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Skull Mines and Geodes stuck in loop

Discussion in 'Support' started by AshbGamin, Jul 20, 2018.

  1. AshbGamin

    AshbGamin Space Hobo

    The Mine in the Desert... It just does the same level over and over again... So I'm not getting any good ore or anything because it has me doing the level 1 floor design for like 10 levels, and then when it does switch to what looks like a level 1-10 floor design, it gets stuck on that forever. In like a week of searching I've literally gotten to level 25+ multiple times and have only found one Iridium Ore...... I'm dying...

    Also, the same thing happens when I'm processing Magma Geodes. They will all be the same thing...it's so annoying.

    Please someone official respond with a real answer. It's ruining the game for sure.
    • oldmanstu

      oldmanstu Starship Captain

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