RP Siren's Call

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Vurrunna, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. HunterC1998

    HunterC1998 Cosmos Killer

    "Sounds like I'm outnumbered...eh...just don't crash and burn and I'll be cool.."
  2. Roland Weiss

    Roland Weiss Tiy's Beard

    "I think the vote's fifty-fifty at the moment; so someone else better speak up, or we're not going far with this one."
  3. HunterC1998

    HunterC1998 Cosmos Killer

    "Hell...go fast, I don't care...just get us there in one piece and I'll be fine with whatever..."
  4. TΔktik

    TΔktik Phantasmal Quasar

    "Go in fast if you insist, but try not to be too reckless. I'd prefer to survive to the landing."
  5. Roland Weiss

    Roland Weiss Tiy's Beard

    "Heh, thanks for the vote of confidence. As I said earlier, I've never crashed a ship; I just had one shot out from underneath me." Lucca takes another look at the data on the screens. "Strange anomalies, huh."
  6. TΔktik

    TΔktik Phantasmal Quasar

    "Pretty creepy, but isn't that what we should expect?"
  7. HunterC1998

    HunterC1998 Cosmos Killer

    "A vote of confidence from a fella with no clue on d-..piloting skills..wouldn't value at much.."
  8. Arra

    Arra The Waste of Time

    " Uh...Sam....Did you remember to make sure the landing stabilizers were fixed? "
  9. Dragonclaw

    Dragonclaw Supernova

    Winston sits back and examines the data on the screen.

    (My alerts broke and I didnt know this progressed)
  10. Vurrunna

    Vurrunna Giant Laser Beams

    "Well, th'likelihood o'us bein' shot at some point on our journey is nearly a given. Though I'm sure it's nuffin' we can't handle."

    The Captain smiles blankly for a moment. "... Yeah. 'Course I did." Her hand fumbles over her coat, reaching for a small data tablet as she stares at a fixed point in space. After a brief glance at the screen and a few quick taps, she gives an over-enthused nod and seems to snap back to life. "Yeah, yeah, I 'ad Miss Kritz down bellow decks make sure o'it. 'Course I did, what am I thinkin', lettin' that slip me mind that I didn't let that slip me mind..."

    Cap'n Sam clears her throat. "Anyhow. Th'mission. If'in's yer all ready, I'll proceed t'the next part o'the plan--landfall."
    Arra likes this.
  11. Roland Weiss

    Roland Weiss Tiy's Beard

    "Heh, alright, I'll keep that in mind."
    "No need to keep us waiting, Captain."
  12. TΔktik

    TΔktik Phantasmal Quasar

    She waits for the Captain to explain.
  13. HunterC1998

    HunterC1998 Cosmos Killer

    "Lay it on us Sammy.."
  14. Arra

    Arra The Waste of Time

    Phateon looks at Sam expectantly

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