"Usually this is when people realize that space travel isn't what it's cracked up to be. Sometimes it feels like long-haul trucking; though to be fair, the distances we're crossing are immense." Lucca pulls a canteen from her belt and takes a sip. "Which is why when I was doing the courier gig, I kept my sphere of influence fairly small. That bit me in the ass in the end; think I built the wrong kinda rep in that area. Or maybe I just bit off more than I could chew? Eh, that was just a cultus week for me."
With a grin and a chuckle, Lucca takes another sip from her canteen. "Whaat, you make it sound like a bad thing!"
"Ehh, I'm not sure if I'm gonna regret this or not yet..new folks, new day, new target practice for who pisses me off.." He gives a faint smirk on the last bit.
"Yeesh, stow the smoke-wagon, yeah? Trust me, last place you want to be is on a ship, with me dead at the flight controls, after you painted the nearby wall with my grey matter, because I made a disparaging remark about your hat."
"Na..got a feeling I'll enjoy your company, plus...who in the right mind would diss a hat like this?"
"The one who thinks you should be wearing your helmet." Lucca places the vac-suit helmet that was hanging from her suit's web gear on the table. "As stylish as that hat might be, it's not skookum in a vacuum, or when the bullets are flying."
"True..but helmets will obscure your vision, not be the best sunvisor, as well as become a hotbox after a while in the sun, plus, I like taking them out before they know I'm there....and I'll leave staying out of the vacuum to your piloting skills.."
"These modern helmets have a pretty good field of view, and once the suit is locked and sealed, it is climate controlled. However, you do realize that if we get a hull breach due to, I dunno," Lucca gives a bit of an aside glance to Phateon. "An experimental 'tachyon well' ker-ploding, it might be a good idea to be wearing a vac-suit, even onboard the ship? There are some things that even my piloting skills can't prevent."
"Good advice, but I never lived listening to advice.. sometimes to a bad extent..and I learned marksmanship the old fashioned way.."
"Right, that certainly explains a few things. I also see that you do a few other things the old fashioned way." "Unless it does something useful, we really should jettison that thing. Maybe we could kick it out the back to dissuade pursuers? Or just mail it to someone we really don't like."
"I know, right? Reminds me of a job when someone wanted me to ship some antimatter. Well, the bottles were faulty, so I had to ditch the whole shipment."
"Lemme think; there was twelve bottles, rated for a gram each, but I don't think they were full. They did make quite the bang when they went off; think it might've spooked the authorities with the gamma-rays alone."
"Yeah, I can imagine. So, I presume you never got caught for shipping that stuff? How'd you manage that?"