slime help

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by neophoenix36, Jan 13, 2020.

  1. neophoenix36

    neophoenix36 Aquatic Astronaut

    Hello there everyone. So I need some advice/help/ suggestions. I’m playing stardew valley on ps4. At some point I got the very bad idea of releasing slimes into town. The little jerks breed so much that whenever I now go into town the game lags pretty bad. They’re up in the background and in the river where I can’t kill them. Is there a way to get rid of them or am I SOL? I really don’t want to start a new farm at the moment but I got a feeling that’s what I’m going to have to do fix the over all problem. Any thoughts would help. Thank you
    • WilliamZ

      WilliamZ Phantasmal Quasar

      If you're playing on PC you can install a "no clip" mod just for you to be able to walk over the lake and kill those slimes, another option is to use the slingshot with explosive ammo to reach the slimes.
      • neophoenix36

        neophoenix36 Aquatic Astronaut

        It’s on ps4. I’ll give the slingshot a try and see if that helps to take them out
        • WilliamZ

          WilliamZ Phantasmal Quasar

          The slingshot probably will work, I don't know if this was patched but you could walk over the map using this method:
          • neophoenix36

            neophoenix36 Aquatic Astronaut

            Thank you Williamz. Your suggestion or using the slingshot has worked out better then I thought it would. I wasn’t able to use the out of boundary glitch in town will it lagging as bad as it is. But I’ve been able to kill a ton of the slimes with explosive rounds equipped. It’s still lagging but not nearly as bad as it was. I’ll never get them all but if I kill enough of them I’m hoping the game with stop lagging in town for the most part. Thanks again for the help

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