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WIP Skizot's Mech Warehouse.

Discussion in 'Vehicles and Mounts' started by Skizot, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. Skizot

    Skizot Zero Gravity Genie

    and with treads

    coming soon....the Drilldozer!


    Presenting Skizot's mech warehouse!!

    MOST (if not ALL of these work in game in some fashion. I am working with team pioneer on coming up with new and better mechs everyday :)
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2014
    RyuujinZERO, Ner and severedskullz like this.
  2. Skizot

    Skizot Zero Gravity Genie


    donpappillion is a BEAST.

    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
    donpapillon likes this.
  3. Skizot

    Skizot Zero Gravity Genie

    updated pic. Will be ready to release soon.
  4. Skizot

    Skizot Zero Gravity Genie

  5. kilozombie

    kilozombie Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh man that's cool. How did you make these? They look amazing, and would actually go well into the game's art style IMO.
  6. Skizot

    Skizot Zero Gravity Genie

    heh sprite art :) i'm working on a new base for the last one, no legs at ALL
  7. Skizot

    Skizot Zero Gravity Genie

  8. Skizot

    Skizot Zero Gravity Genie

    bonus points if you can guess where this is from (scaled up 400x for this pic)
  9. Halfpintflyer

    Halfpintflyer Master Chief

    The box carrier is a MULE from space station 13. Also, are these out yet?
  10. Skizot

    Skizot Zero Gravity Genie

    not yet, but ti was requested by a ss13 mod team :)
    ahappydude and Halfpintflyer like this.
  11. Halfpintflyer

    Halfpintflyer Master Chief

    There should be the ability to hack them ( Wire tool ) and allow them to run people over. Also is there an estimated time on release? These would be great to make a military base.
  12. Skizot

    Skizot Zero Gravity Genie

    they are making them hackable :) i already have the sprite ready for that :D
  13. kilozombie

    kilozombie Pangalactic Porcupine

    ...H.O.N.K. Mech one day? Maybe? Possibly?

    You did a great job on these, anyhow. Good luck with it all!
  14. Skizot

    Skizot Zero Gravity Genie

    one of the guys doing the ss13 mod already did a honk mech :)
  15. Ner

    Ner Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This is awesome. Really looking forward to this. I like the size, especially. They just look and feel powerful.

    Make a Metal Gear! Copyright be damned!

    Are Utility Mechs planned? (Construction Mechs, Mining Mechs etc.)

    How about flying mechs?
  16. Skizot

    Skizot Zero Gravity Genie

    the big tank at the bottom i have plans to make a bull dozer out of.
  17. donpapillon

    donpapillon Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Aw man, these are seriously awesome. Love the mech tanks.
  18. Skizot

    Skizot Zero Gravity Genie

    seriosman likes this.
  19. Reeddick

    Reeddick Void-Bound Voyager

    Those looks great. I like that 4-legged one the most, reminds me of the heavy mechs I used to build in Chromehounds.
    Athauxan and Skizot like this.
  20. Skizot

    Skizot Zero Gravity Genie

    holy crap someone got the reference! I loved that game :)
    Reeddick likes this.

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