RELEASED Slime-Animals?! [Last Update: 09.10.2016]

Discussion in 'Livestock' started by Sabishi1985, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. Sabishi1985

    Sabishi1985 Phantasmal Quasar

    Awww... Thank you! >//<""
    • kyttyn

      kyttyn Void-Bound Voyager

      Why is there not a "download all" button? >__>
      I love them alllllllll. <3
      • Sabishi1985

        Sabishi1985 Phantasmal Quasar

        There will be a "Download all"-button. ^^ But this is a WIP-project, so please.. let me finish all of the animals first. ^^"
        • Sabishi1985

          Sabishi1985 Phantasmal Quasar


          Mooo... The cow-slimes are here! So next will be dinosaur-slimes, I guess. Ugh... xD
            bulbaswat and BananaBubble like this.
          • bulbaswat

            bulbaswat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            I'm confident in your ability. You can do the thing! After all, you've done a great job with everything so far :)
            • Sabishi1985

              Sabishi1985 Phantasmal Quasar

              Houuh.. thank you! ^///^
              It's just one small coop-animal... But testing the dinosaur-sprites will be difficult, because I don't have dinoaurs ingame yet. ^^"
              • bulbaswat

                bulbaswat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                Is there a save editor, cheat thing, or save file you could maybe download that would allow you to test it perhaps? Surely there must be something like that, right? Even if you can't test it, I'm sure someone on here might be able to for you, so that's an option as well if you're okay with someone else having what may not be the final version.
                • SasuraUchiha

                  SasuraUchiha Cosmic Narwhal

                  Love the cow! Will definitely use your animals in my next plathrough!
                  • Sabishi1985

                    Sabishi1985 Phantasmal Quasar

                    All of my slime-animal sprites worked flawlessly first try, because I'm very carefull during the process of spriting. So maybe the slime-dinosaur will follow this "tradition" as well. :,D But yeah, I've already asked a friend who can test it for me. :3 The dinosaur is just a tiny coop-animal, I should be able to do this even without testing. *tries to stay positive* :badpokerface:
                    • Sabishi1985

                      Sabishi1985 Phantasmal Quasar


                      Dinosaur-Slime: DONE!
                      Phew.. That's it. I've finished all of the barn- and coop-animals. ^^
                      I also added a link to download all animal-slimes at once. ^^/
                        bulbaswat likes this.
                      • bulbaswat

                        bulbaswat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                        I knew you could do it! They look adorable! I much prefer them over the original, which I didn't like the look of too much.

                        Just want to clarify: I am talking about the dinosaur specifically, it is the one I do not like the look of
                          Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
                        • XxhexerxX

                          XxhexerxX Phantasmal Quasar

                          The original dino looked lame, this is WAY cuter.

                          Thank you so much for the wonderful sprites. <3<3<3
                          • Sabishi1985

                            Sabishi1985 Phantasmal Quasar

                            Nearly EVERYONE hates the original dinosaur. x,D Back then, when Stardew Valley was an alpha-version, most of the sprites looked horrible. But all of them got a remake and now they look way better. Except the dinosaur. I like to think, the creator of Stardew Valley just forgot about the dinosaur. x,D
                            • BananaBubble

                              BananaBubble Void-Bound Voyager

                              If is possible and not much to ask... Can you make the cow-slimes smaller?
                              • Sabishi1985

                                Sabishi1985 Phantasmal Quasar

                                But.. they are supposed to be the biggest slimes. ^^" You might rename the BabyCow files and use them as usual cows as well.. But I'm not going to make them smaller. It was annoying enough working with their patterns. x_X
                                • XxhexerxX

                                  XxhexerxX Phantasmal Quasar

                                  I agree, they look a bit too big (and I have baby ones at the moment lol).
                                  Also, you'll need to rename the download file for baby white cows.
                                  It should be BabyWhite Cow instead of BabyCow.

                                    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
                                  • Sabishi1985

                                    Sabishi1985 Phantasmal Quasar

                                    Ugh.. Fine, I'll think about making them smaller.. But I really don't wanna do that. ^^"
                                    • XxhexerxX

                                      XxhexerxX Phantasmal Quasar

                                      My baby white cow in game didn't get slimified thus I poked around in the unpacked files.

                                      There's 3 files for baby cows, not sure what the BabyCow one is for. :X

                                      Edit: The BabyCow is for the cows outside Marnie's ranch, I think. :rofl:
                                      Conclusion: No idea what that file is for, hehehe...

                                        Attached Files:

                                        Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
                                      • BananaBubble

                                        BananaBubble Void-Bound Voyager

                                        I understand. Thanks, I'll do that :)

                                        Oh, and thank you so much for your hard work Sabishi1985!! :3
                                        • Sabishi1985

                                          Sabishi1985 Phantasmal Quasar

                                          Yeah, I already noticed. You're right. ^^ I'm renaming right now~

                                          EDIT: Fixed. Thanks for telling me. ^^
                                            XxhexerxX likes this.

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