you change the effectiveMultiplier to 0.5 it means that you will receive half damage from fall damage, 1 means that you will receive 100% of the damage(this is the vanilla value).

    effect.addStatModifierGroup({{stat = "fallDamageMultiplier", effectiveMultiplier = 0}})

    And to change the bounce is with this value in the same file:

    bounceFactor = 0.65

    This value controls the bounce, higher values increase the bounce, 0.95 is the vanilla bounce effect and bounce a lot, i recommend to you to try values between 0 and 0.95 if you still want to give it a try
  12. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sir I might need to add you as a contributor in Steam, what would you think of that? Hehe. I mean I don't know LUA, though I do have a friend (of a friend) who knows it, but is new to Starbound itself.

    ...Also I'd need to know who to hunt down there, but my own name is just "Xel" right now in it. Maybe just add me.

    Also, if you ever need some spritework done, maybe I can chip in there.
  13. Chofranc

    Chofranc Pangalactic Porcupine

    I send you a friend request, my steam name is Chofranc(Click this link).
    I'm not a lua expert either, all of the effects things i learned asking it in the forums and in the IRC channel, and checking other tutorial mods.
  14. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well you clearly know more than me, at least. Hehe.

    Maybe you can assist me in one other detail, unless I can figure it out by examining Frackin' Universe's "Shadow Lurch" files.

    I want to start making new weapons that look as though they're emanating from the user's hands, like tendrils of slime, or ... using a grappling hook like Spider-Man, but at the moment, I'm having issues making the wormsegment/wormend replacement images show up. It's just an invisible attack.
  15. Chofranc

    Chofranc Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm making a sword that appears from the player hand, i copied the energysword(Violium sword) and i added the function updatehand() from the fist.lua, i already make it work, i need to made the animations in the sprites.

    I'm trying to create new kind of weapons combining some mechanics of the existing one, the next weapon that i want to create is a firebreath that you can change the damage type, i can do it by combining the flamethrower with the alt ability of the adaptable crossbow.
  16. Chofranc

    Chofranc Pangalactic Porcupine

    A gathering quest to get the slime sphere.

    Copy the folders Objects and Quest into your race mod.

    Attached Files:

  17. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    XelSlime updated Slime Race Mod with a new update entry:

    new hair, alternate sprite option, new weapon stuff

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  18. Ramare

    Ramare Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hey there, everyone. This is an interesting race, particularly due to the very unique set of stats this race has in Frackin' Races, which is what lead me here to begin with. It's well-sprited as well and the gooey effect with the legs and feet is cute...but it isn't very practical for regular use because it clips out of everything. Therefore, as I'm apparently a wandering sprite smith now since I did the same thing with the Callistan race, I made some slightly edited sprites that you might want to include as optional choices.

    I also removed the small bit of "bounce" from the female sheet's run and jump sprites for similar clipping-based reasons. I had considered doing a third optional version with a better implementation of bouncy sprites (and fourth with combined shininess and bounciness) but decided against it because, despite the race's gelatin nature, I felt that would be straying a bit too far away from PG territory. Also because that would have been a ton of extra work and I'm lazy.

    The first version is just the body sprites fixed by using the human race's sprites as a stencil to crop off the extra bits and with the outline re-done by hand.

    The second version is the fixed body sprites, but with an added hint of Detailed Species-style shininess because I felt that, for a race of jello people, they didn't glisten nearly enough.

    Here are the sprites, packed into a .rar convenient to install as a mod to this mod or to include in the mod as an official optional add-on. Enjoy.

    Linkage: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1mg1n..._Race_Sprites_(smaller_file_size_version).rar

    Edit: Well, this is awkward. It appears I may have been ninja'd by the mod author. I'll have to compare our work to see if the regular version is even necessary anymore. Okay, good, slightly less awkward. My version is still better as there are still a few rogue pixels, the "bounce" is still present and there is a small difference in which pixels are what color. Yay?

    Edit 2: Replaced download with new version. Removed thumbs.db files which were both useless and making the download roughly five times larger than it needed to be.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2016
  19. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hehe... I appreciate the assistance, Ramare, but I decided to simply add a second instance of the race as "slimeperson2", with the feet adjusted, so those who want to stand in a puddle like most slimepeople art can do so, while those who want to be contained in their outfits, or just don't like standing in a puddle of themselves, can do so at the exact same time.

    If you've got the time though, or inspiration, I wouldn't mind seeing what else you can pull off. Someone else's taking a stab at a custom slime ship, for example, though there's also a ton of weapon ideas to come up with yet, and... a friend's little sister wasn't fond of how the race doesn't start with clothes, so outfits would be a thing to work on too.

    Naturally, with Suu's hair in there, a number of people want a raincoat of sorts (of open and closed varieties).
  20. misterknight

    misterknight Orbital Explorer

    is it possible to add health absorption to the slime tendrills

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