RELEASED Siv's Marriage Mod - Wizard And/Or Sandy Only 1.0

Allows you to marry the Wizard and/or Sandy

  1. .Lavender.

    .Lavender. Pangalactic Porcupine

    .Lavender. submitted a new mod:

    Siv's Marriage Mod - Wizard And/Or Sandy Only - Allows you to marry the Wizard and/or Sandy

    Read more about this mod...
      breatemata, Medicell and PurpleRain like this.
    • holymou

      holymou Phantasmal Quasar

      • lansfelding

        lansfelding Void-Bound Voyager

        These are literally the two I wanted for 1.1 so I am so happy to see this!
        • lansfelding

          lansfelding Void-Bound Voyager

          I didn't use any of the extra Wizard options, and I noticed he's missing map sprites (the file that should have them has his portraits again instead). I grabbed Characters/Wizard.xnb out of Siv's original mod and that fixed the issue. It doesn't look like any of the extras overwrite that file, so it's just in the base part of the mod where it needs to be replaced.
          • .Lavender.

            .Lavender. Pangalactic Porcupine

            Alright, thanks for letting me know! Guess I made a mistake - the problem with sprite and portrait mods having the same name, easy to get confused.
            I'll update it when I get home. :)
            • GoonbaPrime

              GoonbaPrime Void-Bound Voyager

              I assume this is broken in the 1.3 beta?
              • .Lavender.

                .Lavender. Pangalactic Porcupine

                Probably. XNB Loader is. But I've been fine so far replacing the actual XNB files in Content.
                • LiveWireGoth

                  LiveWireGoth Void-Bound Voyager

                  Sorry for asking stupid questions but the files for Wizard confuse me mostly due to the part in parentheses. Is "original(ex-husband)" just mean he's Witch's ex-husband? There wasn't much explanation on the mods downloads section of the forms besides the fact you can choose between Wizard having an ex-wife or ex-husband, no mention of Abigail or being female, the folder with everything in it didn't mention anything either.

                  I kind of just want the original one but I'm sure someone would like to know too & the names of the options confuse me a little to much than they likely should

                    Attached Files:

                  • .Lavender.

                    .Lavender. Pangalactic Porcupine

                    Ah, sorry about the confusion! I'm not the best with words.
                    If you want the original wizard, you don't need to install any of those.
                    The ex-husband is talking about his spouse (the witch). So if you installed it, they would be a he/him instead of a she/her. "Rename to Witch" changes his name from Wizard > Witch for people who use fem mods. The Witch mods also change the dialogue to use she/her/Witch instead of he/him/Wizard.
                      Medicell likes this.
                    • LiveWireGoth

                      LiveWireGoth Void-Bound Voyager

                      Thank you for explaining, it's ok I'm not good at words most of the time despite doing some writing before
                      • uchihashes

                        uchihashes Intergalactic Tourist

                        You copy and paste the wizard.xnb in content - character - schedules but there also the file *spring* and already a xnb of the wizard so should I make another copy of the xnb and replace it? Thank you to anyone who helps.
                        • LiveWireGoth

                          LiveWireGoth Void-Bound Voyager

                          What do you mean by spring?
                          • jammylove123

                            jammylove123 Void-Bound Voyager

                            This happened when I kiss and marriage the wizard. What should I do? :nurusad::nurusad:

                            [​IMG] [​IMG]
                            • princelowell

                              princelowell Big Damn Hero

                              As a note, I seem to be having an issue with the Wizard 10 heart and the Secret Note 23 (or whichever is in the secret woods) co-existing. If I have the modded version of woods.xnb in the event folder in use, I can't trigger either event. If I have the vanilla woods.xnb, I get the secret note event immediately entering secret woods. I'm not sure if it's possible to make it so both can be triggered, since I'm not familiar with xnb mods and stardew events, but I thought it'd be worth mentioning in case someone else has the same problem. Presumably because Siv's marriage mod wasn't updated for the 1.3 beta w/ the secret note events? Not sure how easy of a fix it is.
                              • LiveWireGoth

                                LiveWireGoth Void-Bound Voyager

                                Now that you mention it I can't get the 10 heart event to trigger either, not sure how to fix that so I'd like some help as well
                                • kittleimp

                                  kittleimp Yeah, You!

                                  Hey there, is this still updated and functioning? And is it compatible with dialogue changes to the wizard's story?
                                  • LiveWireGoth

                                    LiveWireGoth Void-Bound Voyager

                                    I'm not sure if it's being updated but it works(there are so far only 2 heart events the second one doesn't seem to work at times) but the download for the mod comes with multiple options for the Wizard's dialog which were mentioned above.(check under my post that has a pic with me being confused) it's also the last time I know of the person that worked on this saying anything here)

                                    I might have not read your questions right so sorry if this isn't helpful
                                    • Fraloz

                                      Fraloz Void-Bound Voyager

                                      is not for starbound right?
                                      • LiveWireGoth

                                        LiveWireGoth Void-Bound Voyager

                                        Unless you can marry in Starbound(I have the game & have played it if anyone thinks I'm serious) & this mod allows you to marry the wizard or raspberry red colored redhead with a shop in the middle of the desert with a hidden casino & across from a dungeon in the game then no
                                        • LiveWireGoth

                                          LiveWireGoth Void-Bound Voyager

                                          I doubt it but anyone know if this will ever get updated, it works as far as I know but certain 1.3 events like the bear secret note have to be done with the mod off. I'd update this myself(mostly for personal use due to edited portraits I made) but I can't code for crap.
                                            Darkcedars likes this.

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