RELEASED Slime-Animals?! [Last Update: 09.10.2016]

Discussion in 'Livestock' started by Sabishi1985, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. Sabishi1985

    Sabishi1985 Phantasmal Quasar

    I like the slime-monsters very much, but sadly beeing a slime farmer isn't fun at all.
    No matter how good you take care of them, they'll keep on attacking you... :confused:

    So I retextured the coop- and barn-animals, and now you can take care of cute slime-animals! :3

    All files go in the "Animals"-folder! ^^


    DOWNLOAD ALL (smaller cow sprites): CLICK!



    Slime-Bunny: DOWNLOAD
    Baby-Slime-Bunny: DOWNLOAD




    (I had to change the baby white chicken sprites, because it turned out, that baby w. chicken and baby ducks are sharing the same sprites...)

    Every color in one .rar-file: DOWNLOAD

    White chicken-slime: DOWNLOAD
    Baby white chicken-slime: DOWNLOAD

    Brown chicken-slime: DOWNLOAD
    Baby brown chicken-slime: DOWNLOAD

    Void chicken-slime: DOWNLOAD
    Baby void chicken-slime: DOWNLOAD

    Blue chicken-slime: DOWNLOAD
    Baby blue chicken-slime: DOWNLOAD



    Duck-Slime: DOWNLOAD
    Baby Duck-Slime: DOWNLOAD (Baby ducks and baby white chickens are sharing the same sprites!)



    Dinosaur-Slime: DOWNLOAD



    Pig-Slime: DOWNLOAD
    Baby Pig-Slime: DOWNLOAD



    Goat-Slime: DOWNLOAD
    Baby Goat-Slime: DOWNLOAD



    Sheep-Slime: DOWNLOAD
    Sheared Sheep-Slime: DOWNLOAD
    Baby Sheep-Slime: DOWNLOAD



    White Cow-Slime: DOWNLOAD
    Brown Cow-Slime: DOWNLOAD
    Baby White Cow-Slime: DOWNLOAD
    Baby Brown Cow-Slime: DOWNLOAD

    Even though I think cows should be huge, I created some smaller cows as well:
    White Cow-Slime: DOWNLOAD
    Brown Cow-Slime: DOWNLOAD
    Baby White Cow-Slime: DOWNLOAD
    Baby Brown Cow-Slime: DOWNLOAD

    Woah.. You guys kept asking for dog-slimes and cat-slimes... Geez. Take this and have fun with it. xD


    Cat-Slime: DOWNLOAD


    Dog-Slime: DOWNLOAD
      Last edited: Oct 9, 2016
    • blargsnarf

      blargsnarf Pangalactic Porcupine

      Now we just need slime pigs, slime cows, slime chickens...
        CBright likes this.
      • Sabishi1985

        Sabishi1985 Phantasmal Quasar

        I know I know.. xD I just want to check out first, if there is some demand for this... ^^"
          blargsnarf likes this.
        • BananaBubble

          BananaBubble Void-Bound Voyager

          Love the idea <3 hoping to see chickens & ducks :)
          • FarmerHowie

            FarmerHowie Void-Bound Voyager

            These are crazy-cute! I would love to see the other animals in slime form!
            • miryuo

              miryuo Zero Gravity Genie

              these chickens are adorbs hehe..
              • bulbaswat

                bulbaswat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                I need this right now. This may be my new favourite Stardew Valley mod. I <3 slimes!
                • FarmerHowie

                  FarmerHowie Void-Bound Voyager

                  OMG, even cuter ingame! Please ducks, and piggys! Heck, every animal! This really may be cute enough to kill me! :nuruflirt:
                  • LittleTeemo

                    LittleTeemo Astral Cartographer

                    remind me of slime rancher..omg
                    • Sabishi1985

                      Sabishi1985 Phantasmal Quasar


                      Duck-slimes and modified sprites for baby white chickens! :3
                      • SasuraUchiha

                        SasuraUchiha Cosmic Narwhal

                        Love those! Can't wait for when every animal is ready. I like to keep it uniform, that's why i'm not using them yet.
                        • Himbeerninja

                          Himbeerninja Void-Bound Voyager

                          Dem Duck-Slimes :,D ahahha so cute lol
                          • chenphop

                            chenphop Void-Bound Voyager

                            NIce one
                            • Sabishi1985

                              Sabishi1985 Phantasmal Quasar


                              Time to retexture the barn-animals next!
                              Let's begin with: Pig-slimes! :slowpoke:
                              • SasuraUchiha

                                SasuraUchiha Cosmic Narwhal

                                Just love it <3 Are you going to do a slime dinosaur too? Because he lives in the coop.
                                • Sabishi1985

                                  Sabishi1985 Phantasmal Quasar

                                  Of course. ^^ But I'm doing every other animal first, because I don't have the dinosaur ingame yet.. And that makes testing the new sprites a lot more tricky. ^^"
                                    bulbaswat likes this.
                                  • FarmerHowie

                                    FarmerHowie Void-Bound Voyager

                                    Thank you for the ducks and pigs! You're doing an amazing job preserving the identity of the animals but loading up on slime cuteness!
                                    • SasuraUchiha

                                      SasuraUchiha Cosmic Narwhal

                                      That's fine for me, was just asking. Don't have the dinosaur myself yet, either.X3
                                      • DrRyouBakura

                                        DrRyouBakura Void-Bound Voyager

                                        I like this, this is a nice mod.
                                        • Sabishi1985

                                          Sabishi1985 Phantasmal Quasar

                                          Thank you! :)


                                          BAAAAAAAH! Goat-slimes are here! I hope you'll like them. :up:

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